January 27, 2015

Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The following Board members were in attendance: Chairman Miller, Supervisors Mueller and Averbeck, Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Treasurer. Minutes from the December meeting were read and a motion was made by Averbeck / Mueller to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried 3-0.

An application for a new Eldorado First Responder, Ashley K. Norton, was reviewed and discussed. A motion was made by Averbeck / Mueller to approve the application and her membership as a First Responder. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Mueller / Averbeck to re-appoint Board of Appeals members whose terms are expiring as follows: Mike Wagner and Mona Averbeck – each a three-year term, expiring January, 2018. Alternate Roger Freund – a one-year term expiring January 2016. Motion carried 3-0.

Implements of Husbandry and weight limits for the Town were again discussed. Chairman Miller explained that the weight limit ordinances were to be in place by mid January to be effective for 2015. The Town Board has been considering another type of ordinance that would require pre-authorization whenever a party was intending to use our town roads for heavy equipment. A type of permitting was also considered. Chairman Miller reported that he has spoken with the Town of Marshfield about this, recommended by Attorney Parmentier. Attorney Parmentier also agreed to look into drafting a sort of “blueprint” ordinance that may deal with this, if other towns show some interest. There was also a meeting today on this matter, held by the County Extension. Chairman Miller agreed to check into this to see if they have any information that can be obtained. Dennis Mueller suggested addressing issues with driving through the ditches in this ordinance if possible. There was also discussion about having the clerk send out notices whenever it is noticed that residents are driving through or rutting up the ditches. Joe could keep an eye on this on a regular basis. More discussion followed.

Chairman Miller brought up issues with a bridge on Townline Road, between Lincoln and Cemetery, that will need to be addressed following an inspection done by the County. The Town has been told that this bridge needs to be posted and another inspection is pending. There will most likely need to be work done to the bridge. Chairman Miller agreed to meet with the County Highway Commissioner to review options and posting requirements.

Bill Averbeck reported on behalf of the Plan Commission – no meetings lately and nothing urgent pending at this time.

Highway – Clerk Linger asked about part-time snow plow position and whether the Board would approve applicant Jeff Wehle to ride along with Joe when he is plowing. He has a Commercial Learners Permit and needs to log time. Discussion followed and Clerk Linger agreed to check with the insurance company to see what they recommend. The Board also expressed that there may not be too many opportunities this season any more, for riding along.

Mike Albrecht asked about replacing the mower tractor. The Board stated that Joe Simon is not worried about it and feels it is OK for now.

Fire Department Report – Dennis Mueller reported that the new air packs are in. The old ones were traded in.

Nothing else to report.

Mike Albrecht reported that the crack filling done on Rose Eld at County C and on Town Hall Road was done poorly. Discussion followed and Chairman Miller agreed to go look at it and talk to Crack Filling Service if needed. There was also discussion on the County I project. Mike Wagner asked if it was true that the project will be split over two years. Chairman Miller will follow up when he meets with the Highway Commissioner.

Monthly bills were approved and paid.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Linger, Town Clerk