Report from Grand Representative to Arizona, H.L. Ruth McCasland
S.K. Ernie and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at Arizona’s Grand Court in May. We were
introduced to the GRM, H.L. Leslie Christiansen, by our own H.L. Judy Mosier, PGRM and
Supreme M.W. Several H.L.’s approached us and said they too had lived in Washington.
We knew H.L. Karen House, JPGRM of Arizona. She had been H.L. Barbara Toll’s, PGRM of
Washington’s, Grand Page and had moved to Arizona from Washington. She immediately
approached us with hugs.
H.L. Jaimie Powell, Gr. St. Bearer of Arizona, had recently moved to Washington and is
now living in Marysville. She has been attending Welcome Ct., where we first met her.
She and I were the Gr. St. Bearers for the 2012-2013 term. She is now the Gr. Rep. to
Washington from Arizona and continues to attend our Court. Jaimie commented that she and
I seem to be following in each others foot steps.
H.L. Ruth McCasland
Gr. Rep. to Arizona from Washington
Upcoming Calendar of Events:
9 Group Meeting at Golden Light: Be advised that the Veteran’s Day Parade is in Auburn that day and that parking will be at a premium. Best advised to park in the Safeway parking lot as crossing Main Street will be difficult. If you have any questions contact SK Richard Moulden RP
9 Lakewood changes to the 2nd Sat. in November
10 GRM / GRP Reception Olympia make reservations with H.L. Diane Roe Bremerton Ct. see flier on Grand Court website. Dress code –Dressy Go to Church.
10 Welcome Turkey Dinner 1-4 $12.00 kids under 12 $1.00 a year
12 Rhododendron OFFICIAL VISIT 7:00pm Theme: Patriotic—red white and blue. Dinner at
5:30 $10.00 Proceeds to go to the GRM/GRP special projects Turkey Dinner
12 Wenatchee Honor Veterans
14 Richmond Friends Nite SEE FLIER on the website
14 Capitol (chg to 2nd Thursday in November)
15 Golden Light Thanksgiving Dinner 6:00ish
16 Wenatchee OFFICIAL VISIT 2:00PM Chicken and Noodle lunch at noon.
16-17 AGL instruction classes –Wenatchee—all are welcome
16 Artemisia
18 Canal Friends Nite Pot luck dinner 6:00ish
19 Bellevue
20 Trinity
21 Lincoln OFFICIAL VISIT No Dinner Refreshments after
25 Burien
27 Tulip Their meeting will be at the Masonic Center in Sedro Woolley for Nov. and Dec. (possibly permanently)
28 Happy Thanksgiving. The following Courts have dinners at their lodges on Thanksgiving. Pyramid, Rhododendron. Add: Canal Court. Contact any of their Court members for details.
23-27 Grand Court Rest Stop Sea Tac Contact S.K. Fred Docker for shifts that still need to be filled.
Grand Court December Events:
OFFICIAL VISITS: BELLEVUE 17TH Meeting 7:30 Dinner 6:00
GOLDEN LIGHT 20TH Meeting 7:30 Dinner 6:00
Christmas Brunch at the Grand Royal Matron’s Home
December 14th 11:00AM Please RSVP to her.
Grand Court January Events:
OFFICIAL VISITS: MT. VIEW 4TH Meeting 7:00 Dinner 5:00
RICHMOND 16TH Meeting 7:30 Dinner ??
BURIEN 27TH Meeting 7:30 Dinner 6:00
(Filipino-American Dinner “Taste of Asia”)
Group meeting 11th at Mt. View 10:00AM
Grand Court February Events:
OFFICIAL VISITS: EVERETT 6TH Meeting 7:30 Dinner??
CAPITOL 8TH Meeting 2:00 Lunch Noon
Group Meeting Capitol 8th 10:00AM
Corrections to the Grand Court Calendar. February—
Richmond and Lincoln are on the 20th forgot to change them to the 3rd Thursday.
Corrections to the Official Book: February—
Capitol Official Visit the 8th not the 27th.
Special Subordinate Court Events coming up:
Grays Harbor Friends Nite 3rd
Richmond Holiday Breakfast 7th (more details later)
Combined meeting Capitol and Lincoln at Capitol Friends nite
Lincoln Mystery Dinner 1:00pm and 6:00pm See Lincoln Court members for tickets.
Richmond Dinner Auction 1st 5:00pm
Grays Harbor—Crabby Chicken Dinner Date Nite 15th
Lincoln Court Honor Night 20th
Golden Light Friends Night 21st
Bremerton Court HoeDown 22nd
Please send any additional information or other Subordinate Court events to me to be put out with the weekly updates. Thank you, Diana
Correspondent Submissions:
Trinity Court # 51 Newsletter Submission:
Greetings to one and all from Trinity Court! The days are shorter and the colors of Fall are upon us.
With these season changes we find that we run out of sunshine to work in the yard and spend more
time in the house. These are great days with the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas and Fun
and Fellowship with family and friends and a chance for us all to honor those veterans who have
served so faithfully through so many wars. We thank our Veterans, so whenever you meet a Veteran,
just wave, acknowledge them, or even better yet, why not shake their hands and say, "Thank you for
all that you have done, to keep this nation free."
Trinity Court is excited to welcomeHLJill Krebs to membership in our Court. She was initiated at
our October 16, 2013 stated meeting. We welcome her and know she will have a good time being
a member of our Court.
