Africa Smart Grid Forum 2016
Outline Programme
Saturday 5 March 201609:00-15:00 / Setting up of exhibition stands
16:30 -20:00 / Opening ceremony [Ministry/AFSEC] / Opening of exhibition and welcome party/ registration of delegates
Sunday 6 March 2016
08:00-09:00 / Registration of delegates /refreshments
09:00 -10:30 / Invited Keynote speakers from Africa - (4) [e.g.AUC/AFREC/NEPAD/AdB]
Smart Grids and Electrification in Africa-Dr. Ilham Mahmoud-AU Commissioner
An Overview of the Electrification Gap in Africa-Speaker-Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki-NEPAD CEO
Future of Smart Grid in Africa: Making Sky Image of Africa Brighter –Dr. Hussein ELHAG, Executive Director of AFREC/UA
Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Pairing with Smart Grids Technologies-Speaker-Mohamed Salah Elsobki-NREA
10:30 -11:00 / Coffee break/exhibition viewing
11:00 – 12:30 / Invited International Keynote speakers (4) [e.g IEC/CENELEC/SGCC/AFSEC]
Smart Grid - the key to a Smart energy future for Africa : Frans VREESWIJK, General Secretary of IEC.
European standardization in the field of Smart Grid : Rationale, state of play and way forward : Uwe KAMPET CENELEC Vice President Technical
Design of Smart Grid, current situation and evolution by : Richard SCHOMBERG IEC; Chairman of Smart Grid Strategic Group IEC
Vision, challenges, opportunities and evolution of Smart Grids in China: Ms. Yueming CHEN, SGCC Executive Vice President;
The features of Smart Grid in Korea: Jee-Sik PARK, National Coodinator for Smart Grid Standardization (KATS)
12:30 -14:00 / Lunch and exhibition viewing
14:00 -15:30 / Plenary session (4 speakers – e.g primary sponsors)
Renewable energy and energy efficiency roadmap for Côte d’Ivoire : Sabati CISSE, CEO of Energy in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Role of Government and Financial Institutions in Smart Grid Development- Hafez ELsalmawy -EgyptERA
Global Experience in Off-Grid Electrification-Speaker- Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman- KF
15:30-16:00 / Coffee break /exhibition viewing
16:00 -17:00 / Plenary session (3 speakers –e.g secondary sponsors)
Continental Industrial Prospects in Smart Grid Technologies-Chair-Mossad Elmissiry-Energy Advisor-NEPAD
Issues, challenges and perspectives of electrical system operation, case study from Côte d’Ivoire : Mathias KOUASSI, Deputy General Manager of the Distribution pole of the Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Electricité (CIE)
Future Vision of Smart Cities- Speaker-Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen-DTU Vice Dean-Denmark
Monday 7 March
09:00-10:30 / Technical Session A1: (4 presentations)
· - Integration of large-scale renewables in the energy mix (methods and techniques) : Dr. Yongning CHI, Chief Engineer of renewable energy department (China electric power research institute, SGCC);
· - Wide area monitoring applications for future grids-Chair-Dr. Innocent Kemwa-IREQ-Canada
· - Strategy for the Grid Integration of Renewable Energy on the Example of the German "Energiewende" : Marco PETER, Responsible for the photovoltaic strategy in DKE
· - Green Energy Policy and Smart Grid in Korea : Kyung-Jin, BOO, Professor (Seoul National University) / Technical Session B1: (4 presentations)
- The G3 PLC communication protocol : Marc DELANDRE Secretary General of the Alliance PLC G3 and Deputy Director of Project Linky, ERDF
- New ETSI-CEN-CENELEC approaches for the rapid deployment of Smart Grid projects : Laurent SCHMITT, Vice-President Smart Grids Solutions ALSTOM for CENELEC
- Internet in every household more than 20 Mbp / s PLC outdoor : Daniel SAMPAH, CEO Awale
- Get organized to meet new challenges with the introduction of new information and communication technologies on distribution networks : John NEWBURY, Convenor of IEC Technical Committee 57,Chairman of the UK IEC TC57 committee;
10:30 -11:00 / Coffee break /exhibition viewing
11 :00 -12:30 / Technical Session A2 (5 presentations)
- New Digital Substation architectures for Smart Grids (EHV & HV/MV SS) : Laurent SCHMITT, Vice-President Smart Grids Solutions ALSTOM for CENELEC
- How to ensure better stability and reliability of transportation and distribution networks? :Hongzhu TAO, Deputy Division Director of power automation, dispatching department, SGCC
- SMART GRID & SMART STORAGE to improve the electrical system for TSO and DSO, Antonio Zingales, Manager, SAET Padova, Italy
- Smart and Efficient Transmission Grid Dr. Dalal Helmi, EETC
- Smart Grid, the smart meters or «consum’actor» birth : Hervé BAUDOUX, Delivery and Support Manager for France, Mediterranean and French Speaking countries – ITRON, Electricity Division.
