Standard: (+33) 1 57 33 99 00
Version - Date / Issuer / Status/track changes
V0.01 – 14/04/2016 / AIFE / Creation of document
V0.02 – 12/07/2016 / AIFE / Addition § contact
V1.00 – 05/06/17 / AIFE / Integration Connection via Portal
Table on contents
1.1Purpose of the document
2.1Description of EDI’s features
3.1Steps of approval
3.2Choice of connection mode
What is a trusted third party for tax dematerialization?
What is the cost of an EDI’s connection?
3.3Steps of project and planning’s implementation
3.4Steps of IT development
3.5Steps of qualification
3.6Step of Verification of organizationals’pre-requirements
3.7Start-up follow up step and switch in production
3.8Planning Type
1.1Purpose of the document
This document is for suppliers wishing to connect in EDI ("Electronic Data Interchange") to the Chorus Pro solution. This involves making a technical connection (Internet connection) between your information system and the Chorus Pro solution in order to transmit your invoices according to a predefined format.
The purpose of this document is to explain what an "EDI Connection" project consist in. It is specifically addressed to the information systems’ management.
Another document, entitled EDI Connection Protocol, describes more precisely technical and functional modalities of the execution of the connection. This document is addressed to project managers and technical teams.
Furthermore, additional documents and other documents on technical specification (description of formats, examples, and specific management rules) are also available on the Chorus Pro Community.
Examples of documents:
- External specifications
- EDI connection guide
- EDI connection protocol
- Tests catalogue
The Chorus Pro solution presents several ways to access to all services:
- EDI access, allows suppliers or dematerialization’s operators to exchange in EDI.
- API accessallows suppliers to access to allexposedservices. This access covers both approaches (External IS and Third Party Portal).
- The possibility to submit invoices via the portal. This approach concerns more unit processing than previous ways which are more adapted to batch processing.
In this diagram:
-Suppliers 1, 2 have chosen to entrust the dematerializationof their invoices to a dematerialization operator.
They transmit their invoicing data to their operator according to a format defined during their agreement (contract)
The dematerialization operator 1 has chosen to connect to Chorus Pro by using two connection modes (EDI and API). By usingthe EDI mode, it produces electronic originals in the expected XML format of Chorus Pro. This operator can offer to their customers extended services that can take advantage of dual access.
The dematerialization operator 2 has chosen the Chorus Pro in EDI mode only.
-Supplier 3 has chosen to dematerialize its invoices himself and to send them directly to Chorus Pro in the expected XML format. He also chooses to use the connectionby using API mode. Thus,it can benefit from the advantages of bothmethods of connection which are complementary. It was also necessary to subscribe to additional developments in order to make this double connection.
-Supplier 4 chooses to dematerialize his invoices himself but he wanted to useAPI mode. With this approach, he can also submit invoices in the expected format.
-Provider 5 did not get connected yet. However, functionality in the portal allows him to submit invoices directly through the portal. The provider 5 could decide to connect himself in a second time.
2.1Description of EDI features
EDI flowsthat you will exchange with Chorus Promust follow a particular format in terms of its envelope and its content.
You will find in the document The EDI-Appendix Modeand also in the External Specifications, a detailed description of the formats on the exchange flows proposed by Chorus Pro.
Each flowof input identifies a specific format. Each flow is a combination of the flow type (Structured Flow: E1, Mixed Flow: E2) and adapted formats. The whole set is identified by a code (also called interface code).
The following table shows examples of available flows:
Flow ID / Flow direction / FormatFSO1100A / Incoming / UBL Invoice
FSO1101A / Incoming / CCI Invoices
FS01110A / Incoming / UBL Invoice Minimal
(XX+00,01,05,10) / Outgoing - Report
FEN1200A / Outgoing – Life cycle
FEN1201A / Outgoing – Life cycle
FEN0036A / Outgoing – Pivot data flow
In the same way, you will find below the kinematics of the EDI exchanges following thesubmission of invoices.
1 – You submit an invoice in the adapted format in accordance with the correct IDflow (also called interface).
2 – Then, you receive an integration feedback CSOOXXXXA
3 – During your connection, you can also receive the lifecycle flow. In this case, you will receive, in addition to the integration report, a FEN1200A or FEN1201A stream (FEN1201A is in CPP V1 format, FEN1200A is a specific CHORUS PRO format).
In the general case of a connection project 7 steps have been identified.
- Ownership
- Choice of the connection way
- Implementation of project and planning
- Development
- Qualification
- Control of organizational pre-requirements
- Start-up and switch in production
The following diagram summarizes the 7 major steps.
This document will focus primarily on the development and qualification steps. The other steps are described in the document:Introduction to the choice of an access or connection mode.
3.1Ownership step
This step consists in collecting all documents related to Chorus Pro but also its aim is tobe familiar with its contents.
3.2Choice of connection mode
The choice of an EDI connection wayis made in this step. In case of any doubt, it is recommended to use the document:Introduction to choosing an access or connection modewhich describes in detail the decision making process with the advantages and disadvantages of each way.
We must bear in mindthat the choice way of access (EDI and API) is not exclusive.The mix of different way of access isalso possible. An analysis of the available functionalities depending on to the way of access must be compared to the desired functionalities in order to determine if this mix is necessary.
What is a trusted third part for tax dematerialization?
If your company is not willing to, or is not able to, to dematerialize its tax invoices by itself, it could outsource this task.
Then you allow the provider to produce your invoices.
The tax dematerialization operator is in charge of producing electronic originals and the respect of regulatory requirements settled by the General Tax Code (CGI): archiving, partners’ file, summary , unencrypted return of invoices. See in particular :
It is specified that there is currently no procedure for qualifying or certifying dematerialization operators.
