Producer- Director
She graduated from the Radio and Television Department of the Communication Faculty at IstanbulUniversity. She holds a Master’s degree in the same field. She has been involved in many news, culture, advertisements and promotion projects, particularly in documentary productions, as a researcher, producer, director, editor and consultant.
In 1991, she worked as a redactor for Ajans First Class. From 1992 to 1999, she worked as a researcher- assistant director for VTR Yapım. In 1999, she started to work for TRT Istanbul Television where she is still active as a producer- director.
She participated in many seminars and workshops in fields of documentary, television and communication such as the Oral History Workshop of History Foundation, BBC Producer Workshop, the From Idea to Film workshop of the Association of Advertising Agencies. She attended documentary master classes of Süha Arın, Zahur Mükerrem (Azerbaijan), Thomas Dillen (Sweden) and Roviros Manthoulis (Greece). In 2001-2002 academic year, she lectured on “Program Script and Writing Method” in the Department of Radio-Television Broadcasting at the Vocational School of Technical Sciences in IstanbulUniversity. In 2008, she prepared a conference titled “Intercultural Dialogue and Documentary Film” in the framework of 11th International 1001 Documentaries Film Festival and became its moderator. She was involved as an expert in the “Speak Out Against Discrimination” campaign of the Council of Europe covering the period 2008-2010. She attended many seminars, symposiums and conferences about media, minorities, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in various cities of Europe. She became the coordinator of European Media Encounter organized by the Council of Europe, TRT and BahçeşehirUniversity in 2010. Shehas been a jury member in many national and international film festivals so far. Korver is the founding member of the Association of Documentary Filmmakers and a member of the Journalists Association. She became the Chairwoman of the Association of Documentary Filmmakers in 2009-2011, also serving as a Manager of Education, Culture and Drama Programs at TRT Istanbul Television in 2008-2010. Korver was the Head of the Diversity and Intercultural Programs Group of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in 2011-2013 and now she is board member of the group. She is also among the editors of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe (EAPSMSEE).
Almanya’da Yarım Asır (Half a Century in Germany) / 4 episodes
Project Director – Producer – Director , 2011-2012,
- Multikulti Haberler (Multiculti News): Producer - Director. 2012, 48’
- Alamanya Alamanya (GermanyGermany): Producer- Director (with Ayla Karlı), 2011, 52’
Humanity Explored Film Festival, Runner Up Award.
- Hauptschule’den Üniversiteye (From elementary school to University):
Project Director, 2012, 30’
- İşgücü İstemiştik İnsan Geldi (We Wanted Labor Force We Received People): Project Director, 2012, 40’
City Folk (City Folk): Editor, 2010-2012, 25'
Şehir İnsanları (Town People): Producer – Director, 2006, 30’
Fan-Atik (Fan-atic): Producer – Director, 2003, 3x25’
İsyan Günleri (Rebellion Days): Producer – Director, 2001, 25’
Dönüşüm (Transformation): Producer - Director, 2000, 6x30’
İlhan Amca (Uncle İlhan): Director(with Aydın Bulut), 1998, 30'
Hayatı Belgeleyenler (Those documenting life): 2009-2011, Consultant
Emin misiniz? (Are you sure?): Producer 2007
Dr. Nejat Yazıcıoğlu Health Service and Research Awards,
Award of Health in Press. 2007
Tiyatro Saati (Theater Time): 1999, Producer
Tiyatro Festivali (Theater Festival): 1999, Producer
Sözlü Tarih Çalışmaları (Oral History Studies): Researcher-Director , 1993-1998
İstanbul Suyu Ararken (When IstanbulWas Looking For Water): 1997,
Assistant Director
Ege’yi Düşünmek (Thinking about Eagean): 1997-98, Researcher/
Assistant Director
Yapı Kredi Bankası Tanıtım (Promotion of Yapı Kredi Bank):1997,
Assistant Director
Unipro Motivasyon Filmi (Unipro Motivation Film):1997. Assistant Director
Beni Yürekten Dinleyin (Listen to Me By Heart): 1997, Assistant Director
Cano Jean Reklam (Cano Jean Advertisement): 1996, AssistantDirector
Türkiye’de Hayvancılığın Sorunları ve Çözümleri (Stockbreeding Problems and Solutions in Turkey): 1996, Assistant Director
Eczacıbaşı Vitra Tanıtım (Eczacıbaşı Vitra Promotion): 1996, Assistant Director
TÜBİTAK (TÜBİTAK, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey): 1995, Assistant Director
İstanbul'un Çocukları (Rum Okulları) (İstanbul’s Children-Greek Schools): 1995, Assistant Director
İklim ve Zaman Masalları (Climate and Time Stories): 1995, Researcher
Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye: (the European Union and Turkey) 1995, Assistant Director
Mopak Kağıt: (Mopak Paper) 1995, Assistant Director
Dardanel Tanıtım: (Dardanel Promotion Film) 1994, Assistant Director
Başak Sigorta 35 Yaşında: (Başak Insurance Company Celebrates the 35th Year) 1994, Assistant Director
Sıfır Noktası: (Zero Point)1994, Assistant Director
İki Kıyının İnsanları: (People of the two Sides) 1994, Assistant Director
Hürriyet Dergi Grubu Tanıtım Filmi: (Hürriyet Magazine Group Promotion Film) 1993, Assistant Director
Panorama Haber Belgesel: (Panorama News Documentary) 1993, Assistant Director
Unilever, Sana Tanıtım: (Unilever, Sana Promotion Film) 1993, Assistant Director
Tariş Belgeseli: (Tariş Documentary) 1992, Assistant Director
Türk İktisat Tarihi: (Turkish Economics History) 1992-93, Researcher- Assistant Director.
Merchant Bank: 1992, Assistant Director
2013 The 50 th International AntalyaGolden Orange Film Festival Pre-selectionJury
2013 6thIstanbul International City and Arthitecture Films Festival
2013 TRT Documentary Awards, Pre-selection Committee
2012 TRT Documentary Awards, Pre-selection Committee
2011 5th Istanbul International City and Architecture Films Festival
2011 1st YEFA Awards, Member of Documentary Jury
2011 TRT Documentary Awards, Pre-selection Committe
2010 TRT Documentary Awards, Pre-selection Committee
2010The 83rd OscarAcademy Awards, Member of Turkish Selection Committee
2010The 47th International Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival
2010The 4th InternationalIstanbulCity and Architecture Films Festival
2009The 82nd Academy Awards, Member of Turkish Selection Committee
2008 Water, Life, Sustainable Development National Film Competition
2008 Prix Europa Berlin
2008 6th MaltepeUniversityInter-university Students Film Competition
2005 Prix Europa Berlin