Operations Oversight Committee
March 24, 2010
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Cattaraugus-Allegany Workforce Investment Board
Operations Oversight Committee
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 – 10 a.m.
JCC LLC Room 308 – Olean, NY
Not Yet Approved
Board Members Present:Theresa Schueckler – Catt.-Allegany BOCES
Jesse Gugino – JCC
Linda Spaulding- Chautauqua Co. Office of the Aging
Brad Monroe-Dresser-Rand
Hobie Rhinehart – NYS United Teachers
Karen Comstock-Friendship Dairies
Bob Halady – NYS VESID
Christina John - Seneca Nation
Others In Attendance:
Bret Marvin - Catt. Co. DSS
Jerry Garmong-Allegany E&T
Wendy Bourgeois- Catt. Co. DSS
Jen Hollamby- Catt. County DPN
Staff In Attendance:
Michele Lichy-Executive Director
Tammy Komidar- Admin. Assistant
Jason Miller-Fiscal and Program Monitor / Board Members Excused:
Cesar Cabrera - NYSDOL
Chair Brad Monroe called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.
Minutes of January 27, 2010 Meeting
Motion by Karen Comstock; Second by Bob Haladay to approve the January 27th, 2010 meeting minutes as presented
All in Favor; Motion Carries
Eligible Training Provider Applications
Michele reviewed the current training provider applications that have come in since last meeting. The committee discussed the addition of an EKG Tech course offered by Bryant & Stratton in both Monroe and Erie Counties. Michele will send out the Provider Questionnaire to Bryant & Stratton to gain more information. Michele then reviewed an application by a potential provider called Webucator. They basically offer the same training that will be available through Elevate America. All of their trainings are on-line courses. Our policy currently states that we will not use on-line training or distance learning.
* Motion by Karen Comstock; Second by Linda Spaulding to deny Webucator as an Eligible Training Provider.
6 Ayes; 0 Nays; 2 Abstentions( Jess Gugino and Theresa Schueckler); Motion Carries.
Next the committee reviewed the application by ACM training (Wayne Lehman) and the need of a local contractor to get people trained in Asbestos Removal. ACM training has provided all of the proper documentation regarding their certification to provide Asbestos removal training.
*Motion by Jesse Gugino; Second by Theresa Schueckler to recommend to the full Board ACM Training as an Eligible Training Provider.
All in Favor; Motion Carries.
Task: Michele will send out to the committee the cost and duration of the EKG Tech course offered by Bryant and Stratton.
Demand Occupation List Review
The committee reviewed the Demand Occupation list to determine if there were any occupations that need to be removed. It was determined that Legal Secretaries, Teacher’s Assistants, Elementary Teachers, Pre-School/Kindergarten Teachers, Secondary Teachers, Special Education Teachers and all Vocational Teachers be removed from the list. The teachers removal came in light of State Education cuts and the looming number of teachers that will be unemployed after the current school year. Bret suggested that Maintenance Repair Workers, General be added to the list of ARRA Demand Occupations.
* Motion by Linda Spaulding; Second by Brad Monroe to recommend to the full Board the revised Demand Occupation list as revised by the committee.
All in Favor; Motion Carries.
Eligible Training Provider Policies and Procedures
Michele reviewed the changes that were made to the policy which were discussed at the last meeting regarding course approval for currently approved training providers. Then the committee discussed changing the language regarding approval of on-line or distance learning providers. It was decided to remove the language stating that we do not approved strictly on-line and/or distance learning and that these providers would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis as this type of training is becoming more prevalent and cost effective. Michele also noted that we still need to establish Subsequent Eligibility Criteria to rate providers. She explained that providers are granted initial eligibility for a year and then their performance should be reviewed by the LWIA to determine whether to keep them on the list or not.
TASK: Michele is going to contact other areas regarding Subsequent Eligibility Criteria.
Services Report
Jason reviewed the Services report and talked about the increase in Unemployment numbers again. The committee briefly talked about number of participants in training and how we are doing in regards to that performance measure.
Task: Email the committee the current number of participants in training.
DPN Report
Jen Hollamby, Lead DPN for the area spoke to the committee about the upcoming Employment and Service Fair. She handed out registration forms to committee members. Jen also talked about how she has seen an increase in the number participants she has seen with more severe disabilities thus requiring more services and guidance.
Michele then discussed with the committee the financial shortfall that the DPN program is realizing for the upcoming program year and how the Federal Government is looking at competitively procuring DPN service from States. NYSDOL currently estimates that it might have enough funding to continue the program through the 1st Quarter of PY10 then it would be up to the local area to determine if the program is valued enough to dedicate funding to it from WIA formula funding. Bret stated that Jen is a valuable asset to the One Stop.
Elevate America
Michele shared with the committee that Elevate America will be rolling out by official release from NYS Governor David Patterson Friday March 26th, 2010. Centers are not allowed to advertise the program until after the official release on Friday. Vouchers will need to be activated within 90 days after the Friday release, which is June 24th, 2010 or they will automatically expire. The training vouchers give the participant 12 months to access this online training.
Chair Brad Monroe adjourned the meeting at 11:50 am.
Next Meeting
Wednesday April 21st, 2010 at 10 a.m. Location to be determined.