Accounting I

Class Policies and Grading Procedures

Mrs. Butler


Attendance and Tardy Procedures

·  Regular attendance is one of the most important factors for success in this class—it is the student’s responsibility to pick up missed assignments and report to the teacher’s room to make up any work missed.

·  If a student is absent, all missed work will need to be completed according to the PISD District Student Handbook.

·  The PHS Tardy Procedure/Consequences will be followed exactly!

Class Rules

·  Students will need to bring their Accounting textbook and binder, as well as pen, pencil, and small ruler. Calculators will be issued to each student but left in the room, so students may want their own for use outside of class.

·  Personal cell phones will be taken up if used for any reason during class.

·  No candy, food, drink, etc., will be allowed in the classroom.

·  No talking during the lesson unless you have permission.

·  Students need to respect their fellow students and the teacher.

·  Any form of cheating or plagiarism will result in a grade of zero.

·  All rules and regulations in the PISD District Student Handbook will enforced.

Class Procedures

·  Students need to be in their seats with all supplies and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.

·  Students will work on Accounting problems when time has been given in class. Work on other subjects will be allowed only if Accounting has been completed and turned in.


Accounting six weeks grade will consist of:

Daily Assignments 20%

Quizzes 25%

Tests 55%

The last six weeks will consist of a certification review and testing for QuickBooks.


Students will be issued an Accounting textbook at the beginning of the year. Textbooks will be covered at all times. Students will be financially responsible for books.

Certification/Dual Credit

Upon receiving a passing grade each semester, students will receive COLLEGE CREDIT for Accounting 1303 (semester 1) and 1304 (semester 2). If a QuickBooks certification test is passed at the end of the year, students will also receive COLLEGE CREDIT for Accounting 1411. A fee of $40 will be payable to Navarro College upon successfully passing the certification exam. All college credits are through Navarro College.


Students will be required to keep a class notebook which will contain all handouts, notes, and graded assignments. The notebook will be graded at least two times each six weeks and will count as a quiz grade each time. Students may refer to their notebook during most tests. The notebook will be used throughout the entire year.

Order of Notebook: Cover Page—Your Name, Accounting 1

2nd Page—Class Policies and Procedures (this handout)

First Divider Notes

Second Divider Excel

Third Divider Workbook

Fourth Divider QuickBooks

Fifth Divider Misc

Sixth Divider Tests

Seventh Divider AAYS

Graded papers will be placed behind each divider in date order for each application.


Supplies Needed: Blue or black pen

(by 8/29) Pencil and eraser

Ruler (6” or 12”)

Notebook—2-3” size

Seven Dividers

You may use your own calculator if you wish.

You may bring one of the following for 20 Bonus Points:

1 box of tissues (10 Bonus points)

1 roll of paper towels (10 Bonus points)

Please sign and return. Retain the Policies and Procedures for your use throughout the year. This page will be placed in your notebook.


I have read and understand the Accounting I class policies and grading procedures.


Print Student’s Name Student’s Signature Date


Print Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature Date

School Year 2016-17