Iredell-Statesville Board of Education
Iredell County Government Center
December 12, 2011
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The Iredell-Statesville Board of Education met at the Iredell County Government Center on Monday, December 12, 2011, at 6:00 p.m.
Members present: Dr. David Cash; Ms. Anna Bonham; Mr. Bill Brater; Mr. Charles Kelly; Mr. John B. Rogers, Jr.; Mr. Bryan Shoemaker; and Mr. Keith Williams.
Administrators present: Mr. Brady Johnson, Superintendent; Dr. Ron Hargrave, Deputy Superintendent of Instruction; Ms. Melissa Wike; Chief Finance Officer; Dr. Melanie Taylor, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Alvera Lesane, Associate Superintendent of Human Resources; Ms. Pam Schiffman, Associate Superintendent of Accountability and Technology; Ms. Dawn Creason, Public Information Officer, and Ms. Susie Wiberg, Partnership Coordinator.
Also Present: Mrs. Susan Kennedy, Board Clerk, Mr. William McMillan, Board Attorney; and members of the press.
The Iredell-Statesville Schools Retired School Personnel Choir performed a selection of holiday songs for the Board of Education.
Energy United Bright Idea Grant Winners: The Bright Idea Program began in 1994 and provides funds for special classroom projects aimed at improving the classroom experience for students. Winning grants are selected by a panel of teachers, community leaders, and Energy United Representatives. This year, we had two winners of the Bright Ideas Grant totaling $3,046. Mr. Mike Russell, Sales Manager for EnergyUnited was pleased to acknowledge:
· Kammie Ruth, East Iredell Elementary School; Project: Becoming Skeletal System Savvy
· Gwen Devlin, Woodland Heights Elementary School; Project: Students at Risk using Assisted Technology to Improve Students’ Literacy Skills
South Iredell High School Orchestra Recognition: Twenty students from South Iredell High School IB, Mount Mourne IB and Northview IB were chosen to participate in a two-day workshop along with 150 other young musicians from the Charlotte-Iredell area. The workshop was led by Mark Wood, a world-renowned musician who plays electric violin and rock and roll. The students loved it.
At this point, Dr. Cash changed the order of the Agenda and moved the Public Comment portion of the meeting up to accommodate the students who were in attendance. He reiterated the procedure for public comment.
Public Comment:
· Ms. Michelle McMurry was not in attendance; however, her daughter Kelly McMurry addressed the Board with regard to keeping Mr. Larry Rogers at Statesville High School.
· Mr. Bob Palmes also spoke to the board about the leadership of Mr. Larry Rogers at Statesville High School. He urged the Board to consider reinstating Mr. Rogers as principal at Statesville High School.
· Mr. Rob Lee addressed the board and emphatically urged the Board to reinstate Mr. Rogers as principal of Statesville High School.
· Ms. Mary Beth Lowry, Student Body President of Statesville High School, also addressed the board with regard to Mr. Rogers’ suspension. She reported the students’ opinion on this issue and stated that over half of the students and half of the staff support reinstatement of Mr. Rogers to Statesville High School.
· Mr. Sha’kor Chambers, Student Body Vice-President of Statesville High School spoke on Mr. Rogers’ behalf and urged the Board to look for a better solution to the issue at Statesville High School and to bring back their principal.
Dr. Cash commended all speakers on their professionalism and respect and thanked them for their comments. Dr. Cash then read a letter written by Mr. Rogers accepting responsibility for his actions which resulted in his removal from Statesville High School.
Facility Use Renewal: Mr. Rob Jackson presented a facility use renewal request from Williamson’s Chapel United Methodist Church for a one-year renewal rather than the usual six-month renewal period. Mr. Shoemaker suggested going to a one-year renewal agreement for all groups who rent facilities from us. Mr. Jackson is checking into this matter.
Approval of Surplus Items: Dr. Miller presented surplus items could hold a value in excess of $25K. The items include the fire suppression system at Woodland Heights Elementary and the 1953 Multi-Fuel Waste Boiler at the Auto Tech Center. The auction website is gov.deals and it is also located on our webpage under surplus.
