- What is the main function of Meiosis ? Where does Meiosis occur in the human body ? Where does mitosis occur ?
- What is the difference between a diploid cell and a haploid cell ? Which of those two would be called a somatic cell ? What are homologous chromosomes ? How many pair of homologous chromosomes do humans have ? How many total chromosomes ?
- How many total cell divisions are there in Meiosis compared to mitosis ? What happens during Meiosis I ? What is synapsis and what are the tetrads ? Who are separated after Meiosis I ? Who becomes separated after meiosis II ?
- When does crossing over occur during meiosis ? What is chiasmata and where on the chromosomes, between what parts, does it occur ? What is the advantage of crossing over ?
- What is a karyotype ? Who are the autosomal chromosomes and which ones are the sex chromosomes ?
- What is non-disjuntion ? When can it occur ? Give examples of the common autosomal trisomies ? Examples of non-disjunction in the sex chromosomes ?
- What are the common chromosome breakage and re-arrangements that can occur ?
- What do you call cells that have double or triple the total number of chromosomes compared to a normal cell ?
- What is the cause of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia ?
- What is a locus and what is an allele ?
- Who is the “father” of modern genetics ? During what time period did he live ? Where did he live ? What did he work on for his genetic contribution ?
- What is a heritable feature called ? What is a variation of a heritable feature called ?
- What are the male and female parts of a flowering plant called ?
- In genetics, what is a true breeder or P generation parent ? What is the F1 and F2 generation ? What is a hybrid ? What is a mono-hybrid ?
- What is the difference between a phenotype and genotype ? What is a homozygous and heterozygous genotype ? When is an allele dominant or recessive ?
- The law of independent segregation relates to what specifically in genetics ? How does this relate to meiosis ?
- How do we write in two letter format, a homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive and heterozygous individual when dealing with a single character state as for example hair color, where black hair is dominant ?
- When we do mono-hybrid crosses between two different true-breeders, what is the ratio in pheno-type in the F1 and F2 generation ? What is the ratio in geno-type in the F1 and F2 generation ?
- Can you perform a Punnet square analysis for a mono hybrid cross ?
- Why would we do a testcross and how is it done ?
- The inheritance of a trait in a family is called what ? What is a wild-type trait ?
- Can you name some examples of human traits that are dominant ?