For completion by FEI Endurance Registered Riders
The FEI requests the assistance of all FEI Registered Endurance riders by completing this questionnaire. The information provided will give a more complete picture of what is happening within the sport at this time and, further, what is considered important for the development of FEI Endurance in the years to come.
The statistics produced from the questionnaire will be published on the FEI web site and tabled at the 2007 World Endurance Forum in Paris in March.
The FEI would like to thank you for taking the time to complete the document and for returning it by email to : Emilie Leyvraz at
1.Registration Number / N° de licence______
2.Your National Federation/ Votre fédération______
Please highlight the answer which applies to you:
Entourer ce qui est approprié
4.Your age14 – 2122 – 3536 – 50over 50
5. Number of years you have competed at International Level
Nombre d'années de compétition internationale
1- 5
6 – 10
11 – 15
16 – 20
21 or more
- Number of horses with which you have competed in 2006
Nombre de chevaux avec lesquels vous avez concourrus en 2006
6 or more
7.Please indicate the level and number of competitions you entered in 2006 Niveau et nombre de competitions en 2006
8. In which region are you based(This does not need to be home region) Entourez votre region géographique
North America
South America
Middle East
Far East
- How do you finance your Competitive programme
Comment financez-vous votre programme de compétition
Sponsorship / Sponsor
Self / auto financement
- Do you believe that the sport of Endurance is in need of change
Croyez-vous que l'endurance doit changer ?
If you have indicated YES please continue below, if you have indicated NO then we thank you for your time and would ask you to forward your questionnaire by email to the FEI.
Si vous avez entouré le OUI, continuez plus bas, sinon nous vous remercions de votre participation et vous demandons de renvoyer le formulaire par Email.
Please indicate areas which you feel need to be reviewed, also please comment as you wish:
Indiquez dans quels domaines il faudrait revoir le sport endurance et donnez vos commentaires si nécessaire
International Events:Compétitions internationales
Is there enough choice in your regionYesNo
Y a-t-il assez de competitions dans votre region ?
Are the competitions organized wellYesNo
Ces competitions sont-elles bien organisées ?
Are FEI Officials helpful and knowledgeableYesNo
Les officiels FEI sont ils utiles et connaissent-ils leur sujet ?
FEI Endurance Rules / Règlement endurance:
Do you have a copyYesNo
Avez-vous une copie
Are they clear and understandableYesNo
Est-ce clair et comprehensible ?
Do you feel articles need reviewYesNo
Pensez-vous que des articles doivent être revus ?
Championships/ Championnats:
Is the present Rider Qualification Criteria of sufficient standard to ensure the well being of the horse is not compromised
Les critères de qualifications des cavaliers sont-ils suffisants pour garantir le bien-être du cheval?
Is the present Horse Qualification Criteria of sufficient standard to ensure the well being of the horse is not compromised
Les critères de qualifications des chevaux sont-ils suffisants pour garantir le bien-être du cheval?
Do you believe the present Championship distance (160 Km) should be retained
Pensez-vous que la distance actuelle (160Kms) des championnats doit être maintenue?
Do you believe the present name of the discipline should be retained (FEI Endurance Riding)
Pensez-vous que le nom "Endurance" doit être conservé ?
Do you have any other aspects you feel should be reviewed at this time
Y a il d'autres aspects du sport que vous voudriez revoir ?
We thank you for your time and would ask you to forward your questionnaire by email to the FEI.