FEBRUARY 14, 15 AND 16, 2008

I am sure everyone is fully aware of the great responsibilities of any sponsoring agency in transporting and supervising a large number of students, and it is obvious that there must be some definite policies set up for governing these trips. It is doubtful that parents would want their child carried on any trip that was not properly supervised, with every precaution taken for their child's safety and proper conduct. With this in mind, please accept these policies with the knowledge that they are for the welfare of the group, and that at times it becomes necessary to sacrifice individual interests and desires for the welfare of the whole group.

We do not want anything to discredit what we have built at Poteet High School, in terms of our standards of excellence, not only in our playing abilities, but also as a well disciplined group of mature young ladies and gentlemen. So, I ask each one of you to think carefully and to act as mature people at all times. I believe that any normal student can have a good time without acting foolish or getting into trouble.

School trips are sponsored for the value of the particular activity and not purely for social or visitation purposes. Our first and foremost goal is to perform to the best of our ability in the TMEA Honor Band Concert.

The following is a list of instructions designed to make the trip a pleasure for all of us:


You are allowed one suitcase, one carry-on, and one hanging bag. Suggestion: Share luggage with your roommates. Your one carry-on may be a small gym style bag, CD or MP3 player (with headphones), etc. Please, only one carry-on per person. You may bring a pillow in addition to the carry-on if you would like. Make sure your name is on everything. Luggage, hanging bags, hat boxes and instruments should be loaded in the luggage compartment beneath your bus unless you are told differently. You are responsible for making sure your luggage and instrument are loaded properly! Hanging bags (the tote bag that you purchased previously or a travel garment bag, NOT THE ONE ISSUED WITH YOUR UNIFORM) and luggage must have your name on them!


Wear neat clothing at all times. Jeans and t-shirts are acceptable for this trip. Questionable words or sayings on shirts should not be worn. If you have any doubt about it, don't even think of wearing it. Please don't wear anything that will call undue attention to yourself. Remember, we are constantly projecting an image wherever we go. It is my desire that this image be a conservative one, one that projects a look of maturity. The weather will probably be cold, so… Bring the appropriate clothing!


The school district will provide for your meals. All of the meals will either already be paid for or prepared for you by the band chaperons. The hotel will serve a full breakfast Friday and Saturday morning. You will need to bring additional items for breakfast if you want them. You will be given money for your meals that are not provided by the hotel. You must give us a receipt in return and the change back when you get on the bus. MAKE SURE THAT YOU EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING!!!!

EXTRA MONEY: I believe that $50.00 will be sufficient for you to bring for extra meals and snacks. Keep up with your own money; be smart, you will not be loaned any money if you run out. Take care of your own money! Do not trust anyone with IT! Don't tell everyone how much money you brought, etc., just keep it to yourself.


Basically, the same rules apply here as we have during football trips. Keep your voices down to an average talking volume. Absolutely no loud talking or yelling. No singing. In general, the driver needs to concentrate for our safety, and most everyone else appreciates a nice, quiet, relaxed atmosphere. The bus P.A. system is to be used by the driver and directors only. Usually, trip passengers contribute $2.00 each for a "tip" for our bus driver. Please do this as a gesture of appreciation for our drivers. Get to know them by name and be friendly. We want them to understand the special relationship the Pirate Band has among its members, so make them feel like a part of us.


Treat the hotel and your room better than you would your own! Keep it neat and clean.

We are guests of the hotel and any damage to their facilities must be paid for by the people who did the damage. Out of all of the trips I have sponsored, we have never had any damage done to a hotel. There is really no reason for it. Upon arrival, check your room for any damage already there. Take inventory of items in the room including hangers, etc. Report any damage you find upon arrival to your chaperon immediately. No mixed company in a hotel room at any time for any reason. The hotel lobby and atrium can be used for such visits during free time. A full breakfast is provided free by the hotel. Do not use the pay TV for any reason. Do not rent movies or games for any reason. If charges appear on your room at the front desk, you will pay these charges yourself and you will spend the rest of the time assigned to chaperons.

Hotel telephones are not to be used for outside calls. Use the pay phones in the lobby or your cell phone to call home. The front desk keeps track of this for us, so don't do it. All inner-hotel calls cease at lights out. Please stay in groups of 3 or 4 even at the hotel. Do not leave the building unless Mr. Coulson, Mr. Davis, Mr. Kath, or Mr. Newman gives you permission to go with a chaperon. Please keep the noise level down in rooms and hallways as we are not the only guests in the hotel. Chaperons and directors stay up all night every night to ensure your safety. Do not come out of your room for any reason after curfew. The directors and chaperons reserve the right to enter and search your room with reasonable cause at any time. This very rarely needs to happen, but has happened on occasion. I hope the hotel manager has nothing but very positive things to say about the Pirate Band when our stay is over.


Most of you don't need to be told these things because of your maturity level. For the benefit of those very few, here they are:

* No alcohol or illegal substance of any kind.

This will result in an AUTOMATIC trip home and removal from band.

In the case of an illegal substance, the matter will be turned over

to the police.

* No smoking, dipping, chewing, etc. anywhere, anytime.

* No souvenir collecting (stealing).

* No scuffling or fighting.

* Use of off color language or profanity will not be tolerated.

* Couples, do all of your "public displays of affection" at home and not on our band trip.

Cool it until you get home.

* All school rules apply at all times.

* No earrings, boys.

* Radios, CD, and MP3 players must have headphones. Use them at all times.

* Nobody will be given permission to go off with relatives who live in the Austin or San

Antonio area or happen to show up there. Stay with the band at all times.

* This is by no means a definitive list. Use your best behavior in all situations.

***** Director's and chaperon's word is law.



This is a checklist of MUST BRING items:

___Instrument- including everything it takes to make it work!

___Full Concert uniform


___Tuxedo w/ bow tie and cummerbund

___White Tuxedo shirt

___Black dress shoes

___Black socks


___Black Concert dress


___Appropriate shoes

___Wire Stand

___Hanging bag

___Warm clothing

___Money (enough for snacks and souvenirs)

******* PARENTS *******

First of all, I would like to say how pleased and excited we are about the parental support we have every year. Your presence and visibility at our performances has been truly outstanding. It means a lot to our students and it proves what we have been trying to convince people of for a long time: Our parents and students are the best in Texas!

I know and expect that many of you will be coming down to San Antonio to support us at the TMEA State Honor Band Concert. Please understand that this is a school sponsored and funded trip, and that no exceptions to the rules stated above for the students will be granted. It is very important that we keep the students together as a group at all times. I am sure that you realize what a logistical nightmare it would be if I allowed students to come and go at the hotel, concert site, or wherever we are with parents or other relatives. It would be almost impossible to keep up with who is going where and when. You are welcome to come with us to rehearsals, to eat, and to visit with us and your child, but PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR SPECIAL FAVORS OR EXCEPTIONS.

If a student violates the rules established by the directors and the school district for this trip, the parents will be notified by telephone or in person, and at my discretion, the student will be sent home on the first available flight or bus at the student's/parent's expense. I will not hesitate in the least in enforcing this policy. We have far too many great, mature, caring young people in our band, and we have too much at stake on this trip to let one or two spoil our reputation and our chances for success. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. I know many of you have talked to me about your appreciation of our caring enough about your children to chaperon them properly. I can assure you that we will do everything possible to ensure a safe and a fun trip for your sons and daughters. We directors share in the love and concern you have for your children.

Please call me at 972-882-5323 or e-mail me at if you have further concerns or questions.

Thank you,

Scott Coulson