Nigel Vaughan-Smith - Commodore
Val Ayres - Vice Commodore
Alan Eves - Rear Commodore Sail
Colin Ayres - Honorary Secretary
Roger Coleman - Honorary Treasurer
Pip Shell - Membership Secretary
Lynne Shell -Social Secretary
Alan Casey - Club Webmaster
Bev Whitmill - Committee Member
Kev Whitmill - Committee Member
Celia Coleman - Committee Member
Margaret Eves - Committee Member
1.Apologies for Absence:
2.Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 6th October 2016.
The Minutes of the Officers and Committee Members Meeting held on 6th October 2016 were passed as a true record.
Proposed by Celia Coleman and seconded by Margaret Eves..
3 Matters arising from the Previous Minutes.
3.1 Social Secretary to look into possible venues and available dates for a Fitting Out Supper to be held in Late April or early May 2017 ( Item 5 of the previous minutes refers).
Lynne reported that she had made a booking at The Bridge for the 6th May and would be sending out notification to Members in due course.
Item closed..
3.2 Lynne to check if the Mount Batten Centre would be available as the venue for the 2017 AGM and supper to be held on 25th March 2017. (Item 13 of the previous minutes refers).
Lynne reported that the Mount Batten Centre had been booked as the venue for the AGM and supper but that the date had needed to be changed to 1st April 2017. She stated that she would inform members of details of the supper in due course.
Item closed.
3.3. Commodore to contact Mount Batten Boathouse to try to arrange a presentation on a boat ownership subject for 3.11.16. (Item 14.2 of previous minutes refers).
Nigel reported that two separate presentations had been given: one on inboard and outboard motors and the other on sea survival and safety.
He expressed the Club’ appreciation to Mount Batten Boathouse and Ocean Safety for carrying out the presentations and to Plym Yacht Club for hosting the Ocean Safety event.
Item closed.
3.4. Vice Commodore to e mail members who do not take part in Club activities, asking their views on the Club Programme and details of any extra events they might wish to be included.( Item14.5 of previous minutes refers).
Val reported that she had received one reply to her e mail which said that the particular member had intentions to join in the longer cruises but so far the weather had always frustrated their participation.
Item closed.
4 Plymouth Yacht Haven Active Marina.
Rear Commodore Sail reported that had received an e mail on 8.12.16 from Steve Kitchen, the manager of Plymouth Yacht Haven Marina, regarding their social programme for the coming season and the possibility of combining PYH cruises with CCC cruises.
Following receipt of the e mail, Alan had met with Steve to discus the matter further and he reported to the Committee that at this time PYH have no firm plans for any cruises in 2017, but were keen to get their berth holders to make more use of their boats. Alan had made Steve aware of the insurance issue regarding CCC cruises and the financial burden that this placed on members.
The Committee then held a general discussion regarding the merits and possibilities of PYH Marina berth holders joining in CCC cruises, and it was agreed that the Club would welcome more participants on cruises, but felt that some financial offset was required.
It was agreed that Alan would communicate the Committees’ views to Steve Kitchen and suggest that perhaps PYH might pay for a single CCC membership for new berth holders wishing to participate in Club activities for one year, and after that year if those berth holders wished to continue their membership of CCC they would have to pay their own annual subscription, together with the joining fee to cover the cost of buying a burgee.
Action: Alan to meet again with Steve Kitchen to make him aware of the Committee’s decision.
Alan reported that he had not been informed of any further developments in the redevelopment of the PlymouthCity waterfront project.
Nigel reported that details of the planned celebrations of the 50th anniversary of Sir Francis Chichester’s circumnavigation had been circulated to all members and that the date unfortunately clashed with one of our cruises.
Action: Honorary Secretary to circulate to members any further information which the Club might receive regarding the anniversary celebrations.
6 Agenda for the 2017 AGM
The agenda for the 2017 AGM was agreed; it will be sent out mid February together with the paperwork for the nomination of Officers and Committee members.
All of the present Officers and Committee members expressed their willingness to stand for another year.
Life membership was discussed and the Committee agreed that an agenda item for the AGM would be a proposal to amend the Club Constitution, so that in future, Life Members would no longer be elected at the AGM but would instead be elected by the Committee.
It was agreed that Celia would contact Yvonne Traynor to enquire if she would act as the examiner of the Club’s accounts for the 2018-2019 financial year
Action: Honorary Secretary to issue AGM agenda and nomination paperwork to Club Members.
Action: Celia to contact Yvonne Traynor to enquire if she would act as the examiner of the Club’s accounts for the 2018-2019 financial year.
7 Rear Commodore Sail’s Report.
Alan reported that he had issued the 2017 Cruising Programme to all members and that he had procured the assistance of Patrick O’Connor with the co-ordination of the cruises up the Tamar.
He reported that the winter walks were ongoing.
Action: Honorary Secretary to issue a copy of the 2017 Cruising Programme to the PPSA.
8 Honorary Treasurer’s Report
Roger reported that prior to the meeting he had e mailed to the Committee Members: copies of his Treasurer’s Report dated 31.12.16 and the Income and Expenditure Account up to 31.12.16. He pointed out that the increased membership for the year 2016 – 2017 would help to defray the forecasted deficit for the year which had been caused by the need to take out Club insurance
9 Membership Secretary’s Report.
Pip reported that no new members had joined since the last Committee meeting.
He confirmed that the subscription for the coming year would be £15.
10 Social Secretary’s Report.
Lynne reported that 34 members had signed up for the Prize Giving Party at Kitley House. To date she had received the following prizes for the raffle: a voucher from The Bridge, a voucher from Kitley House and a voucher from PYH for a power wash.
Alan Casey volunteered to ask Force Four Chandlery if they would be willing to donate a prize.
It was agreed that Margaret and Pip would run the raffle on the night, and Pip volunteered to also take on the role of photographer for the event; Alan Eves would give a report on the past year’s sailing; Val would be presenting the trophies and Nigel would carry out the Master of Ceremony duties
11. Webmaster’s Report
Alan reported that the website was running problem free.
12 Update Diary of Future Events.
Saturday January 28th 2017 Prize Giving Party.
Saturday April 1st 2017 AGM
Thursday April 27th 2017 Committee meeting
Saturday May 6th 2017 Fitting out supper.
13 Any other business.
Following a discussion, the Committee agreed that any members who win the same trophy on 3 occasions would in future be asked to serve on the Trophies Sub-Committee for 2 years.
Val informed the Committee that she had located a shop in Plymouth which could supply and sew the CCC logo onto any item of clothing: Personalised Motifs, 50 Embankment Road, Prince Rock, and Plymouth, PL4 9YH
There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8: 45 pm.
Colin Ayres,
Honorary Secretary,
Catt water Cruising Club