Safe Communities Wellington County Leadership Table Meeting
Wellington County Museum and Archives
9:30 a.m.June 22, 2016
In Attendance
Gary Williamson, County Councillor & Wellington North Safe Community Committee
Doug Smith, Puslinch COPS
Blaine Burman, Wellington County
Don Senek, Minto Safe Community Committee
Brad de St.Aubyn, Public Health
Gregg Davidson, Wellington County Council, Co-Chair
Robbin Wood, Safe Communities/Guelph-EramosaTwp
Mary Lloyd, C.W. Township Councillor
Sandy Parkinson, Suicide Awareness Council
Michelle Gow, Guelph/Wellington EMS
Jim Potts, Minto Safe Communities Committee
Christine Barraco, Wellington County OPP
Pasquale Costanzo, Wellington County
Heather Lawson, Wellington County
Linda Dickson, Wellington County
Barbara LusgartenEvoy, Parenting CW, UGDSB Trustee
Christine Veit, Safe Communities Wellington County
- Call to Order – Co-Chair Gregg Davidson called the meeting to order.
- Approval of Minutes – May 18, 2016- It was Moved byMary Lloydand Secondedby Jim Pottsthat the minutes of the meeting heldMay 18, 2016 be approved.CARRIED
- Business Arising from Minutes
- International Plowing Match – Christine highlighted the marketing materials The County assisted making for the IPM – Table Wrap, double sided banner and postcards. Everything is complete; just waiting to see them.
- Christine expressed her need for volunteers from the group and to send in volunteer forms
- Don asked whether he needed to fill out this form if he has already filled in the other form
- Gary suggested sending the form out once again.
- LionsQuest Asset Development Workshop
- Christine reported the workshop went exceptionally well at the Detachment
- Mary mentioned it was wonderful to see all of the networking and relationship building.
- Barb suggested working with the Interac students and get them engaged with Safe Communities and the different events we have going forward
- Safe Communities Day
- Christine Reported that the “Save the Date” letters have gone out to the Principal’s via Bonnie Talbot. The detailed letters will be sent out the first week back to school.
- We have confirmed Owl Magazine’s, SOS Magazine’s and Water for the day
- The students will arrive in 2 wave’s; morning and afternoon. First Arrival 9:30 – Second Arrival – 11:45
- A few vendors have not confirmed their participation. Christine will be following up.
- Robbin questioned whether we require porta-potties? Mentioned they were required for his Motorcycle Awareness event.
- Modification to donation process
- Motion to approve Wellington County Safe Community Project Funding Process with the Caveat to modify the process to include upon extenuating circumstances, the executive an make a motion for donations
Moved: Gary Williamson Second: Robbin Wood CARRIED
- Barb inquired…do we have a back budget?
- Gregg said we have $25,000 annually for Safe Communities Wellington County from Wellington County – Police Services
- Don mentioned the $25,000 includes Christine’s salary
- Mary Lloyd mentioned the ISH PAG will be asking for additional funding from private resources
- Mary asked Where is the budget for Roads? What is the Financial Commitment?
- Public Health – Mental Health Statistics for Wellington County - Blair
- Blair reported on the Mental Health statistics, specific to Wellington County.
- 57 % of Grade 7 and 10 students did not meet criteria for positive mental health
- 1 in 10 people had a mood disorder
- Social Well-Being, Physical Health and Socioeconomic Status are a big influence on Mental Health
- Reports
- Falls PAG
- Brad mentioned there is no update for the Falls PAG
- Motor Vehicle PAG
- Both the Minto and Puslinch Bike Rodeo’s were a great success.
- Minto is well known and runs smoothly. Puslinch was great, but needed more awareness.
- Decided to do a Mini Bike Rodeo – Questionnaire for Safe Communities Day
- The new chair for the Motor Vehicle Collision PAG is Heather Lawson.
- Intentional Self Harm PAG
- Sandy discussed the team is working on the Magnet Project for Safe Communities Day. The magnet will describe levels of intensity of emotions with emojii’s
- Mary made the motion for the ISH PAG to use their $1000 to pay for the artwork and printing of the magnets for Safe Communities Day.
Seconded – Linda Dickson CARRIED
- Community Groups –
- Minto Safe Communities (Jim Potts)
- Distracted Driving Video
- Advertising in libraries Mid August
- Waiting on UGDSB – Christine still working on finding out whether it is approved
- Puslinch COPS (Doug Smith)
- Excellent support from OPP in Puslinch
- Wayne Stokley – Passed away – member of the Puslinch COPS Committee and Counsellor
- The Safe Driving for Seniors was a success
- Guelph/Eramosa Safe Communities
- Motorcycle Awareness Day at the Marden Field House on July 10 from 9 to 2 – Big cost for venue permit
- Unsure whether we have Police for the day, but would like police presence
- Cost for EMS to be there is too expensive
- Linda inquired about the date.
- Robbin put in a request for St. John’s Ambulance
- Wellington North Safe Communities
- Police Representative and Safety Officer will be joining Wellington North Safe Communiities
- Fireworks Mount Forest food booth has been cancelled
- No Frills driveway will start construction the Monday after the July long weekend
- Construction has been awarded to a local contractor
- Are is getting even more busy with a new Canadian Tire further north
- Chamber of Commerce has agreed the horse and buggies can come out of their driveway
- Working on receiving permission from Wellington North County Council for permission to receive site plan for Canadian Tire
- We are just receiving approval for everyone
- Menonites are ecstatic and we still have money left over.
- Mary inquired whether there will be a SafeTalk in Mount Forest?
- Sandy with follow up with Myrna Hutchison
- Christine Veit – Program Coordinator
- Most of my time spent will be on Safe Communities Day over the next couple of months
- I will be on vacation from July 1 to July 15 – I will try to return emails or calls, but there is no WiFi at the camp.
- New Business
- Thoughts from the floor
- Wellington County Crossing Guard Legislation
- Gregg has the floor
- Gregg showed the group the proposed changes to the crosswalk legislation with diagrams from MTO website.
- Gregg sent an email to all of the mayor’s within each township yesterday.
- Barb suggested sending out PSA’s bringing attention to the new legislation - Follow up with Barb to do PSA
- Minto – additional cost for cross walk for blind residents – Will let municipalities decide
- Robbin mention Rockwood just got its flashing sign
- Mary – Depends on the volume
- Gregg – Gary what do you think of the different signs
- Gary mentioned the signs with the lights are a great idea – Shark teeth are more visible and eye catching
- Barb mentioned Pearl hospitality opening September 2017.
- Adjournment
The group was adjourned at 12:00 PM.The Next Leadership Table meeting is scheduled for September 14, 2016 at 8 a.m.(Priority Advisory Groups) and 9:30 a.m. (Leadership Table) at the Wellington County Museum & Archives.