
-start learning normal x-ray anatomy on plain film

-osteopenia - loss of bone (a descriptive word for osteoporosis)

-generalized, regionalized, localized

-“localized” is the most serious

-osteomyelitis (infection), lytic metastasis (tumor)

-radiolucent – absorb little amount of x-rays

-an object that allows most x-rays to pass through (black on the film)

-contrast – shades of gray (high contrast = less shades of gray)

-bone – want high contrast

-chest - want low contrast (need to see rather subtle changes in attenuation)

-what controls image contrast? kVp = Kontrast (never solve a contrast pblm with mAs

-oral contrast - (barium) – to provide a separate in anatomy we normally wouldn’t discern

-contrast introduced in GI tract allowing us to separate tissues

-contrast also sometimes introduced into veins (venogram), arteries (arteriogram), lymph (lymph angiogram), lungs (bronchogram), CSF (mylogram – outline cord or cauda equina), and disc (discogram)

-differential absorption – most absorption is thickest portion of long bone is cortical bone, and interior portion is trabecular/medullary, next soft tissue (water density), then fat, then air

-metastasis – starts in one spot and migrated to another spot (usually cancer)

-bone infections often start in another tissue (like lung), and migrate to bone

-infective metastasis – starts in lungs and metastasizes to bone

-Hounsfield units – CT image made of voxels – a single hounsfield is unit to represent a single voxel

-hematopoiesis – formation of blood cells by marrow (driven by hormone erythropoietin)

-red marrow in young people, and yellow marrow (fatty) in older people

-marrow is production site (factory where RBC production takes place)

-every hollow chamber of bone has red marrow, in adolescents

-yellow marrow is degradation of red marrow factories (use it, or lose it)

-attenuating technologies (image reflects attenuation/absorption values)

- x-ray, tomogram (blurrogram – blurred around the edges), fluoroscopy, CT


-emission technology

-patient is emitter (MRI, and NMR ie bone scan)

-MRI releases proton, NMR releases photon

-image based upon mapping protons (MRI)

-image based upon osteoblastic bone activity (bone scan)

-two types of bone production

(1). enchondral (cartilage precursor being formed)

-long bones (enchondral growth adds length to long bone by working through a growth plate)

(2). intramembranous (direct application of new bone on old bone)

-most of skull

-happens throughout life


-finding 1st rib is KEY to getting reference in lower cervical region (it’s very unusual to be able to count down from C1/2 on AP view)

-cervical TP’s are small, often not seen

-black space=IVD

-C1 not perfectly inline with spinolaminar line

-obliques could be either ant or post

-LPO=left post oblique position (looking up right IVF)

-“LPO” should always be marked on rt side of film – place marker over the anatomy

-LAO=left ant oblique position – looking down left IVF

-“LAO” placed on rt side of film

-generally IVF’s orientated down and forward

-if left IVF, left-sided structures bound the hole, but some rt sided structures are visible


-on oblique C views, the opposite side pedicle appears round (and is superimposed over the vert body)

-oblique lumbar is to see posterior elements

-scotty dog: eye=pedicle; ear=superior articular process; leg=inf art process; neck=pars interarticularis (bone b/n joint); body of dog=lamina

-in oblique lumbar images, one ilium is perpendicular and the other is parallel to film

-flat ilium always the same as the Scotty dogs

-if LPO: left ilium visible

-if LAO: rt ilium visible

-RAO: see left ilium and left pedicles

-top of iliac crest usually intersects somewhere in the body of L4

-anterior listhesis (percentage method)

-measure distance b/n ant/post sacral promontory

-draw line down back of vert body to sacrum line

-calculate % anterior translation on the sacrum

-active growth plate; ZPC (zone of provisional calcification); primary growth center; cortex, trabecular, periosteum

-ZPC – most mature layer of the growth plate

-least mature layer of the metaphysis

-between the growth plate and the metaphysis


Where does imaging fit in the chiropractic practice?

