Continuous Improvement Process

Department: Date:

Project Manager:


Source / Data Analysis
Results / Design, Development and Implementation / Program/Initiative Evaluation / Professional
Learning Needs
Knowing What to Look for:
What essential data sources have been identified?
How and When is the data gathered?
Who is responsible for gathering and synthesizing the data? / Converting data to meaningful information:
When is the data analyzed and by whom?
Gap Analysis:
·  What is the data indicating?
·  What is the desired level of performance?
·  What is the current or actual level of performance?
Cause Analysis:
·  What is the cause of the gap identified in the previous step? Is it related to material, financial, or human resources? / Knowing what to do:
Intervention Selection: What initiatives, programs, modifications will be implemented as a result of the data indicators and gap analysis?
What is current research telling us related to the proposed improvement initiative, programming etc.?
·  Can we replicate?
·  Do we have to originate?
Project Management:
·  Needs Analysis – Previously completed
·  Project proposal
·  Task Analysis
·  Project implementation
·  Project completion / Knowing how you’re doing:
Program Evaluation – The Logic Model:
·  Inputs – What resources are being utilized?
·  Outputs – What programs, products, and/or services are being provided?
·  Outcomes – What are the intended, measurable outcomes?
·  What are the program evaluation data points
·  When will data be gathered?
·  Reporting strategy
·  Is there a need for formative evaluation strategies?
·  Is there a need for summative evaluation strategies? / Making sure we have what it takes to get the job done
Throughout the continuous improvement process, what professional learning needs have been identified?
·  Knowledge-based
·  Skill-based
Are there costs associated with the professional learning needs?
Can TOT resources be utilized to support the initiative?
Can Site Support Team resources be used to support the initiative?


Program Analysis – Why do something?
·  What data sources were analyzed and what is/are the results indicating?
·  What is the desired level of performance as compared to the current level of performance?
·  What is/are the cause/s for the identified gap? Is it learner based, material, financial, human resources, other external influences, etc.?
Program Design, Development and Implementation – What to do!
Intervention Selection: What initiatives, programs, modifications will be implemented as a result of the data indicators and gap analysis?
Program Evaluation – How do we know it’s working?
·  Inputs – What resources are being utilized?
·  Outputs – What programs, products, and/or services are being provided?
·  Outcomes
§  What are the intended, measurable outcomes?
§  What are the program evaluation data points?
§  When will data be gathered and by who?
§  How/when will the results of the program be reported and to who?
§  Formative Evaluation of the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation processes – gathered evidence throughout the process to guide the overall process.
§  Summative Evaluation of program targets, professional learning program (if applicable) the overall planning and execution, start to finish. What was the overall success of the program and all facets of the design, development, implementation and evaluation processes?
Professional Learning Needs – What it takes to get the job done!
·  What new or improved knowledge/skills are necessary to implement the program?
·  How will professional learning be provided?
·  By who?
·  Where?
·  Cost?