What is the cost of an EDI connection?
The connection of a company to Chorus Pro for issuing invoices in EDI is unrestrictedand free, it does not charge any direct costs.
If your company decides to connect itself directly without a trusted third part (a "tax dematerialization operator"), only the project management, IT developments that may be necessaryto adapt your information system and invoice production lines will be considered in the cost.
If your company outsources the production of your electronic invoices for your account to a tax dematerialization operator, the service wil be invoiced.
3.3Project implementation and planning step
This step consists of verifying the feasibility of an EDI connection, identifying possible difficulties, defining the pre-requirements for a "project GO" and drafting a first connection and deployment schedule.
An example ofEDI Chorus Pro connection project schedule is available below.
3.4IT development step
In addition to adaptations you should bring to your own information system, you will also need to make the IT developmentswhich will allow you to either produce your invoices in the expected standard format (case of a direct connection to Chorus Pro) or to transmit your data to your dematerialization operator.
External specifications precise all the exchange formats available on Chorus Pro. You will specify your choice in the connection form.
It is also important ifwithin your IS some bricks involved are provided by publishers, that you integrate them into the project. Indeed, some of the evolutions may be brought by him.
"Return files" are standardized files in XML format that are sent by Chorus Pro to suppliers.
For each invoice issued, it is produced as many "return flows" as events related to the processing of the invoice:
-Integration or rejection (in case of invoice not meeting the technical specifications);
-Accounting of the invoice
-Payment of the invoice
-Rejection of the invoice by the accounting departments
A "return file" allows knowing the status of invoices, to integrate the status of an invoice in the supplier's information system, to know, subsequently, the evolution of integrated invoices.
3.5Qualification step
- Access the Chorus Pro Qualification Portal
- Create the connection request on the Chorus Pro Qualification Portal
- Execute the connection technical tests
- Qualify flows
- Access to the Chorus Pro Portal
- Create the connection request on the Chorus Pro portal
The document choosing an access or connection modefor suppliers describes the qualification in 7 steps. The current paragraph covers 2 to 6steps:
- Connection request inqualification environment
- Processing of the request :
- In an automated way by Chorus Pro (AIFE exchange system settings)
- By the partner
- Exchange system settings of the partner
- Connection technical tests
- Functional qualification tests
Connection request:
The first action is to enter a connection request through Chorus Pro.
It is recommended to refer to the Connection protocoldocument which explains:
- How to complete the connection request
- The connection process as well as the deadlines for implementation
- How to perform the technical connection tests.
We advise you to parallelize the connection request with the end of the development step.
AIFEexchange system settings:
When the request of the connection is received, Chorus Pro will proceed to the opening of the network flows and the setting up of the Chorus Pro exchange system by taking in consideration the technical information you have provided via the application form connection.
You will be notified by email by AIFE as soon as the Chorus Pro exchange system settings have been made.
Partner exchange system settings:
The connection request form contains all the technical information that will allow you to set up your exchange system.
We recommend you to start setting up your exchange system as soon as you retrieve the connection request form.
Tests of technical connection:
Once the two exchange systems have been configured, the technical connection tests must be carried out. These tests consist of ensuring that both exchange systems are able to send and receive feeds. The document Connection protocol describes the tests to be performed.
Technical tests of functional qualification:
Once the technical connection is made, you still have to perform functional tests.
Some features of the portal are an EDI connection help.
In particular, on the portal, you can:
- Download examples of pivot flows of life cycle flows,
- Submit (in advance of the qualification stage) flows to verify their technical validity.
All tests are performed under your responsibility. It is therefore up to you to establish the perimeters of the tests that you wish to carry out. The duration of the tests will therefore depend on the depth of the tests and the number of functionalities developed.
In order to guide you through these functional tests, we recommend using the document Test Catalog, which list the essential tests to be performed. The proposed tests also rely on the dataset that was sent to you. They can then be enriched by specific tests that you have decided to perform.
Once the functional tests are sufficiently advanced, you can consider switching to real production.
Remember that some of the features of the portal are an EDI connection help. In particular, on this area, you will be able to download examples of pivot flows and of lifecycle flows.
As a reminder, do not forget that you also have on this portal ways to submit (in advance of phase qualification stage) flows to verify their technical validity.
In what level of progress in my tests can I consider going to production?
It is up to you to define the qualification level of your application to consider if going into real production or not.
In order to help you to define this level, AIFE recommends using the document Test Catalogwhich recommends a fairly large list of tests to be performed. Each partner according to the level of depth of the tests that he wishes to achieve chooses from this list the tests that he finds absolutely necessary.
We recommend not going into production until 80% of the tests in this list are conclusive.
3.6Verification step of organizational requirements
This step can be parallelized. This is a verification step that ensures that the persons in charge of entering invoices have access to all the information required for billing and more specifically: the SIRET number of the recipients, the service code (if applicable), and commitment reference (if applicable).
This check facilitates the startand switch step in production.
3.7Step of Start-up follow up and switch in production
The first task to perform is to make a connection request in the production area.
The request will be made directly on the portal. The information to provide will be exactly the same type.
The document Connection protocolwill explain in detail the technical connection process.
We recall that in production, itwill not be possible to carry out functional tests.
3.8Planning Model
The AIFE (French Agency for State Financial Information Technology) is your preferred contact for EDI connection projects.
At any time, if you are facing difficulties, yourself or your provider of dematerialization, you can contact the Chorus Pro support by creating a requestvia the area «Issued requests”.