UNT- Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

SPAN 3060 - Fall 2010

Advanced Spanish Composition and Oral Practice I

Section 007 – TR – 5:00 – 6:20 a.m. Lang. 313

INSTRUCTOR: Martine PriceOffice: Lang. 401 KOffice hours: TR 4:00-4:30

and by appointment. These must be requested and confirmed via email.

Email: Office tel. (940) 369-7222

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures cooperates with the Office of Disability Accommodation to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504, Rehabilitation Act. Please present your written accommodation request to me on or before the 6th day of class.

On Seeking Outside Help and Academic Integrity: Please refer to the Student Handbook for further information

After the first day, all class activities, discussions and conversations will be conducted entirely in Spanish.

COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: All class activities are based on action learning and aimed to achieve language growth and to improve your fluency. Each student is expected to participate in a variety of role-playing and creative language activities. The student should come to class well prepared and ready to participate actively. Students are expected to know most basic grammatical concepts such as verbal tenses (present, preterit, imperfect, future, conditional, perfect tenses, subjunctive mood, etc.) object pronouns, etc.) in order to be successful in this course.


  • Brown, J. & C. Gaite (2006). Conversaciones CreadorasThird Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company.ISBN: 0-618-48107-9
  • A good bilingual and monolingual dictionary is recommended.


- Participation (Individual Positive Oral Contribution to Class) 30%

NOTE: Any absence above 2 results in a 2 point deduction from the semester grade

- Unannounced Quizzes (5)20%

- In class Compositions (2)15%

- Individual Oral Presentation10%

- Individual Oral Contribution to Group Project10%

- Final Exam (2 page composition)15%

89.9 & above=A 79.9-89.8 =B 69.9-79.8 =C 63.9-69.8 =D63.8 & below =F

You are expected to come to class prepared. By the end of the first class, you should have your classmates’ email address. There is no excuse for attending class unprepared and for not participating.Texting is not allowed. Cell phones must remain out of sight and sound. The use of laptops is not permitted. Most activities require the student’s complete focus and constant participation. Nearly a third of your grade depends on your active positive consistent oral contribution.

ON PARTICIPATION:Think of this as your direct, positive and active contribution to the class. So be fully engaged by participating in every activity. Be aware that simple attendance, although essential to your success, does not guaranteea good participation grade. The participation grades reflect the student’s level of preparation. It is painfully obvious when a student is ill-prepared.

ON ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to be punctual. 3 tardies equal 1 absence. More than 15 minutes late arrivals up to 30 minutes equal half an absence. Students are allowed 2 absences without incurring a penalty. Any subsequent absence will result in a deduction oftwo points from your final grade.

ON QUIZZES: 6 quizzes given at the beginning of class.These will be based on the assigned homework. One will be dropped.NO MAKE-UPS.

ON COMPOSITIONS: Two long compositions (500 words) Requirements: Must be done in language lab and during the class period. Must be printed, double spaced, with 1” margins and font 12pt.font: Arial. The topics will be announced well ahead of time during class.

ON THE INDIVIDUAL ORAL PRESENTATION: Each student must present information deemed most relevant based on a topic selected from the CONEXION INTERNET sections of the textbook. Requirements:Length: Minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes. Presentation must include a 2 minutes question & answer period. Presentations will identify a cultural component, and provide true cultural awareness. Presentation dates will be drawn by lottery. Visual aids, power point, transparencies, are acceptable, but student opting to read their presentation will earn a 0.

ON THE GROUP PROJECT: Must be based on “Realistic Conversational Situations”. The work will be prepared and presented by groups of 3-4 people. Minimum = 15 minutes Maximum = 30 minutes. Groups will be formed by the end of the fifth week and students should have chosen the topic of presentation by the end of the eight-week. These will be presented during the last week of class. More information will be given the first week of class.

On the Final Exam: This will be a 2 page composition. The requirements will be the same as those for the compositions. Although the topic will not be announced ahead of time, the theme for final composition will be based on one of the chapters from Conversaciones creadoras.

NO MAKE-UP for Quizzes. One missed composition may be made up provided that the excuse is deemed acceptable. On those occasions a different topic will be assigned.An absence for the Individual Oral Presentation will result in an automatic 30 % deduction. Do not be absent for the Group Project.

PLAN DE CLASES (Tentativo)

