Application Pack – Strong Communities Final
Dear Colleague
Re: Strong Communities
Thank you for your interest in the Strong Communities grant scheme.
Please find enclosed:
- Application Form
- Eligibility Guidelines
- Grant Application Guidelines
The grant scheme offersrevenue grants to a maximum value of £7,000.Grants will be awarded for innovative projects in Carmarthenshirethat pilot ways of building community capacity and resilience in order to help older people stay healthy and live independently within their communities.
Please read the guidelines carefully before completing your application. The scheme will consider funding 100% project costs; however, priority will be given to projects with some element of match funding and/or volunteer time.
This scheme is administered by CAVS (Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services), and is funded through the Welsh Government’s Intermediate Care Fund, managed by Carmarthenshire County Council.
The deadline is 5pmon Wednesday17th December 2014.
Completed application forms and all supporting documents must be received before applications can be processed.
A letter will be sent confirming receipt of your application form within a week. CAVS will always aim to inform you of the outcome of your application within 4 weeks of theapplication deadline.
Application forms are available in Welsh and applications made in Welsh will be welcomed.
If you need any guidance to complete the application form or general advice about your proposed application, please contact the Development Team at CAVS.
Yours sincerely
Sara Edwards
Development Manager
Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services (CAVS), The Mount, 18 Queen Street, Carmarthen. SA31 1JT (01267) 245555
Company registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 3348742
Cofrestrwyd y Cwmni yn Lloegr a Chymru Rhif Cofrestredig: 3348742
Registered Charity Number: 1062144Elusen Gofrestredig: 1062144
StrongCommunities Eligibility Guidance
Applicants applying to the Strong Communities fund must:
have a governing document (a Constitution, or a Memorandum and Articles of Association or a Trust Deed) which is signed and dated. This is a written description of what you organisation is, what it does and how it does it.
If you don’t have a governing document then CAVS can provide support with the process of setting up a group and developing a governing document where appropriate.
be an organisation/ a community, voluntary group or social enterprise which is self-governing, non-profit distributing and for public/community benefit.
A voluntary group is a collection of individuals who work together to undertake certain activities for the benefit of the community – whatever or whoever that community might be.
Social enterprises are profit-making businesses set up to tackle a social or environmental need. Applicantsto this scheme who are social enterprises must provide evidence of how the organisation is run / managed within the community, including local involvement.
All applicants to this scheme must be non-profit distributing. This means that all surpluses are reinvested to further the social purpose of the organisation.
To be eligible for support under the scheme groups with a limited membership will need to demonstrate that the project will benefit a wider community. Projects that are only, or primarily, of benefit to the limited membership of the organisation, will not be eligible for funding.
Applicants are encouraged to consider joint and partnership working and will need to demonstrate in their application form how this is being addressed.
be run by a voluntary management committee of 3 or more unrelated individuals
All voluntary organisations and community groups must have an unpaid management committee, consisting of at least 3 people – usually a Chair, Secretary and a Treasurer. You may have more than three. The Management Committee has overall responsibility for the group/organisation. A Management Committee may also be known as an Executive Committee, Board of Directors or Board of Trustees. The Management Committee should be representative of the community which it serves. CAVS can provide further support on roles and responsibilities of trustees.
be working for the benefit of the community or a section of it
be based in Carmarthenshire or clearly benefiting communities in Carmarthenshire. Applications from rural communities, with limited access to services will be particularly welcome
have a bank account set up in the organisation’s name, with at least two named signatories who are not related or living at the same address
Projects from schools must be extra-curricular with an external focus outside the normal school activities and show wider community involvement. Applications from schoolsmust be submittedby school PTAs or Friends Associations.
Town & Community Councils
The scheme is also open to Town and Community Councils. Applications that demonstrate joint working between Town & Community Councils and Community Association will be particularly welcome.
Strong Communities
Information Sheet
The Welsh Government has established an Intermediate Care Fund (ICF). The ICF provides an opportunity to build on effective working across health, social services and housing to improve the planning and provision of more integrated services. The main aim of the ICF is to change the way services work collaboratively at both strategic and operational levels.
In Carmarthenshire, the ICF is being used to pump-prime preventative community-ledinnovative initiatives, which can evidence positive outcomes for older people based on identified local need. The Strong Communities grant scheme is funded by the ICF.
