Step by Step Computing
Written by
Margaret Harvey-Walker
Jennifer Weirick
Project Manager
Anne Martin
We would like to thank TAFE NSW, Northern Sydney Institute, for providing the funding for the development of this handbook, produced by teachers in the Adult Basic Education Section at North Sydney College.
The authors of this handbook have made every effort to ensure that its contents are accurate. However the authors will accept no responsibility for loss or damage or consequential damages arising from the information in this handbook. Data and case study examples are intended to be fictional. Any resemblance to real persons or companies is coincidental.
All rights reserved. The worksheets in this handbook may be photocopied for student use only. Any other uses require the written permission of TAFE NSW, Northern Sydney Institute.
© TAFE NSW, Northern Sydney Institute, April 2004
Introduction to Email Contents
Introduction...... Page 1
After Studying this Handbook...... Page 2
Hardware and Software...... Page 3
Occupational Health and Safety...... Page 4
How to turn on / shut down a computer...... Page 5
Open a Document...... Page 6
Saving a document...... Page 7
Printing a document...... Page 8
Vocabulary List...... Page 9
What is Email?...... Page10
Advantages of Email ...... Page11
Registering for an Email Account...... Page12
Beware of Viruses and Worms...... Page15
Completing the Registration Form...... Page16
Opening Email...... Page19
To Check Your Email...... Page21
To Send an Email...... Page23
Checking Your Email...... Page25
Using Contacts...... Page27
Sending an Attachment...... Page29
Replying to a Message...... Page31
Organising Your Mail Into Folders...... Page32
Deleting Messages...... Page33
Common Abbreviations...... Page34
Checklist of Skills...... Page35
Congratulations...... Page36
Step by Step Computing
This booklet is part of a series of Step by Step Computing handbooks for beginners, explaining how to use a computer.
Titles are: Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Internet ,Email.
The booklets contain vocabulary for the topic and easy to follow instructions for each activity.
The language used is simple and easy to understand.
Skills will improve as you move through each of the activities in the handbook.
After studying this handbook you will be able to:
Identify hardware and software
Practice Occupational Health and Safety
Turn on and shut down a computer
Open a document
Save a document
Print a document
Understand email vocabulary
Be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of email
Be aware of viruses and worms
Register for an email account
Open your email
Check your Inbox
Send a message
Use the Address Book
Send an attachment
Reply to a message
Organise your mail into folders
Delete a message
Use common abbreviations
When you buy your computer you will get the hardware.
The price of hardware should indicate the quality and storage capacity of each piece. You can make your choice of hardware according to your needs.
keyboard central processing unit
and maybe………
You could buy your computer as a laptop.
The programs you load onto the computer are called software. They are designed to perform the activities that you need. Some examples of software are programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access.
There are specially designed programs to suit the needs of the computer user.
Occupational Health and Safety
It is important that you position yourself correctly when using your computer.
This should include:
It is important to have regular breaks when using your computer to avoid pain. Simple stretching exercises using your arms, hands and shoulders will help to keep you comfortable.
Use the monitor adjustments to control the brightness of your screen and rest your eyes by looking away from the screen occasionally.