-OPPQRST (history/identify chief complaint)

-review of systems

-exam: orthopedic, neurologic, chiropractic

-assemble info into differential dx (listed in order of probability)

-decide what further studies are required (rule-in, rule-out, monitor known conditions)

Differential accuracy depends on history and physical exam

Quality Control

-to be able to diagnose

-to not overradiate the patient

-there is more risk to patient to not get a diagnostic film then to overdose them with x-ray


Quality Control

-Anatomy: is the entire region depicted on the radiograph?

-Bone: search for signs of patient motion and evaluate technique

-can you see the big white lines and small white lines?

-Cartilage: look into the various joint spaces which may become obscured by positioning errors

-Soft tissues: helps evaluate technique and signs of injury or pathology


-Anatomy: sub-inventory

-TP, endplate, SP, lamina, vert, etc

-Bone: cortical and trabecular destruction or pathology

-Cartilage: joint spaces, search for signs of arthritis, injury, and anomaly

-Soft tissues: target approach to the regional inspection of the presented soft tissues

Diagnostic Imperatives in Radiology

-radiographs are usually only taken of the area involved, unless there is significant clinical indication to warrant full spine exposure

-imaging is for documentation not education/discovery (ie don’t take x-rays specifically for anomalies)

-in a perfect world these two items would not be mutually exclusive; however, we are required to deal with realities of cost versus benefit

-there are segments of our profession that continue to search for loopholes (beat the system)

-in the context of billing and documentation there are some appropriate uses of patient education; none of which involves the use of radiology

-improper use of billing codes or failure to document necessity for certain radiologic procedures should impede reimbursement; the worst outcome is that the behavior could be considered fraud

-a minimum of two views, at right angles to each other, must be taken for adequate initial diagnostic interpretation (helps depict a 3D object in 2D)

-single axis radiograph is not that useful and typically denied reimbursement as a diagnostic study

(except AP pelvis and frontal view of the chest)

-often the oblique view of the ankle shows the fracture most clearly

-each view has its own abilities to reveal pathologies

-decisions concerning the use of dx imaging should not be based on reimbursement

-studies obtained are based on clinical need: Rule In, Rule Out, and/or Monitor

-any film worth taking must be interpreted to reach a diagnostic conclusion

-don’t let third party payers tell you who reads the film

-no third party payer can force you to interpret the film

-the practicing chiro has control over who reads the films

-checklists limit your thinking process and are not appropriate for professional interpretation



-individuals/institutions are held responsible based on the types, and level of service they provide

-malpractice responsibilities comparable to that of a reasonable and prudent general practitioner

2 levels of liability: general practice and Specialist

-the responsibility for proper radiologic diagnosis falls to either the general practitioner or radiologist

-the burden is placed upon whomever performs the services

-federal law: all studies must be interpreted to reach a diagnostic conclusion (Public Law 97-35 sec.978)

-it is up to the general practitioner to decide who is to provide the professional component of the imaging studies

-successful transfer of liability only occurs if it is the office policy to have all imaging studies read by a certified radiologist

-3 behaviors possible in the diagnostic imaging arena:

-general practitioner could read them all (refer none)

-could refer them all to radiologist (refer all)

-send some and read some (refer some)

-if refers all: maintain general practice level of liability

-if refer none: you will have a specialist level of liability

-if refer some: specialist level of liability

-the locality rule in some counties: level of training is a limit of liability

-can’t rely on locality rule anymore

-we have 315 hours radiology training vs radiologist who has 7-9000 hours training

-chiro radiologists are about equal with skeletal radiologists and fellows at reading x-rays

-GP chiro physicians are about equal with GP medical doctors at reading films


The Radiology Report

(if the x-ray is taken, it must be interpreted)

What is the role of the report?