Intermediate Care Fund Priorities
Projects will need to contribute to the following key objectives of the scheme:
- To develop locally led innovative projects based on local need
- To improve care co-ordination between social services, health, housing, third and independent sectors, to focus on preventative care and to avoid unnecessary hospital admission or delayed discharge
- To improve the resilience of local communities and their ability to support frail older people to access and enjoy their normal network of community and family relationships
Innovative community-led projects being run by local groups will be prioritised. Applications for a contribution to a larger-scale project will only be considered if the Strong Communities grant is for a discrete, identified element of activity.
Match Funding
100% project funding will be considered. However priority will be given to projects that demonstrate some element of match-funding. This could be in the form of volunteer time; in kind donations; funding from other sources;a group’s own funds or fundraising activity. There is no specific % of match-funding required, just whatever is reasonable to demonstrate a genuine commitment to carrying out the project.
All grants must be spent by 31st March 2015. Groups can apply once in any one financial year (1st April – 31st March).
Groups must apply using the official application form, which are available by e-mail from CAVS – . If you would like a paper copy then call on (0267) 245555 to request an application pack. Forms completed electronically must be printed off and sent in along with original signatures and relevant supporting documents. An organisation can only submit one application at a time.
Assume the grant panel knows nothing about your organisation and what you do!
Applications will be assessed by a multi-agency panel with representatives from CAVS, CCC and Hywel Dda. Prior to the panel meeting you may be contacted for further information. Applicants will be notified in writing of the Panel’s decision. Unsuccessful applicants will be eligible to re-apply to future panels.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Successful applicants will be expected to complete an end of grant report form within one month of the completion of the project activity. For this purpose, a record should be kept of all expenditure made using the grant – receipts will be required. Successful applicants will also be expected to complete a short report on what difference the project activity has made on the community. A cross-section of 15% of applicants will be visited by a CAVS officer. Successful groups will be required to acknowledge the source of the funding in any publicity.
What the Strong Communities grant scheme can support
This scheme will fund projects that build community capacity and resilience in order to help older people stay healthy and live independently within their communities.
Some examples of projects that could be considered for funding are:
- Activities that build up local “pools” of volunteers to support older people
- Community based activities e.g. luncheon clubs, learning circles, etc
- Low level support services e.g. shopping/gardening/housework/dog walking/befriending, etc
- Support for unpaid carers
- Intergenerational projects
- Digital inclusion initiatives
- Preventative activities e.g. exercise classes, long-term condition support groups, etc
- Reducing social isolation
Strong Communities will not support:
Application Pack – Strong Communities Final
- General contributions to a larger project, unless the funding can be directly linked to a discrete element
- Office and ongoing running costs
- Capital costs of any kind.
Application Pack – Strong Communities Final
These lists are not prescriptive and are intended for guidance only. If you need further advice on what can and cannot be funded, please ring the Development Team at CAVSon (01267) 245555.
Strong Communities
Guidance Notes
Please read these notes carefully when completing your application form
Question 1 - Organisation and contact details
This question allows us to identify your group and get in contact with you easily. If your organisation does not have a separate address, put the address of the contact person. The contact person should have a good knowledge of the application and be available for us to contact if we need further details. Ensure that this person keeps a completed copy of the application form. To be eligible to receive a grant your organisation must be properly constituted – see Eligibility Guidance.
The information collected in this question will be held by CAVSin a database of voluntary organisations and may be made publicly available as a sector directory. Please tick if you would like these details to be for internal CVC use only and not published more widely. Note: information about grant applicants will be shared with Carmarthenshire County Council and Welsh Government as part of the ICF reporting process.
CAVS Membership
CAVS is a membership association and encourages all voluntary and community organisations in Carmarthenshire to become members. Becoming a member of the Association helps in our role of providing a comprehensive and responsive support service to the voluntary sector in Carmarthenshire. If you are not already a CAVS member then please contact us if you would like more details or a membership form. However thisgrant scheme is open to groups throughout Carmarthenshire and members of CAVS will not be given priority.
Question 2 –Your organisation’s aims and the main services/activities provided
Aims describe what your organisation is set up to achieve – and the difference you want to make in the long-term. Services and activities are the things an organisation does to achieve its aims. For example - Aim – to support carers in Carmarthenshire and improve their health. Activities – to run a weekly support group and organise social outings for carers. You may wish to take this information from your governing document which should reflect both your aims and activities.