- / Technical Session B2 (4 presentations)
- Smart Grid and the elimination of fraud or non-technical losses on distribution networks : Hervé BAUDOUX, Delivery and Support Manager for France, Mediterranean and French Speaking countries – ITRON, Electricity Division.
- " Linky", the smart metering project in France : Marc DELANDRE Secretary General of the Alliance PLC G3 and Deputy Director of Project Linky, ERDF
- Smart Grid and consumers. The South African Smart Grid strategy : Dr Minnesh BIPATH, Senior Manager Smart Grids, Data and Knowledge Management South African National Energy Development Institute
- Remote management of meters to optimize the use of a local loop PLC : Daniel SAMPAH, CEO Awale
12:30 -14:00 / Lunch break/exhibition viewing
14:00-15:30 / Technical Session A3 (3 presentations)
- Examples of significant improvement in network architecture by introducing smart distribution system : John NEWBURY, Convenor of IEC Technical Committee 57,Chairman of the UK IEC TC57 committee;
- Journey towards a Smart Utility: an eThekwini Electricity perspective : Jonathan, HUNSLEY, Project Executive eThekwini Municipality, South Africa;
- Smart Grids Planning and optimization,
Yasser Hegazi, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, German University in Cairo
- Design smart electrical distribution architectures to serve the Smart Grid : Hervé BIGEARD - MV Automation Director - Schneider Electric / - Technical Session B3: (3 presentations)
- Remote reading water and electricity: Feedback from LYDEC Casablanca : Abdeljaouad BENHADDOU , Chargé de mission to the Director General of LYDEC
- New ITC architectures for the deployment of Smarter Cities : Laurent SCHMITT, Vice-President Smart Grids Solutions ALSTOM for CENELEC
- Remote reading Multifluid: Feedback from Ondeo Systems : Pierre SACAREAU , Products and Innovation Manager from Ondeo Systems + ALSI
- Fueling Sustainable and Smart City Development :Yimin WANG, Vice Chief Engineer of SGCC
15:30-16:30 / Extended coffee break/exhibition viewing (which could include mini seminars by sponsors in exhibition area)
16:30-17:30 / Closing wrap-up plenary session of ASGF2016 [three languages]
Tuesday 8 March
08:30 -10:30 / Exhibition including mini seminars by sponsors / Closed meeting –AFSEC management committee meeting
10:30 11:00 / Coffee break
11:00 -13:00 / Exhibition including mini seminars by sponsors/close of exhibition / Closed meeting –AFSEC management committee meeting
13:00 -14:00 / Lunch
14:00 -15:30 / Close down of exhibition stands.
cultural visits for delegates / Closed meeting –AFSEC management committee meeting
15:30 -16:00 / Coffee break
16:00-17:00 / Closed meeting –AFSEC management committee meeting
19:00 – 22:00 / GALA DINNER
Wednesday 9 to Thursday 10 March 2016
Fifth AFSEC General Assembly
Colour Key for translations requirements
GREEN = english –arabic; french –arabic; english –french
Grey = english –french only