-verbal rendition of the film study

-medico legal communication

-insurance company

-workman’s compensation boards

-attorneys (patient’s attorney)

-provides a standard for comparison

-part of the permanent patient record

-**an x-ray report is capable of replacing the lost film

-professional communication b/n physicians, attorneys, employers, workman’s comp boards, etc

-expedite treatment by highlighting indications and contraindication for treatment

Apposition=what percent of fractured surfaces are touching

Report Format

I. Stationary (template, includes who is interpreting: name of business with address & phone#)

II. Patient information - name or ID #, and Date of Birth (or age)

III. Radiology info (the series and the date the series was performed)

IV. Technique (optional) – kvp and mas, etc

V. Body (findings) – generic description of what the image contains

VI. Impressions (Conclusion) – summarize most to least important (short phrase, ie “DJD in hip”)

VII. Recommendations (when needed) – used only when we want you to read them


Imaging Tools

-plain film


-CT & helical computerized tomography



-PET Scan

(MRI, SPECT, and PET are all sources of patient emission)

PLAIN film

-not used to look at bone density

-will not see change in density unless change is greater than 30-50%

-3-5% change (bone scan), 1-3% change to see on MR or CT

-Panorex view: bones of face (maxilla, mandible, teeth)

-panorex became affordable right after CT came along

Strengths of Plain film


-relatively low cost

-well known usage’s

-entry level diagnostic tool

-search for contraindications to further imaging

-quick assessment of gross osseous and soft tissue integrity

Weaknesses of Plain film

-ionizing radiation

-relatively poor case resolution/outcome (not talking about line-pair performance)

-not as capable as CT/MRI at revealing pathology

-poor spatial localization

-3D in 2D

-soft tissues generally not seen

-soft tissues seen best in MR

-frequently fail to document fractures, even under ideal conditions

Plain film limited by:

-poor patient positioning

-patient motion (esp. if kvp or mA is too low)

-incomplete series

-trauma patients, the elderly may not be able to cooperate during the exam

-C1-C2 & C6-C7 regions tough to evaluate

Plain film proper use

-introductory study

-can evaluate intervertebral foramen well

-use to rule out contraindications for advanced imaging

-not good for central canal stenosis


-precursor to CT

Classic head patterns:

  1. Linear
  2. Circular
  3. Elliptical
  4. Hypocycloidal
  5. Trispiral

-both tube and film move creating a “pivot point,” which can be adjusted


-edges of image are blurred, but center of image is in focus


-air was the 1st contrast agent used

-air was hard to control (ie air embolus headaches could arise)

-other materials include poppy seed oil, pantopaque (neither are water soluble)

-in the 1940’s water soluble products (but they were very toxic – arachnoiditis, etc)

-in 1970, metrizamide: non-ionic, water soluble, in use today


-arachnoidits (less than 1%)

-infections (needle)

-arterial bleeding (large caliber needles, blind stick – can slice aa or vv – epidural hematoma)

-headache is most frequent complication


Proper use of myelography

-if CT or MR is not available

-people who cannot undergo MRI b/c of time, size, claustrophobia, or embedded metal

-Maybe used in conjunction with CT


-blunting of nrv root sleeves

-maybe a complication of myelography

-intradural-intramedullary lesions

-headache (most people get a headache: 8/10)

-contrast isn’t the problem, but the puncturing of the dural sleeve, and the release of a drop of blood into the CSF (CSF is highly filtered blood with all proteins taken out)

-it is believed that the proteins (from a drop of blood) entering the CSF are the causative agent

-(bring a friend with that can drive patient home – in case of severe headache)

Myelography Strengths

-relatively good availability

-good cost benefit ratio

-well known utilization

Myelography Weakness

-ionizing radiation

-relatively poor resolution

-if can’t displace contrast, then pathology is hidden from us

-soft tissues not well seen (system is designed to highlight suspended metal)

-high rate of false negatives

-potential complications from contrast agent (headaches &/or anaphylactic shock)

Radionuclide Imaging Group(ie bone scan, PET scan) & MR are both emission based technology

-energy that is mapped out come from the patient

Bone Scan

-dose of radioactive material injected into vein

-takes several hours for radioactive material to get into the skeleton

-children, puppies, kittens are the most metabolically active, and therefore the most radiosensitive

-patient emits radiation in the x-ray band

-gamma camera (aka scintilloscope) maps out the radiation

-emission pattern is isotropic (emits in 360 deg and in 3-D)

-“hot spot” = area of increased uptake (of technetium)

-bone scan is hooked up to phosphanated compounds

PET scan: linked with glucose

Computerized Tomography (CT)

-an attenuating technology that provides true 3-D imaging

-16 shades of gray

-beam passes through patient as machine rotates 360 deg

-measuring throughput (attenuated remnant beam)

-pixilated image: occurs when lost some of sensory array (in modern machines)

-helical format of imaging can be done in 5 minutes

-CT is only imaging option when patient is on life support (equipment doesn’t work in presence of high magnetic field)


CT Strengths

-widely available

-Improved visualization of soft tissues (but not as good as MR)

-can provide 3-dimensional imaging *

-accurately measure a variety of structures

-image manipulation possible (benefit of CT over MR)

-can shift interest toward bone end or shift toward air end (digitally)

-may be combined with myelography

-normally, CSF is fluid-density and therefore should be colored similar to other soft tissues

-if CSF is white (much whiter than other ST), assume something was added to it: CT myelography

CT weaknesses

-higher cost than plain film

-ionizing radiation

-intracranial artifacts (star artifact)

-artifacts secondary to metallic implants

-dose is a consideration


-understand how the image is produced, why info is needed, and know which tool is most appropriate based on patient presentation

CT proper use

-very good axial images

-excellent bone detail

-some application in the neurology work-up

Helical CT

-although MR is fast becoming the dominant modality for cross-sectional musculoskeletal imaging, the availability, speed, and versatility of CT continue to make it a mainstay in emergency NMS imaging

- helical CT is faster (maybe 7 min as opposed to 20-25 min for an MR study)

-greater diagnostic yield with helical CT image

-ability to reformat the image

*This modality has several advantages:

-EXTREMELY rapid data acquisition

-optimization of contrast delivery

-reduced respiratory misregistration (only have to hold breath once)

-much more sensitive than PF in fracture identification

-multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) in 2-D and 3-D possible

-reformatted image

SPECT & PET scan – emission technologies (as opposed to attenuation-based)

-SPECT: single photon emission computerized tomography (don’t confuse with CT)

-it’s relationship to bone scan is similar to tomography’s relationship to plain film

-PET: positron emitted tomography

-more tightly linked to brain activity

-even though we’re only looking at the brain, it is a whole body dose

MRI – best tool to image CNS (ie cord)

Common problems

-spinal fracture (the more edema, the more recent the fracture)

-soft tissue injury

-skeletal survey for signs of metastasis

-post-traumatic complications (DJD, syrinx)

-peripheral entrapment

-central canal stenosis (better than CT in that MR can tell whether cord is injured)

-intracranial abnormalities


-CSF IS BLACK; TR<800 ms, TE<30 ms


-CSF (&NP) IS WHITE; TR>1800 ms, TE > 75 ms

-radiofrequency (RF) coils – greatly improved the image

-both the sender and antennae

-placed on or near area of interest

-used to excite target tissue (sender)

-also received info regarding hydrogen nuclei relaxation

Image production

-hydrogen is a charged particle representing 80% of all the atoms in the body

-hydrogen behaves like a small bar magnet

-they are randomly oriented and the sum of their charges cancel out

-the MR scanner can spatially locate Hydrogen as it emits energy within the body

-in the strong magnetic field of the MR unit, the hydrogen molecules ten to align with the (or less often against) field

-the hydrogen molecules are not held static, but are induced to demonstrate precession (Wobble)

-they are aligned, but they precess or spin out of phase


-hydrogen is a charged particle representing 80% of all the atoms in the body

-hydrogen behaves like a small bar magnet

-they are randomly oriented and their charges cancel out

-the MR scanner can spatially locate hydrogen within the body

-energy must come from the patient in order to capture the mapable pattern

-in the strong magnetic field of the MR unit, the hydrogen molecules tend to align with (or against) the field

-the hydrogen molecules are not held static, but are induced to demonstrate precession (wobble)

-they are aligned, but they precess or spin out of phase

-a strict linear relationship exists b/n the frequency of precession and the MR magnetic field

-the Larmor equation forms the foundation for MR imaging

-frequency of precession = (gyro magnetic ratio) x (strength of the External field)