West Virginia Division of Highways
Maintenance Division
1900 Kanawha Blvd., East Bldg. 5, Rm. 356
Phone: 304-558-3736 Charleston, WV 25305 Fax: 304-558-0591
COMPANY: __________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: __________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ FAX NUMBER: _____________________________
Contact Person with the Company: ____________________________________________________________________________
A blanket permit of overweight will be issued to the company and may be used an unlimited number of times with any truck owned or leased to that company within the size and weight limitations and routes specified in this application. This permit is only valid for use with a vehicle hauling containerized cargo in a sealed, seagoing container to or from a seaport or inland waterway port that has or will be transported by marine shipment. The only vehicle allowed to use this permit will be a truck tractor, semi-trailer combination with five or more axles. The maximum gross weight of this vehicle shall not exceed 90,000 pounds with a maximum single axle weight of 28,000 pounds, a maximum tandem axle weight of 45,000 pounds or a maximum tridem axle weight of 50,000 pounds. Bridge and other restrictions will be included with the permit.
The vehicle used with this permit must be in conformance with the length, width and height dimensions that have been approved by the Division of Highways for the routes being used. Size maps will be included with the permit. Travel is allowed 24 hours per day, seven days per week on all divided highways, all US routes and Selected routes. A list of selected routes will be included with the permit. The original permit and all attachments must be carried in the vehicle while traveling on the state’s highways. Duplication of this permit is not allowed. Once issued, a permit cannot be modified and is not refundable. Permit fees can be paid by check, state account, or through wire/permit service companies. Permits that are charged to a wire/permit company will be mailed to the wire/permit company. State accounts can be set up be calling our Finance Division, Accounts Receivable Section at 304-558-3122.
Date permit to be effective: ________________. Permit expires one year from date of issue.
Fee to be paid by:
______Number of Permits - $150 for 1 to 15 = ___________ ___State Account Number______________
______Number of Permits - $15 for each permit after = _________ Wire/permit Service Company
______USDOT# Name: _________________________________________
State Acct.#__________________
Applications can be faxed to our Central Permit Office at 304-558-0591, mailed or delivered to Central Permits, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Building 5, Room A-357, Charleston, WV 25305-0430.
I hereby certify that I have read and understand the regulations and laws governing the issuance of this permit and agree to the conditions on the attached page. This application must be signed by a representative of the company to whom it is issued.
Mail Permit to: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________
(if Different ________________________________________ (Signature of Applicant)
Than Above) ________________________________________ ______________________________________________
(Title of Applicant)
Approval to exceed the limitations of weight shall not be construed as permission to operate a vehicle not properly licensed.
The State and the West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Highways shall assume no responsibility for the applicant’s property.
The applicant shall maintain licenses and insurance, if applicable, on vehicle and trailer as required by law.
All equipment covered by this permit shall be maintained and operated in accordance with the Motor Vehicle Laws and any other laws applicable to the operation of the vehicle.
In consideration of this permit, the applicant agrees to save the State and the West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Highways harmless from any and all claims, loss or damages that may be caused to any road, bridges, person, or property by movement under said permit and shall reimburse the state or the West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Highways for any expenditure that the State or the West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Highways may have to make on any road, bridge or other highway structure as a result of said movement.
Nothing in this permit shall be construed as waiving any load limitations on any roads except as specifically provided herein for the listed vehicle combinations.
This permit shall be carried in the subject vehicle at all times.
Applicant agrees to furnish sufficient flagmen to protect traffic adequately at road intersections and at railroad grade crossings and at the ends of blind curves or any curves of such degree of sharpness that more than half of the pavement is obstructed with truck and trailer.
No travel is allowed when the surface of highways is made hazardous by rain, sleet, snow, ice, or when movement is made hazardous by fog or wind.
When necessary to permit the normal flow of other vehicular traffic which travels at a higher speed than the applicant’s vehicle applicant agrees to park the vehicle at the first convenient location off the pavement to permit passing.
Violation of any provision set forth in this permit will automatically void this permit
A copy of the “Permit Information” document is available by calling (304) 558-0384 or 558-3736; or by writing to West Virginia Division of Highways, MAINTENANCE Division, Central Permit Office, Bldg. 5 Rm. A-357, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E., Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430.