Our November 20, 2013 stated meeting will be "Mix It Up Night." Members should bring their
rituals and see what happensat this exciting meeting. We will also be celebratingThanksgiving
so come and wear your favorite fall colors. We will be having another one of our great dinners
prior to the meeting made to order by several of Trinity Court's great cooks. You will not want to
miss all this fun!
OnDecember 18, 2013 stated meeting will be our annual Christmas Party. Come in your favorite
Christmas attire and light up the room with all the colors that remind us of Christmas. This is always
a favorite time for all because we share our favorite holiday cookies and recipes too. For a great way
to end 2013, come to this meeting.
Come start theNew Year with a BANG! IT IS Trinity Court's Men's Night on January 15, 2014.
Western attire is the in thing for that night. The men take over the refreshments that evening and
wonder what they will be?
A little Thanksgiving verse for all:
As we count the many blessings
that the years have brought our way,
and give grateful thanks for everyone
on this Thanksgivng Day.
Let'ssay a special words of Thanks
for loyal friends and true
for all that they have meant to us
each day the whole year through!!
Ada Anderson, Secretary, Trinity Court
Believe it or not!!! BELLEVUE COURT #74 HAS INITIATED TWO NEW MEMBERS!! Amber Lewis, the RM’s daughter and Pamila Kaloske, Steve & Robin’s sister, and upcoming soon, possibly on Nov.19, another Initiation for daughter of Heather Hughes, Briana. We love these young people to carry on our Amaranth traditions. Put Dec 17th on your calendar for our Official Visit of the Grand Royal Matron and Patron. We always have dinner, too, so no cooking for our guests! Amaranth hugs to all from Bellevue Ct. in Issaquah. H.L. Dee Moody
All Courts/Individuals are welcome to submit their own articles. Please send them to me and I will include them as soon as possible –either weekly or the quarterly newsletter. Diana)
WREATHS $ 15.00
SWAGS $ 7.50
Send orders to Ethel Rathbone–253-845-9481
Chocolate or Yellow One size only $12.00
Send orders to heather Gregory – 253-848-1212
orders may also be made with
any Lincoln Ct Member
All Orders must be received
No later then
December 15, 2013
Back by popular Demand
January 25, 2014
Lincoln court
Mystery dinner
Two seatings: 1PM and 6PM
Featuring the questionable and talented???
“Not so ready for broadway players”
Royal a. gove masonic hall
38th & Sheridan, Tacoma, wa
Reserve your place:
Dorothy Kippie or Freda Plunkett
(253) 584-4590 (253) 875-1598
Price: $12.00 per person
Bremerton Court is putting a cook book together. They are asking members to send in their favorite recipes. The book will be printed and available at their Installation next spring. Contact H.L. Bonita Hutchins
Canal Court is again holding a raffle for a night at "Little Creek Casino" including, a room, dinner for two and an hour in the spa. All for $5.00. there will be two drawings,means two chances to win. Get your ticket from any Canal Court member. Drawing will be the second Monday of December.
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Amaranth Diabetes Afghan from H.L. Lorie Johnson.
Deborah Montgomery PRM Capitol and Grays Harbor
10435 SE Cook Ct Portland, OR 97222 360-292-9299 (Same)
Jaime Powell PRM Arizona—now a member of Welcome Court
Please send any corrections, changes, or new addresses etc. to your Court Secretaries, S.K. Chuck Craig (Official Book) and to me as well so that I may keep your information current. Thank you, Diana
The following is an article that I picked up from the IAG I hope it helps to maybe find some of those “lost members” that we have been searching for.
This information is particularly directed to the secretaries of our Courts,
but may also be useful to others, especially those doing genealogy.
There have been many times when members of our Courts have dropped out of
sight. All the contact information we have for them is no longer valid.
We wonder if they have passéd away. Or we have received a notice returned
to us marked deceased, and we need the date to put in the ledger.
In the past I have recommended folks to go to and look for the
Social Security Death Index. In the past 2 or 3 years some of our
well-intending and misinformed legislators have passed restrictions on the
use of this database, feeling that it enabled identity theft, when
actually it was one of the best tools for discouraging that practice. As a
result, rootsweb and several other web sites removed the SSDI from their
Now I have found the best site I've ever seen for gaining the information
you need. Here is the URL:
Fill in the best information you know, even if it is partly incomplete. It
doesn't hurt if some of the blanks are empty. I have searched with just a
first name, last name and birthday, no year, and have found the information
I know that some of our secretaries don't have internet access. Please
inform them that this is available, and offer to do the search for them.
Dorcas Aunger
Grand Representative to Alabama
Golden Crown Court No. 2
Rosemead, California
Wreath Laying at Arlington National Cemetery by the SRM and SRP
HL Lynda Dobbins, SRM, and SK David Ekren, SRP, laid a wreath on behalf of Supreme Council at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 10:15 a.m. This was quite an honor for our Order.
Under the Weather:H.L. Ramona McNeil Grand Secretary has pneumonia. Cards would be nice. H.L. Lorie Johnson PGRM had surgery about a week ago. She should be home but could use cards.
I hope you like this issue of the newsletter. I had fun putting it together and enjoyed all of the great articles. I will put out a weekly calendar again next week. The next Newsletter will go out in late January with all the upcoming events that I can get for Grand Court and hopefully some Installation dates.
Respectfully Submitted,
H.L.Diana Esterly, Editor