Mrs. C. Green’s English classBlack History Project
Select a black/ African-American person who has made a contribution to society that impacts your life today. The accomplishment(s) of this person must be something that paved the way for others, contributed to the well being of society, and/ or impacts your life personally on a regular basis. The person you select should be someone who may not be well known for the accomplishment. (In other words, do not select the same people that have been researched time and time again.)
Facts you will need to find include biographical information, such as when/ where the person was born. What type of childhood, education, upbringing did the person have? What/ who inspired the person to pursue the life they chose? What was the person’s adult life like (married, kids, location, etc) What contribution did this person make? How does this person’s contribution impact society/ your life today?
Do NOT simply answer the questions above. Those are guidelines to help you find information. You will need to give an in depth report about your chosen person. You should be familiar with all aspects of the person’s life, including personal and private.
Directions, format, and project due date will be provided at a later time.
You will need to turn in the name of your person in the next class, and tell what contribution you are focusing on.
Your name:______period ______
Person chosen: ______
Contribution: ______
What person did you select?
What contribution did this person make?
How is the person a “pioneer?”
When was the person born?
Where was the person born?
What/ where was the early education?
What/ where was older education?
What training/ schooling did the person have to do what he/ she did?
What was his/ her childhood like?
Socioeconimic backgraound?
How did the person end up in the field/ profession/ position?
Adult life?
Where did they live as an adult?
Other facts:
DIRECTIONS FRO THE REPORT ARE ATTACHED. If you are not able to do it on your computer, use the portion that tells what each paragraph must be and WRITE it on the template.
Person’s Name
Begin typing