Staying on Track to Excellence
The Schools of Broward County are accredited by the Florida State Department ofEducation and the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SACS). Overallschool improvement is the underlying reason for school evaluation and self-studyprojects.
All student activities must be pre-approved by the administration. This includes activities during the school day, as well as after school and on weekends.
The following are the guidelines for scheduling a school program during the school year:
- All major activity dates are to be scheduled approved by Mrs. Ward at least ten (10) days prior to the planned activity.
- Once approved, each planned activity, and any related practice dates, MUST be submitted to Mrs. Duarte to be posted on the CAB master activity calendar. You may do this by completing a calendar request form posted under important forms on Norcrest E-Conference.
- The date, number of students, and sponsoring group must be clearly indicated.
- Notify the custodian and cafeteria manager of the scheduled event.
AFTERCARE: Norcrest Elementary provides a school based aftercare. All students on campus after school hours must be members of the after care program (this includes children of staff). Children of staff MUST have childcare provided during contract hours. (Children of staff are not allowed to attend faculty meetings, etc.)
We will have live morning announcements each day at 8:05 A.M. Announcements will be broadcast live on WNTN from the morning announcement area on Channel 15. Wewill start reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. After that, all important messages and announcements will be shared. Every effort will be made to avoid class interruptions throughout the day unless absolutely necessary.
ASSEMBLIES: Assemblies will be held throughout the year in the cafeteria.
- Assemblies must be scheduled and approved through the administration.
- Teachers should discuss with students proper conduct for the assembly prior to the event.
- Teachers are to bring their classes to the assembly in an orderly manner and see that they are seated in their designated area. (See attached map)
- Teachers are to remain with their class during an assembly.
Anti – Bullying Policy
On the July 22, 2008 The School Board passed a policy prohibiting bullying of anystudent or employee. Policy 5.9 is a comprehensive School Board policy aimed atdeterring bullying of students and staff. “Bullying” means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees. (bolded). It is further defined as: unwanted purposeful written, verbal, nonverbal, or physical behavior, including but not limited to any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, by an adult or student, that has the potential to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment or cause long term damage; cause discomfort or humiliation; or unreasonably interfere with the individual’s school performance or participation, is carried out repeatedly and is often characterized by an imbalance of power.
Bullying may involve, but is not limited to:
1. unwanted teasing
2. threatening
3. intimidating
4. stalking
5. cyberstalking
6. cyberbullying
7. physical violence
8. theft
9. sexual, religious, or racial harassment
10. public humiliation
In order for an incident to be considered related to bullying, it must be Repeated, Imbalance of Power, and Purposeful. (bolded) Students and staff are to report any suspected incidents of bullying to administration immediately. Additionally, there will be an anonymous bullying drop box in both the main office and the library for reporting of suspected bullying incidents. All suspected instances of bullying will be investigated by administration.
Behavior Expectation Assemblies will be conducted during the first quarter. Individual Classroom teachers are expected to review the Student Code of Conduct and Weapons Policy with their students at the beginning of each quarter. These lessons need to be reflected in your plan book.
DISCIPLINE: Norcrest Elementary utilizes a school-wide Discipline Plan that incorporates the District’s Student Code of Conduct and our T.I.G.E.R.S. Social Thinking Initiative. A copy of the school’s Discipline Plan will be provided to each teacher at the start of the school year. Teachers are required to keep a copy of the plan in their plan book and adhere to the procedures. It is the teacher’s responsibility to provide an atmosphere, which promotes on task behavior. It is also the teacher’s responsibility to teach and have students practice proper behavior. Teachers will use guidelines from our school-wide Discipline Plan and the Framework for Improving Student Behavior in the Classroom and Beyond to develop their Classroom Management Plan. Champs will be utilized as a guide to assist teachers in establishing a safe and productive classroom environment.
BULLETIN BOARDS: Bulletin boards should serve the purpose of reinforcing student learning and classroom organization and management. Students’ or teacher made displays are preferred. Titles and borders should be included. Bulletin boards should reflect current instructional focus. Current student work should be on display in every classroom.
CAFETERIA: The cafeteria is an extension of the classroom environment. Teachers should observe the following considerations:
- Prior to entering the cafeteria, review procedures, good manners, proper etiquette, and noise level. Classes enter on the West side of the cafeteria and have their students sit on the benches while distributing lunch number cards.
- Be on time at the beginning and end of scheduled lunch period. Failure to bring or pick-up students on time results in a delay in procedure.
- Pencils, toys, books, candy, or soda are not allowed in the cafeteria.
- Students should use bathroom facilities prior to entering the cafeteria.
