Born to Share: Advent 2013
Moderator’sLenten Invitation
Transcript of Videotaped Message 2016
Hello, I’m Jordan Cantwell, Moderator of The United Church of Canada. (breath)
Our Lenten journey is beginning. Once again we turn our faces towards the hope of resurrection. The shining promise of new life that Easter offers calls to us like a beacon. But resurrection is about being raised to the new life that comes out of death. It’s that death part that gives us pause as we look forward to resurrection.
Lent is the time when we take a long, hard look at ourselves to see what needs to die in order that we might truly live. Where is the abundant life God intends for us being blocked by fear, hatred, or despair? In what ways have we become accustomed to, even content with, a status quo that falls short of the fullness of life that God offers?
The transformative power of resurrection follows when we become truly ready to let go of those ways of thinking, believing, and acting that limit our capacity to receive and to share God’s boundless love.
The first step towards readiness is to become aware—aware of how our attitudes and actions are getting in the way. That’s what Lent is for, to take the time to look deeply and honestly at our lives. To identify what needs to change.
What must we let go of, in order that God’s love might flow freely through us? May each of us make space in our life this Lent to ponder this question.
The Lenten invitation to self-reflection is both personal and communal.
Let us pray for courage to collectively undertake an examination of our church as well. Where do our beliefs, structures, or practices get in the way of living out the gospel call to justice and compassion?
What is blocking us from fully embracing reconciliation and right relations?
Or from becoming a truly bilingual and intercultural church?
How do fear, apathy, and self-righteousness harden our hearts to the needs and concerns of others?
What must we allow to die in our church in order that God may work resurrection among us?
The Lenten road of self-examination is not an easy one. But it is well worth the effort. For as we learn to die to that which does not give life, we open ourselves to the power of God’s grace to bring us into new life.
May this be the path we choose during this season of Lent.
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