DRAFT Field trip Itinerary, Feb 11-13, 2005, Marine Biology (Ecol 183) DRAFT
Friday, Feb 11 (low tide 9:40 pm, -2 feet)
7:45–9:00 am BSE 107 open to store field gear. Open again at 12:15 to retrieve it.
12:30Vans available to pack and choose seat, check in with Elisa.
You will be assigned to a van, where you can choose a seat and pack
your gear as soon as you arrive.
1:00Depart from UA
5:30 Arrive at CEDO, gather in CEDO courtyard for introduction to CEDO
5:45 Unpack vans and put all gear into courtyard, find a room and bed
6:45 Dinner in CEDO courtyard
7:45 Gather with tidepool leaders in CEDO courtyard to walk to CEDO reef. Tidepooling on reef in front of CEDO. Wear shoes that can get soaked, and warm jacket and hat, bring a pen or pencil to night tide pool activity and a good flashlight!
10:00Meet in cedo courtyard with your van leader to go over night tidepooling
11:00Quiet time at CEDO (no talking in courtyard or porch)
Saturday, Feb 12 (low tide 10:15 am, -2 feet and 10:15 pm, -.5 feet)
7:00-7:30Dolphin/bird watching activity (optional) meet on CEDO reef
7:30 am Wake up call
8:30 am Meet in CEDO courtyard with your section, leave for vans for
Station Beach (10 minute drive)
9:00-10:30 tidewalk at Station Beach (bring shoes to get wet, water, snack, species list, pencil or waterproof pen, clipboard, hat, sunscreen, jacket if windy)
10:30-10:45Regroup with your tide pool leader, review tidewalk, snack.
10:45-11:45 Sampling the intertidal in groups (quadrats)
12:00 Meet at vans to return to CEDO
12:15-2:15 Lunch and break (on your own) at CEDO
12:30-1:45Optional trip to town for lunch, exploration, fish market (optional fish market census activity (town trip only). TAs buy fish and clams.
1:00-2:00Activity: Shell ID on beach?
1:20-2:00Activity: Halophyte walk, meet in CEDO courtyard?
2:15 – 2:45 Drift line treasure hunt (meet on CEDO beach)
3:00-5:00 Complete activities:
- Halophyte walk to estero (30-40 minutes round trip)
- shell ID
- fish and clam dissection
- Put sampling data presentation together with your group TAs available for help
5:00-5:30Present results of sampling data to your lab section
Lab Section 1 (Jim): meet in classroom by giftshop
Lab Section 2 (Katie): meet in cedo courtyard
5:45 Meet in CEDO courtyard for drive into town for dinner
6:00-8:00 dinner in town
8:00 – 9:00 Review session in CEDO classroom by giftshop
9:00-10:30 Optional tidepooling/review on CEDO reef with tas and ugtas
11:00 Quiet time at CEDO
Sunday, Feb 13 (low tide 10:45, -.5 feet)
7:30 am Wake up call
7:30-9:00 Pack personal gear, leave in rooms in a corner so most of floor is clear, stack mattresses in corner of room. Eat breakfast, etc.
8:45 Meet in CEDO courtyard to drive to Station Beach. Bring a pencil and clipboard, warm clothes if cold weather.
9:00-10:00 Field exam at Station Beach
10:00-10:15 Field trip evaluation
10:15Meet at vans to return to CEDO
10:30-11:30Relax, free time at CEDO or on beach.
11:30-12:45 Pile all gear in courtyard for packing in vans. Help clean CEDO.
1:00 Leave CEDO for Tucson.
6:30Arrive back in Tucson
Field trip point breakdown 90 points total DRAFT
Friday Night and Saturday Activities (45)
Night tidepooling
Drift line treasure hunt
Sampling presentation
Bird and dolphin watch in early am
Shell ID
Halophyte ID and estero visit
Clam and fish dissections
Sunday am
Field exam (45)
Field trip evaluation (2 points extra credit)