Disentangling the roles of diversity resistance and priority effects in community assembly
Duarte S. Viana1*, Bertha Cid2, Jordi Figuerola1, Luis Santamaría1, 2
*Corresponding author; Email: ; Phone no.: +34 954466700; Fax no.: +34 954621125
1 Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC), C/Américo Vespucio, Sevilla, s/n, E-41092, Spain.
2 Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA, CSIC-UIB), Miquel Marqués 21, E07190 Esporles, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.
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Table S1. Aquatic plant species, their status in the different mesocosms (either resident/immigrant if resident in some mesocosms and immigrant in others, or resident or immigrant if always one status or the other), and a few functional traits.
Acronym / Species / Division / Family / Status / Habitat / Growth habit / PhenologyCHAS / Chara aspera / Charophyta / Characeae / Resident / immigrant / Freshwater / brackish / Submersed / Annual
CHASAS / Chara aspera var aspera / Charophyta / Characeae / Resident / immigrant / Freshwater / brackish / Submersed / Annual
CHCA / Chara canescens / Charophyta / Characeae / Resident / Brackish / Submersed / Annual
CHGA / Chara galioides / Charophyta / Characeae / Resident / immigrant / Freshwater / marine / Submersed / Annual
CHVU / Chara vulgaris / Charophyta / Characeae / Resident / immigrant / Freshwater / brackish / Submersed / Annual / perennial
CHVUCO / Chara vulgaris var Contraria / Charophyta / Characeae / Resident / Freshwater / Submersed / Annual
TOHI / Tolypella hispanica / Charophyta / Characeae / Resident / Freshwater / Submersed / Annual
CAOB / Callitriche obtusangula / Tracheophyta / Plantaginaceae / Resident / immigrant / Freshwater / brackish / Submersed / Perennial
RAPE / Ranunculus peltatus / Tracheophyta / Ranunculaceae / Resident / immigrant / Freshwater / brackish / Emergent / Annual / perennial
RUDR / Ruppia drepanensis / Tracheophyta / Ruppiaceae / Resident / immigrant / Freshwater / brackish / Submersed / Annual
ZAPA / Zannichellia palustris pedicellata / Tracheophyta / Potamogetonaceae / Resident / immigrant / Freshwater / brackish / Submersed / Annual / perennial
Table S2. Zooplankton species, their status in the different mesocosms (either resident/immigrant if resident in some mesocosms and immigrant in others, or resident or immigrant if always one status or the other), and a few functional traits..
CHDI / Chirocephalus diaptomus / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Chirocephalidae / Immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
ALRE / Alona rectangula / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Chydoridae / Resident / immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
ALEX / Alonella excisa / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Chydoridae / Immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
ALNA / Alonella nana / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Chydoridae / Resident / Herbivore / Filtration
CHSP / Chydorus sphaericus / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Chydoridae / Immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
DUCR / Dunhevedia crassa / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Chydoridae / Resident / Herbivore / Filtration
CERE / Ceriodaphnia reticulata / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Daphniidae / Immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
DALO / Daphnia longispina / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Daphniidae / Resident / immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
MEAU / Megafenestra aurita / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Daphniidae / Resident / Herbivore / Filtration
SIEX / Simocephalus expinosus / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Daphniidae / Resident / Herbivore / Filtration
MASP / Macrothrix sp. / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Macrothricidae / Resident / Herbivore / Filtration
MOSA / Moina salina / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Branchiopoda / Moinidae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
CLRE / Cletocampus retrogressus / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Copepoda / Cletodidae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
ACRO / Acanthocyclops robustus / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Copepoda / Cyclopidae / Uncontrolled invader / Omnivore / Raptorial
NEAL / Neolovenula allaudii / Arthropoda / Crustacea / Copepoda / Diaptomidae / Uncontrolled invader / Omnivore / Raptorial
BRNO / Brachionus novae-zelandiae / Rotifera / Monogonta / Brachionidae / Resident / immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
BRPL / Brachionus plicatilis / Rotifera / Monogonta / Brachionidae / Resident / immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
BRQU / Brachionus quadridentatus / Rotifera / Monogonta / Brachionidae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
KEQU / keratella quadrata / Rotifera / Monogonta / Brachionidae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
KEVA / Keratella valga / Rotifera / Monogonta / Brachionidae / Resident / Herbivore / Filtration
NOAC / Notholca acuminata / Rotifera / Monogonta / Brachionidae / Resident / Herbivore / Filtration
CYTU / Cyrtonia tuba / Rotifera / Monogonta / Epiphanidae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
EPMA / Epiphanes macrorus / Rotifera / Monogonta / Epiphanidae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
EUDI / Euchlanis dilatata / Rotifera / Monogonta / Euchlanidae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
FILO / Filinia longiseta / Rotifera / Monogonta / Filiniidae / Immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
HEFE / Hexarthra fennica / Rotifera / Monogonta / Hexarthridae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
LECH / Lecane chionensis / Rotifera / Monogonta / Lecanidae / Resident / immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
LELU / Lecane luna / Rotifera / Monogonta / Lecanidae / Uncontrolled invader / Herbivore / Filtration
LEPA / Lepadella patella / Rotifera / Monogonta / Lepadellidae / Immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
PRGL / Proales globulifera / Rotifera / Monogonta / Proalidae / Immigrant / Herbivore / Filtration
Table S3. Results of generalised linear models (GLM) testing the effect of abiotic variables on the colonisation success of immigrants (number of immigrant species). Significance tests consisted of likelihood ratio tests (with d.f.=1).
Abiotic variable / Aquatic plants / Zooplanktonc2 / p / c2 / p
Conductivity / 3.002 / 0.083 / 3.046 / 0.081
pH / 0.031 / 0.860 / 0.272 / 0.602
Turbidity / 1.418 / 0.234 / 0.496 / 0.481
Oxygen / 1.245 / 0.264 / 0.449 / 0.503
Chlorophyll a / 0.384 / 0.536 / 3.668 / 0.055
Figure S1. Aquatic plant (upper panel) and zooplankton (lower panel) species richness dynamics in resident communities (control "noI" mesocosms) along the growing season (communities surveyed in October 2007, December 2007, February 2008 and April 2008).
Figure S2. Number of aquatic plant (a) and zooplankton (b) immigrant species present in the immigrant pool ("pool"; i.e. all species present in the inoculum that were not present in the resident community) and in the inoculated mesocosms (i.e. immigrant species that successfully colonised the mesocosms at time I0, I2 and I4). The hypothesis of the number of species in the immigrant pool being greater than that of successful colonisers was tested with independent location tests of paired samples using Holm's sequential adjusted p-values at a=0.05 (aquatic plants: pool=I0, =I2, >I4; zooplankton: pool>I0, =I2, =I4).