Question 3 - People involved in your group
Management committee members: Management committee members are unpaid.
Volunteers: Volunteers are unpaid individuals involved in carrying out the work of the organisation. Volunteers do not have overall responsibility for the organisation but make a very valuable contribution of their time.
Staff: Staff are paid individuals involved in carrying out the work of the organisation. Staff may work full-time, part-time or be contractual. Staff do not have overall responsibility for the organisation.
Members: An organisation’s members are individuals or organisations who are defined as members by the governing document and agree to abide by the organisation’s rules. In smaller organisations the management committee may be the members.
Question 4 - Bank Account details
Give details of your account so that the payment can be processed if your application is successful. The bank account name MUST match the name of your organisation as stated on your governing document.
Question 5 - The project name
If your project has a name, then let us know what it is
Question 6 - Location of project
This scheme can only support projects taking place in Carmarthenshirewhere the majority of beneficiaries live in Carmarthenshire. You might like to include a plan or pictures showing the site location of your project within the area.
Question 7 - Amount requested
Groups are eligible to apply for up to £7,000 of revenue funding. Apply for less money if you do not need the full amount.
Question 8 - Start and end date of the project
All funding must be spent by 31st March 2015.(make sure that you take into account the date a decision will be made by the panel).
Question 9 –What the funding is for - activities/services/ improvements resulting from grant
Tell us what you want to do with the grant. Tell us about the services you intend to buy with the grant. Explain what you will use the grant for – what activities/services/ improvementswill be delivered as a result of this project.
Question 10 - Project costs
Please ensure that the costings you provide are as accurate as possible and that you have obtained quotes, where you can. Please include copies of these quotations and provide justification of the quote selected.Any project costs over and above £7,000 should be shown in question 11.
Question 11 - Match funding for this project
100% project funding will be considered. However priority will be given to projects that demonstrate some element of match-funding – this can be in the form of volunteer time contributed, in kind donations, funding from other sources, your group’s own funds or fundraising activity. There is no specific % of match-funding required, just a reasonable amount to demonstrate a genuine commitment to carrying out the project. If the match funding is from another grant, please give full details.
Question 12 - Detail re VAT issues
If your organisation can claim VAT back, then do not include VAT in your costs and make sure you send us your registration number. Otherwise, include VAT in your costs to be covered by the grant.
Question 13 - Evidence of need for the project
You need to demonstrate that your project is wanted and needed by the people who will benefit. To do this, you could refer to:
- Letters of support - Local statistics about the area that you are working in
- Results of a survey, questionnaire or interview - Your own observations
- Anecdotal evidence from current members/service-users - Community/Local Action Plans
- Census data - Carmarthenshire Single Integrated Plan Needs Assessment
Gather evidence from a number of sources and in a range of ways and give details here. Include any supporting documentation with your application.
Question 14- Number of beneficiaries
Please give a realistic estimate of the number of people who will benefit from the grant. What is this figure based on? Who will benefit from the project?
Question 15 - Beneficiaries
What positive change will happen as a result of the project? To answer this question, think about what will be different for the beneficiaries at the end of the project, how will this project have made things better, what will have been achieved?
Question 16– Key Objectives of the Intermediate Care Fund (ICF)
Tell us how your project contributes to the priorities of the Intermediate Care Fund, as set out in the Information Sheet, with particular reference to innovative projects.
Question 17- Links and fit with other activities/ groups in your community or field of activity
Tell us about the other organisations that you work with and describe the ways in which you do so.
Question 18- Monitoring and evaluation of project
Please tell us how you will measure the success of your project and how you will collect this information. For example, you may decide to count the number of people using a facility or attending an activity, by using a registration form. Another way of measuring the success of your project is by sending out evaluation forms to all participants. For guidance see Charities Evaluation Service free publication ‘First steps in monitoring and evaluation’
Question 19 - Checklist and Declaration
Please make sure you have included everything asked for on the application form. The declaration must be signed by two people who are willing to be responsible for the content of the application form.
Help is available!
Remember that if you need any help with completing the application form or have any queries please contact the Funding and Development Team at CAVSon (01267) 245555.
Strong Communities
Application Form
1. Name of organisation
Address for correspondence (please include postcode)
Contact name and position in organisation