Important Graduation Information

Graduation Application Form

IMPORTANT:In order to attend the actual Graduation Ceremony, students must complete the application form and pay their Grad fees by March 31st. Failure to do so means that they will not be able to attend the ceremony (and will receive their diploma by mail instead). We cannot add anyone to the ceremony at the last minute, as gowns must be ordered in advance. The form may be accessed at .

Grad Fees - $95

This fee must be paid through School Cash Online. If there are any issues with the website, students or their family members may speak to someone in the Main Office.
This fee covers a number of expenses related to the ceremony, including:

  • Rental of grad gown and regalia
  • Souvenir cap/tassel
  • Rental and decoration of stage
  • Diploma cover
  • Grad brunch (meal & decorations)
  • Grad reception (after the ceremony)

Important Dates

Wednesday, June 28th: Mandatory Attendance

  • Grad Mass: 9:30 am at Holy Cross Church (family members are welcome to attend)
  • Grad Brunch: 11:00 am at school
  • Rehearsal: immediately after brunch

Following the rehearsal, students will receive their tickets for the ceremony and their grad cap & gown. We have close to 400 graduates, so the ceremony is a large undertaking. It is imperative that graduates are at school for this rehearsal, and can expect to be here until 3:00 pm this day. This may require booking off work, which is why we are giving lots of notice.
Thursday, June 29th:Graduation Ceremony at 7:00 pm in the school gym

  • Graduates will be asked to report to the theatre between 6:00 and 6:30 pm (in their gowns).
  • Guests will go to the gym, and are advised to line up as early as possible since seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Guests will only be admitted with an official ticket.

Graduation Tickets

  • Each graduate will automatically receive two tickets for the ceremony in the gym.
  • If you require additional tickets, you MUST submit a request to the Main Office to be placed on a waiting list. These additional tickets are limited (due to space in the gym and fire code regulations), so get requests in early to avoid disappointment. The office will begin taking requests for extra tickets after the March Break.
  • Once we run out of additional tickets for the gym, we will give out tickets to watch a live stream of the ceremony from a seat in the theatre.
  • Requests for extra tickets will be limited to two for family (pending availability). Any requests over and above this quota will also be tickets for theatre seating only.