- Incentive plan - Our cafeteria Incentive/Behavior Plan will be as follows: Each area of the cafeteria will be separated into “Zones” with staff responsible forsupervision. In each of the zones, all staff will be looking for those students who areexhibiting positive behavior according to the expectations. When students are behavingappropriately, the staff members will give their classes stars. At the end of the month, theclass with the most stars will receive an incentive.
See Cafeteria Behavior Rubric – Addendum “A”
NORCREST MASTER ACTIVITY CALENDAR: Teachers and/or paraprofessionals must review the Norcrest Master Calendar on a regular basis to be aware of activities and events.
CELL PHONES: Cell phones must be turned off/vibrate during instructional time (8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.). Staff members experiencing emergency situations should notify the office. Callers should call the main line and the staff member will be immediately notified. This includes texting.
CERTIFICATION (TEACHERS):It is imperative that each teacher has an updated copy of his/her teaching certificate on file in the school. Teachers new to the school must bring in the original of their latest certificate to the Principal’s Secretary. A copy will be made for the school file.
According to the State of Florida Statutes, it is the responsibility of each teacher to keep his or her certificate current. Failure to do so will result in non-renewal of your contract. WHEN RENEWING YOUR CERTIFICATE IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO GO THROUGH THE DISTRICT CERTIFICATION OFFICE TO SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO TALLAHASSEE. The certification department monitors ESOL certification. Every district is required to provide the necessary ESOL Endorsement training to school personnel. You will be advised of training, as the information is available. Professional Development is required for certificate renewal.
Please notify the Office Manager when you change your address or phone number andbe sure to follow up on the ESS system.
Any School Board equipment that leaves the premises needs to be checked out and returned through Mr. Jackson. A property pass form must be completed and approved by the principal prior to removal. School Board insurance will not pay for any items lost, damaged, or stolen while signed out to you. Be sure that your Homeowners policy will cover such loss or be prepared to pay for the damage yourself.
The School Board Policy 5.3 upholds Florida Statute 415.504 making mandatory thereporting of child abuse and/or neglect. “...Any teacher or other school employee whoknows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subject to abuse/neglectshall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the Department of Children andFamilies (formerly HRS) at the statewide toll-free hotline: 1-800-96-ABUSE.” Thereport should be made by the person who has the most firsthand knowledge of thesituation.
Description of Harm
ABUSE: Non-accidental infliction of physical or psychological injury or sexual abuse bya parent, adult household member, or other person responsible for care of the child.
NEGLECT: Failure/Omission by a caretaker to provide the care, supervision, services orprotection necessary to maintain physical and mental health.
THREATENED HARM: A situation, circumstances or behavior which leads a prudentperson to have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect has occurred or may occur inthe immediate future if no intervention is provided.
You must identify yourself to the Hotline staff. Your name shall be entered into therecord but shall be held confidential. Immunity from liability is provided for persons orinstitutions reporting in good faith.
Penalty for Not Reporting
There is a legal penalty for failure to report. “Any person required by law to reportknown or suspected child abuse or neglect, who knowingly and willfully fails to do so, orwho knowingly and willfully prevents another person from doing so is guilty ofmisdemeanor of the second degree.”
The person with firsthand knowledge must report the suspected abuse. You do not needto interview the child or investigate the situation.
You may notify your Child Abuse Designee and/or Administrator. Child abuse forms areavailable from the Guidance Counselor who will assist you with the process.
Call 1-800-96-ABUSE to make a report SCHOOL BOARD POLICY
CHILDREN/FAMILY OF STAFF MEMBERS: Staff members who have children on campus are asked to ensure that their children are under their supervision before and after class hours. Children should not be given free access to the school or be permitted in the teacher’s lounge. Adult/spouses are not permitted on campus without the permission of the school Principal or designees. This includes areas such as: the teacher’s lounge, playground, cafeteria, classroom, etc. All school rules and regulations also apply to children of staff members.
During a civil disturbance, it is extremely important that everyone remain calm. Thedecision making process should not be made in haste.
Whenever there is a civil disturbance, it is imperative that the Broward Sheriff’s Department (911) should be called immediately. They will dispatch a supervisor who will work in conjunction with the school administration. The Sheriff’s Department can arrange other support services that are not normally available to schools. In any event, common sense must prevail! Be cautious that you do not elevate the situation by making harsh decisions under pressure.
A good technique to quell civil disturbances (with large or small groups of people) is tosit and discuss the issues. This will allow the participants a sense of participating in thedecision-making process. In any event, the important concept is remaining calm! Utilizethe Sheriff’s Department as a resource in the decision-making process.
CLASS COVERAGE: Occasionally, it is necessary to have a fellow teacher cover a class because of illness, field trips, sports events or other emergencies. All arrangements for class coverage must be cleared by the administration. Direct supervision of students is required at all times.