***Los estudiantes deben hacer la tarea y leer las lecturas deben antes de venir a clase.




9/2 / Syllabus y Preliminary ,
Pages: III-X; XII-XV;1-9
Chapter 1:pp.10-17.
Chapter 1:pp. 10-17 / For 8/31:
Familiarize yourself with the textbook
Scan: pp. III-X
Review Maps: pp. XII-XV
Read: pp. 1-9
Be prepared to do the activities on pp.7-9
FOR 9/2: Read& prepare pp. 10-17.
Review/Study: pp. 17
Do: pp. 15-16
9/ 7
9/ 9 / Cap. 1: p.19-27
Cap. 1: pp. 27-37 / For 9/7:
Do pp. 18 -21; Read/Listen to CD (Conv. Cread. Pp. 22; Do pp.23-24; Prepare: Concl. p. 24
Do exercise D p. 31#2 Write 5 sentences.
Review gramar & do pp. 25-27 excluding Escenas p. 27
For 9/9: Prepare pp. 27-37
Study: pp. 33-37
9/ 14
9/16 / Choose topic for INDIVIDUAL ORAL PRESENTATIONS FROM ANY “CONEXION INTERNET” such as p. 16. See Contents pages.
Cap. 2: pp. 38-46
Cap. 2, p. (47-57). / For 9/14: Review chapter 1.
Read: pp. 38-43 Do: pp. 42-46
Choose your topic for individual oral presentations from Conexión Internet…
For 9/16: Read/Listen/Do exercises/Prepare: pp. 50-57
9/ 21
9/ 23 / Cap. 2. (minicomposiciones)
pp. 50-56
PRUEBA VOCAB 2 (+gustar y otros verbos) / Hacer: minicomposición impresa: p.60 D #1 o #2 (10 oraciones)
Hacer: p. 55 A,B
Hacer: p.58-59 A,B y escribir sus opiniones sobre p.61D #1. Estudiar para la prueba.
9/ 28
30 / Cap. 3. p.66-71
Presentación Oral (grupo 1)
pp. 72-79
pp. 80-82 / Leer: pp. 66-71.
Hacer: p.72-73 A,B
Hacer: Esbozo de su composición #1 (uno de los temas p. 86 D #1 o #2.
10/7 / PRUEBA VOCAB 3 (+pronombres)
Escoger Grupos y Proyectos de Grupo.
Cap. 4, pp. 94-99.
Cap. 4, pp. 100-101
Presentacion Oral (grupo 2) / Estudiar para la prueba
Leer: pp.94-98 (Conexión Internet)
Hacer: p. 99 A,B

Composición #1 (p.86 D)

10/ 14 / Cap. 4, pp. 106-108 y Práctica
pp. 110-118
PRUEBA VOCAB 4 (+ pretérito / imperfecto)
Presentación Oral (grupo 3) / Hacer: pp 107-108 A, B
Hacer: 8 oraciones sobre algo interesante que le pasó el año pasado.

Estudiar para la prueba

10/ 19
10/21 / Cap. 7. pp. 171-176
Presentación Oral (grupo 4)
Cap.7, pp. 178-184 y Escuchar C p. 193
p. 185-189 / Leer: p.171-176.Hacer: 178 A,B
Hacer: 193 C y prepararse para escribir la composición en clase
Hacer: p. 187-189 A, B.
10/28 / Presentación Oral (grupo 5)
pp. 191-193.Repaso.
EXAMEN PARCIAL (Capítulos 1, 2, 3, 4, 7)
TBA / Hacer: p.191-192 A,B
Estudiar para el examen.
Trabajar en Presentaciones Grupo
11/4 / Cap. 8. pp. 199-202, 208-211
pp. 206 -207, 212-213
Presentación Oral (grupo 6) pp.217-219 / Leer: p. 199-202, p.204 A, B
Hacer: p.213 A,B
Escribir: 10 oraciones de acuerdo con p. 220 G 1
11/11 /

PRUEBA VOCAB 5 (+subjuntivo)

Repaso Gramatical (subjuntivo)
Cap. 9 pp.230-237
Cap. 9 pp. 238-241
Group Project Preparation / Estudiar para la prueba
Definir 15 palabras de vocabulario.
Leer: p.230-231. Hacer: 235 A,B
Trabajar en sus proyectos de grupo
11/18 / pp. 242-245
PRUEBA VOCAB 6 (+pasado subj.) pp.247-249
Presentación Oral (grupo 7) p.250G / Escribir: definiciones de 10 palabras de p. 251-254. Hacer:p.244 A,B
Estudiar para la prueba
Esbozo Composición 2 (tema tba)
11/25 / Cap. 10. p.256-262;pp. 262-268
Día de dar gracias / Escribir: el resumen de la lectura p.256-259 (8 oraciones) , p.262 A,B.
12/2 / Group Project Preparation
y 269-271
Cap. 10, pp. 272 - 274
pp. 275 – 277 / Composición # 2 debe estar lista hoy. Hacer: p.270 A,B
12/ 7
9 / Group Project Presentations
Group Project Presentations
Sep. 14
18 / PRUEBA VOCAB. 1 (+ ser y estar). Escoger presentaciones orales.
Cap. 2, p. 39 (42-49).
TBA / Estudiar para la prueba
y ver vocabulario pp. 33-37.
Leer: pp. 39-43 Hacer: p. 49 A, B.
Conexión Internet/Presentaciones

Temas y nombres para las presentaciones orales

Grupo 1, Sept. 28:


1. ______


3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Grupo 2, Oct. 9:

1. ______


3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Grupo 3, Oct. 16

1. ______


3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Grup 4, Oct. 19

1. ______


3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

Grupo 5, ______

1. ______


3. ______

4. ______

5. ______