How to Turn On the Computer
Press the power button
Check that the monitor (screen) is also turned on
Wait for the computer to display the password box (where applicable)
Type in the password (where applicable)
Click on OK
Wait for the computer to display the icons on the desktop
Wait for the timer to disappear
Insert disk or select the program that you wish to use
How to Shut Down the Computer
Close down any programs that you are using (use the X at the top right hand corner of the monitor)
Remove your floppy disk from A drive
Remove your CD from D drive
Click on Start
Click on ShutDown
Click on OK (for Shut Down Computer)
Press the power button to turn off
How to Open a New Word Document
Double click the Word icon on the desktop
A new Word document will appear on the screen
Click on Start
Click on Programs
Click on Microsoft Office
How to Open an Existing Word Document (from a floppy disk)
Turn on the computer:
Press the power button
Check that the monitor (screen) is also turned on
Wait for the computer to display the password box (where applicable)
Type in the password (where applicable)
Click on OK
Wait for the computer to display the icons on the desktop
Wait for the timer to disappear
Insert disk
Double click the Word icon on the desktop
Click on the Open button in the toolbar
Click on the drop down arrow next to the Look In box
Select 3 ½ Floppy (A:)
Click on the document that you wish to open
Click on Open
How to Save a New Document
Click on the Save button on the toolbar
The SaveAs box will appear
Click on the drop down arrow next to the Save In box
Select 3 ½ Floppy (A:)
Type the name of the document into the File Name box (the first line of the document will automatically go into the File Name box, so you may be happy with this as the document name)
Click on Save
Wait until the computer completes the save (a blue line appears at the bottom of the screen while the computer is saving the document)
Click on File on the toolbar (a drop-down menu will appear)
Click on Save As
The SaveAs box will appear
Click on the drop down arrow next to the Save In box
Select 3 ½ Floppy (A:)
Type the name of the document into the File Name box (the first line of the document will automatically go into the File Name box, so you may be happy with this as the document name)
Click on Save
Wait until the computer completes the save (a blue line appears at the bottom of the screen while the computer is saving the document)
How to Print a Document
To Print the Whole Document:
Click on Print Preview and check that the document is correct
Close Print Preview and make corrections if necessary
Click on the Print button on the toolbar
The document will be sent to the printer (a small printer icon will appear at the bottom right hand corner of the screen)
To Print Selected Pages of the Document:
Click on File
Click on Print
The Print box will appear
Select whether you want the current page to be printed or whether you want a number of selected pages to be printed
Select the number of copies
Click OK
The document will be sent to the printer (a small printer icon will appear at the bottom right hand corner of the screen)
Vocabulary for Email
Word /Meaning
Accept / Agree toAttachment / Extra information joined to your message
Check / Look at carefully
Compose / Write
Email / Electronic mail
Email address / The delivery address of your message
Gender / Sex, male or female
Hotmail / One of many Email companies
Inbox / The place to find your messages
Occupation / Job
Password / A secret code
Registering / Joining
Registration Form / Form for personal details
Reply / Answer
Send / To post a letter
Sign in / To enter
Snail mail / Traditional letters in the post
Text / Words
To / The person or place for the delivery of mail
Add any words you need
What is Email?
Email is electronic mail sent over the Internet to anybody who has a computer and who is also connected to the Internet.
Just like sending a letter to someone when you need his or her correct street address you will need their correct email address when using email.
You will see email addresses advertised in many places. These addresses will make it possible for you to send email to them. You need to copy them very carefully to be sure that your mail arrives at the correct place.
It is a good idea to keep a book of email addressees of people or places you want to contact because the Internet doesn’t easily provide address lists.
The email addresses look unusual at first but you will come to understand that the addresses start with the individuals name, initials, or a code, then an @ symbol followed by the name of the email service they are using.
An example is
Once you are comfortable sending text messages by email you will learn how to send pictures or even sounds attached to your email letters.
In this handbook you will use an email systems called Hotmail and Yahoomail which are free services used by many people around the world. Some other popular systems are, Optus Mail and Microsoft Outlook.
Many people find communicating by email enjoyable and build up a long list of email friends who like to keep in touch.
Activity:Advantages of Email
Electronic mail (email) has become a very popular way of communicating with others. It is used in business and also for personal mail.
Traditional mail (often called ‘snail mail’) posting and delivering letters is still used but there are many advantages in using electronic mail.
Find someone who uses email regularly and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using email.
Complete the table below
Electronic Mail / Traditional MailAdvantages / Advantages
Disadvantages / Disadvantages
Activity:Registering for an Email Account
Before you start to send or receive email you need to register with an email system. “Hotmail” and “Yahoomail” are popular free systems used around the world. Once you are registered you will have your own email address to give others so that they can send mail to you.
You will be asked to complete a registration form with information about yourself and to choose a user name and a password
Once you have completed the registration form print a copy to file to remind you of your password in case you forget it.
Beware of Viruses and Worms
Virus and worms are software made to cause problems to personal computers and networks. You can easily download a virus or worm to your own computer by opening email attachments.
Some virus will sit quietly until a certain date or command and then will change your files or in the worst case all the contents of your hard drive will be destroyed.
Virus Protection
Make sure that your computer has anti-virus software. If not, buy some and install it.
Upgrade the anti-virus software regularly because new viruses are being invented daily. Most softwares offer upgrades.