CLASS RECORD BOOK/GRADES/PLANS/ATTENDANCE/STUDENT DATA:At Norcrest Elementary, grades, plans, attendance and student data are done electronically. However, printed records MUST be kept on file for five (5) years. It is expected that a notebook be maintained for record storage. The notebook MUST be kept in the following manner:
STUDENT GRADES: Teachers MUST record grades using the school-wide grade book program. The program accommodates both primary and secondary grading systems. Grades are to be sorted by subject area.
- Grades are to be consistent across the grade level
- Grades are to be printed out at the end of every five weeks of instruction and inserted into the notebook.
- There must be sufficient grades to accurately assess the student's progress and reflect mastery of benchmarks.
- The date of the assessment as well as the skill being assessed must be identified for each grade given. A key or notation must reflect the % of the assessment towards the final grade and MUST be noted on the lesson plan.
PLANS:Plans are to be kept on an electronic template of the teacher’s choice. They are to be printed one week in advance and placed in the notebook. Plans need to be completed by the Friday prior to the week that is being planned. Pages for each week are to remain in the notebook. This notebook is a legal document and will be kept on file for five (5) years.
Plans need to include standard/objective, materials, activities and assessment (to match the grade book) whenever applicable.
STUDENT DATA: All students’ grades 1-5 with STAR READING ASSESSMENTS quarterly. All identified lowest quartile, ESE and ESOL students must be given time to work on “iReady.”
Teachers must obtain the following printouts, review the data and keep the reports in the class record binder.
- iReady class summary report for every 5 weeks (just prior to interims and just prior to report cards)
- STAR READING class summary reports quarterly just prior to report cards.
In addition, the Broward Assessment of Florida Standards (BAFS) will be given to grades 3-5 in September, then again in November. Reports generated by the District MUST be reviewed and instruction designed to remediate areas of weakness. Class summary reports must be kept as part of the Student Data.
CLASSROOM ENVIORNMENT (CLUTTER-FREE ENVIORNMENT): All chairs should be removed from desktops and tables before instruction begins even if a student is absent. Floors should be cleared of books, papers, boxes, and litter. Desks should be cleared and have only materials necessary to carry out the program. The countertops should be cleared of all materials except current activities for the week. An excessive amount of furniture in the classroom causes traffic problems and makes cleaning time-consuming and difficult. All chairs should be stacked in groups of 5 for cleaning. Cleanliness, organization, and neatness should be considered as a part of the education process. Students should clean their desks each Friday. The best method for teaching this skill is by example. Less is more!
CLASSROOM INTERRUPTIONS: When visitors come to the room, children should have an established procedure to follow when the teacher is interrupted. Teachers should not be answering cell phone calls or texts during instructional time. A focused and orderly classroom reflects positively on our teachers and students.
CLASSROOM RESPONSIBILITY: Teachers must assume responsibility for the room in which they teach. Before dismissal, papers should be picked up and deposited in the wastebasket; chairs should be stacked along one wall; and the room should generally be made ready for the custodians.
Classroom supplies will be distributed during pre-planning. If there is anything additional you need during the year, please let your Team Leader know. Team Leaders will request grade level supplies through Ms. Dobson. The supply request will be filled in the order they are received.
CLINIC: Students who are injured in any way must be sent to the clinic:
- Students must have a clinic pass when sent to the clinic. Teachers need to complete the pass in ink.
- Students will be allowed 15 minutes of rest in the clinic. Students are notkept longer than this time period unless their condition requires them to go home.
- Please advise the office staff if the student has not had lunch. If a child returns to your room AFTER your class has gone to lunch please make sure that the student returning has also had lunch in the office.
- Only emergency first-aid will be administered.
- The clinic will administer medication to students that have a medical form signed by a physician.
Students cannot call home from the classroom, unless in the event of extreme circumstances. Any communication from the school to a parent needs to be done by an adult. The Health Technician will make any necessary communication about an illness of a student.
The Code of Student Conduct is issued by the Broward County School Board. It outlinesthe district’s policies and procedures relating to students’ rights and responsibilities.Specific consequences for different levels of bus misbehavior have been included. Inaddition, there is a note to parents requesting they ask for a copy of the school’sdiscipline plan. There has also been a ban on “heelies”. Harassment language has beenincluded and relates to any harassment for any reason. Students are allowed to possesscell phones in the elementary school. As new students arrive during the year teachersmust be sure that the signature page is returned for filing in the cum folder. Pleaserefer to it at least once each marking period and as needed.
We are encouraging the collection of funds to be completed electronically if at all possible.
Whenever a teacher collects money (checks and/or cash) for any purpose, the general guidelines below shallbe followed, as per Standard Practices Bulletin No. I-252 and School Board Policy#6301:
• All monies collected are to be remitted to the school by 10:00 AM