Faculty Meeting

English Department

January 30, 2008

Present: Dale Sullivan, Gary Totten, Robert O’Connor, Andrew Mara, Bruce Maylath, Miriam Mara, Amy Rupiper-Taggart, Muriel Brown, Kevin Brooks, Eunice Johnston, Cindy Nichols, Elizabeth Birmingham, Judy Pearson, Margaret Skolness, Michele Sherman


*Correction: Amy Rupiper Taggert, Gary Totten, Dale Sullivan and Bruce Maylath are meeting with Fargo North High School teachers in regards to coordinating curriculum between the high school and college English departments.

Cindy Nichols brought up the Governor’s School, which is 6 weeks during the summer, and it was requested that a contact from the school be asked to come and speak to the faculty.

Activity Reports are due.

Eunice Johnston reported that 17 students are to be inducted in the Sigma Tau Delta Honor Society.

They are two new course proposals from Andrew and Miriam Mara: “Irish Literature” and “Innovation and Invention.”

Graduate committee report:

Gary Totten reported that the graduate committee has been working on the following:

  1. Policy for conditionally admitted students
  2. Reporting system for graduates (their progress toward degree)

Report from Search Committee:

The English Education search committee has made an offer to Kelly Sassi. They are waiting for her response—the deadline is next Monday.

The Renaissance/Early Modern Lit. search committee reports that they have invited 3 candidates: Jennifer Ailles, David Orvis and Verena Theile. They will come in on a Wednesday and depart on Saturday. The credentials are still on the library website.

Dale Sullivan suggested that presentations from the candidates be posted to the college listserve.

Upper Division Writing Committee Report

*Correction: Amy Rupiper Taggert will be running FEC this spring.

Kevin Brooks will be coordinating Upper Division Writing.


·  Scholarships-Dale Sullivan needs to make an announcement for the deadline

·  Seminars-Kevin Brooks will present on Africa

·  Dick Johnson-leaving his estate to English Department for graduate students with teaching and literary preferences.

·  Content for the English Department website would be welcomed.

·  Faculty can find who they are to be advising on Peoplesoft.

·  Dale Sullivan requested examples of how mentoring had helped faculty for a committee he is on in regards to graduate mentoring.

·  Gary Totten is on a committee for anti-racism—training for level one is coming up, please send him an email if you are interested in registering for it.

·  Graduate conference is coming up and they have gotten Geoffrey Sirc as keynote speaker.

·  TIFEC—taking proposals, due March 3, 2008.

·  Betsy Birmingham is on the General Education committee—they are revamping the curriculum which is 15 years old.

·  Dale Sullivan is teaching at the F/M Communiversity called “Local Foods Network.”

·  St. Patrick’s Day celebration at the Sullivan Home!

·  There will be a picnic on the last day of classes-Cindy Nichols may possibly bring some kites.

·  Bruce Maylath was interviewed for a January 31st Forum article – “How to Talk Minnesotan”—Uff da!

Submitted by:

Michele Sherman