Don’t open email attachments unless you know who sent them, or if not, scan the attachment with anti-virus software BEFORE you open it.
If you choose not to open an attachment delete it from your Inbox and then go to your Deleted Mail folder and delete from there also otherwise it will still be on your system.
Remember to regularly back up your files by saving them to floppy disc or CD as well as to your hard drive on the computer just in case a virus attacks your hard drive.
Activity: Completing the Registration Form:
Double click on Internet Explorer
Click on Address Box
Delete the contents of the address box
Type in or
Press Enter
The registration form is now on your screen for you to complete.
Click on “New User? Sign up now!”
Fill in all of the information:
-first name
-last name
-language: English
-Country: Australia
-Postal Code
Complete Account Information
-sign in name
-re-enter password
-secret question
-answer to secret question
Click on Sign up
Click on Continue
Read Terms of Use
Click on “I Accept’
You will need to complete the registration form
Activity:Opening Email
Double click on Internet Explorer
Click on Address box
Delete address showing in location box
Type in or
Press Enter
Type your sign-in-name (email address)
Type your password
Click on Sign in
To Check your Mail (Inbox)
Open your message by clicking on the blue name of the sender
Read or print if you want to
Delete if you want to
Close (this will keep the message and return it to your inbox)
Yahoo Mail
To Send a Message
Click on “Compose”
Type the address of the person you want to send a message to (or click on Contacts to choose the address you want)
Type in the subject of your message
Click in the page to write your message
Type your message
Click on Send when you are finished
Activity:Checking Your Mail
After sending email messages you will hopefully receive some mail in reply.
Check your Inbox to see if you have mail.
Open Hotmail or Yahoo Mail
Click on the Inbox or Check Mail tab
Open your first message by clicking on the blue name of the sender
Read or print the message
Delete if you want
Click on the Inbox or Check Mail to check other messages
When you have checked all of your messages, Close, this will keep your messages.
Activity:Using Contacts
You can’t be expected to remember everyone’s email address. To make it easier to send your mail you can store addresses in the Contacts feature of hotmail.
Collect the email addresses of your friends
Name / Email AddressOpen Hotmail or Yahoo Mail
Enter these addresses into the Address book by clicking on the Contacts tab
Enter the details you have collected.
Click on OK
This will now allow you to send an email without typing the address in the To: box.
Click on the Compose tab
Click in the To: box
Click on the Contacts tab
Click on one of the addresses stored there
The address will appear in the To: box
Type your message
Click on Send
Repeat this for each of the names in the address book
Activity:Sending an Attachment
When you send an email message you may want to send some more information stored in another file in the computer along with the message. A word document, pictures or even a video can be attached to your message.
If the person receiving your email is using the same program this will be straightforward, although there may be some problems opening the attachment if the recipient does not have the necessary software in their computer.
Open Hotmail or Yahoo Mail
Type the Address in the To: box
Click on the Compose tab
Type your message
Complete the information in the box Find your file or data from
Click on Add/Edit Attachment
Click on Compose
Click on Send
Close Hotmail or Yahoo Mail
Activity:Replying to a Message
Often you will want to reply to an email message.
Open Hotmail or Yahoo Mail
Click on the Inbox or mail tab
Open a message that you would like to reply to by clicking on the blue name of the sender
Click on the Reply tab
The address of the author will appear in the To: box and the original message will appear in the message box. You can leave the original message as part of the response or you can delete it.
Type your response or new message below the original message
Click on Send.
Activity: Organising Your Mail into Folders
You can organise you mail into folders or categories.
To create a new folder:
Click on Folders on the menu bar
Click on Create New, above the folder list.
You are now on the Create Folder page.
Type the name for your folder in the New Folder Name box
Click OK
To File a Message from your Inbox into a Folder:
In Your Inbox click in the box to the left of the message you want to move.
From the Move To menu at the bottom of the page choose the folder you want to move to
Click the Move To button.
To Open A Folder:
Click on Folders on the menu bar.
You will go to the folders page where all of your folders are listed with the number of messages stored in each one.
Click on a Folder name to open it.
To Edit a Folder:
Click on Edit beside the folder name that you want to change.
You will now go to the Modify Folder page
Type in the new name.
Click OK.
Deleting Messages
To Delete unwanted messages: