Animal Action Rescue (A.A.R.) Feline Adoption Application
(We reserve the right to refuse to adopt to any applicant)
(Please print legibly)
Occupation:______Employer:______How long:______
Are you willing to allow a representative to visit your home by appointment?______
What animal(s) are you interested in?______
Check any of the following reasons for adopting this pet(s): family pet___child’s pet____
companion____ gift_____ companion for other pet____ other______
How do you plan to handle inappropriate scratching? Do you: Declaw______Use soft paw products_____Retrain with other alternatives______Find pet a new home______Return to rescue____Other______
Where do you live? apartment_____rental home_____own home______condo______
mobile home______
How often have you moved in the past five (5) years?______
If you rent, do you have the landlord’s permission to own a pet?______secuirty fee_____
Landlord’s name and phone number______
If you move to an apartment or rental that does not accept pets. Do you: Give the pet(s)
to a rescue group or Humane Society______Find a new home for the pet______
Number of adults in household:___Relationship: married__roommates__other______
Do ALL family members know that you are considering adopting a pet(s)?______
Do any family members have animal allergies?____Describe:______
Do any children live/visit in the household?___Gender/ages______
Do any grandchildren live/visit in the household?___Gender/ages______
Are any children hyperactive?______have temperament or behavioral problems?_____
If yes, please explain:______
Will the pet(s) and child/children/grandchildren be under adult supervision at ALL
times?____ If no, please explain______
Do you foresee any major changes in your life in the next 15/20 years (average lifespan of a cat) such as marriage, children, health problems due to age, going away to college, etc? Yes__No__ If yes, please explain______
Do you or any family members have any serious health problems? Yes___No____ If yes,
please describe______
Number, age and type of pets currently in household:______
How many pets have you owned in the past?____Please describe what happened to each of them. Be specific______
Has a pet(s) died on your premises of Feline leukemia, FIV, FIP, or unknown causes?
Yes__No__ If yes, please explain______
Are current pet(s) spayed/neutered? Yes___ No___ If no, please explain______
Veterinarian’s name and phone number______
How do you plan to prevent fleas? Flea collar__Advantage___Frontline___Flea spray/
What would you expect vet care and flea preventative to cost yearly?______
What type of pet food do you intend to feed your pet(s)? Something from the grocery
store____ Premium food from vet or pet supply store____Whatever’s on sale______
If you are adopting a pet(s) with longer hair, how often would you groom this pet(s)?___
______Will they get haircuts?____ Do it yourself___Have groomer do it______
Will this pet(s) be strictly indoors____outdoors_____or both______
How many hours will the pet(s) be home alone on a typical day?______
What percentage of time will the pet(s) spend inside the house?______%
Where will the new pet(s) stay when home alone during the day? Free run of house_____
Will the pet(s) be allowed on the furniture? Yes____No____Some______
Do any of your current pet(s) live mostly outdoors? Describe______
Where does your current pet(s) stay when you’re gone?______
Have you always kept a collar and ID tag on your pet at all times?______
Under what circumstances do you think it is OK to let a kitten/cat outside unattended?
Please answer all with yes or no. In a quiet subdivision_____On a lot of acreage______
On a dead-end street_____With an invisible fence_____ Busy street/highway______
What circumstances would you justify giving up a pet(s)? Moving___New baby_____
Divorce___Not getting along with other pet(s)____Behavioral problems______
Child/children lost interest_____Increased work hours_____Shedding______
Allergies____Medical problems_____Urination problems______Spraying_____
Have you EVER given up a pet(s)? If so, please explain the circumstances (please use
back of page if more room is needed)______
H you EVER had a pet(s) for a very brief period of time and decided to give the pet(s) up? Why and what happened to the pet(s) (please use back of page if needed)______
Have you EVER had a serious behavior problem with a previous pet(s)?____ If so, please
Describe (use back of page if needed)______
Suppose your pet(s) develop a medical problem that becomes expensive. Do you: Find
another home for it____Pay whatever it takes_____Have it put to sleep_____Give the
pet to a rescue group or Humane Society____Other______
If you date or marry someone who does not like or want your pet(s), what would you do?
Please elaborate:______
If you are unable to keep this pet(s), will you return the pet(s) to us?______
How did you hear about us?______
Have you ever looked at or applied for a pet(s) with another rescue group?______
How long ago_____Did you adpot______Explain______
Please list the name, phone number, address of three (3) personal references
By signing and dating below, I am attesting to the truthfulness of my answers. Falsification of any of the above information will be grounds for disallowing the adoption of the rescued pet(s) and removal of said pet from my home.