Approval to Draw Down Lottery Funds: Dr. Miller presented the application to draw down lottery funds for board approval. We received notification that the first quarter lottery proceeds have been posted to the Iredell County account in Raleigh.
Approval of Resignations, Retirements, Rehires, Terminations and Leaves of Absences: No discussion.
Approval of Classified Personnel: No discussion.
Approval of Licensed Personnel: No discussion.
Approval of Administrative Appointments: No discussion.
Dr. Lesane also presented some information which was previously requested by the Board of Education regarding the EC reorganization.
Approval of Minutes:
· November 7, 2011 Committee of the Whole Meeting – No discussion.
· November 7, 2011 Board of Education Meeting – No discussion.
Approval of Consent Agenda: Mr. Bryan Shoemaker made a motion, seconded by Mr. Keith Williams, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion unanimously carries. These items are:
Item II-A Facility Use Renewals
Item II-B Approval to Surplus Items
Item II-C Approval to Draw Down Lottery Funds
Item III-A Acceptance of Resignations, Retirements, Rehires, Terminations, and Leaves of Absences
Item III-B Approval of Classified Personnel
Item III-C Approval of Licensed Personnel
Item III-D Approval of Administrative Appointments
Item IV Approval of Minutes of:
· November 7, 2011 Committee of the Whole Meeting
· November 7, 2011 Board of Education Meeting
Resolution Identifying Board of Education Election Districts: After review of several maps and much discussion about the current voting district lines and precincts, the Board of Education has requested that Mr. Bridges go back and make another attempt to revise the districts. His direction was to not worry about keeping incumbents in their district, but to keep the population numbers and racial balance close. Ms. Galliher and Mr. Bridges will present another option at the next Committee of the Whole meeting in January.
Revision to Policy #3460: Graduation Requirements (2nd Reading): Dr. Hargrave presented revisions to this policy for second reading. There have been no questions or comments received since the first reading and Dr. Hargrave recommends approval.
Mr. Keith Williams made a motion, seconded by Mr. John Rogers, to approve the policy revisions to Graduation Requirements as presented. The motion unanimously carries.
Approval of Policy #7811: Plans for Growth and Improvement of Licensed Employees (1st Reading): Dr. Lesane presented this policy for first reading. This policy adds a lot of detail regarding growth plans as well as the institution of the mandatory improvement plan. It also addresses qualified observers which will be brought forth to the board in January. This is a first reading and will lie on the table until next month.
Resolution in Support of the Restoration of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program: Mr. Johnson presented a resolution recommended by the Superintendent’s Association and the School Board Association. The Teaching Fellows Program was a victim of budget cuts. It is a scholarship program which was put in place in 1986. This program has been successful to recruit the best and brightest high school students to become teachers. We currently have 46 teachers who are graduates of the Teaching Fellows Program. These students have their North Carolina tuition forgiven if they agree to come back and teach in a North Carolina K-12 school.
Mr. John Rogers made a motion, seconded by Mr. Charles Kelly, to approve the resolution supporting the restoration of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program. The motion unanimously carries.
Superintendent’s Comments: Mr. Johnson thanked the Board for a good 2011
Mr. Keith Williams made a motion, seconded by Ms. Anna Bonham, according to NCGS 143-318 for the board to enter closed session to discuss personnel issues. The motion unanimously carries.
Mr. Keith Williams made a motion, seconded by Mr. Charles Kelly, for the board to return to open session. The motion unanimously carries.
Dr. Hargrave updated the Board on the break-in at Statesville Middle School. The perpetrator has been apprehended. The estimated damage to the facility is over $10,000.
Dr. Hargrave advised the Board that we have received a call from the Sheriff’s Office that a bomb threat has been called in for tomorrow at North Iredell High School. The bomb dogs have searched the school today and will search the school again tomorrow before the students arrive.
There being no further business before the board, Mr. Bill Brater made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bryan Shoemaker, to adjourn. The motion unanimously carries.
Dr. David W. Cash, Chairman
Board of Education
Mr. Brady Johnson, Superintendent
Secretary, Board of Education