Programme specialization no 6 -FUR ANIMAL DISEASES
National Head Fur Animal Disease Dr. hab. Jan Siemionek, prof. nadzw.UWM
University of Warmia and Mazuryin Olsztyn
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Epizootiology ul.Oczapowskiego 13, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury
Tel./fax: 89/523 35 74, mobile phone: 607 857963, e-mail:
SpecializationFur Animal Diseasecontinues 4 semesters. No of hours lectures – 127 hours, no of hours -exercises – 133. Total no of hours 260.
- Veterinarian as an expert witness injudicial proceedings.
- Veterinary ethic rules
- Occupational civil and penal responsibility ofveterinarian.
- Administrative law. Administrative proceedings
- Legal basis forthe organization andfunctioning offur animal farmsin Poland.
- EUveterinary legislation polishveterinarylaw
- Health rulesforanimal by-products(UPPZ) not intendedfor human consumption. Veterinary Inspectiontasksin the supervision ofUPPZ.
- Domesticationandbreeding offur animals.The species and variety of foxes,minks,nutria, chinchillas and rabbits.
- The welfareand protection offarmedfur animals.Health certificates.
- Anatomy and pathology reproduction and skin ofminkand fox(gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, coatingsystem).
- Modern breeding of carnivorousfur animals
- Control ofveterinary inspection (PIW) at the farm of fur animal -SPIWET
- Use,the economic importance offur farming. Roleand tasks of thebreedersand producersof fur animalsin existing law
- Use,the economic importance offur farming. Roleand tasks of thebreedersand producersof fur animalsin existing law
- Veterinarysupervisionofcarnivorous furfarm.
- Vitaminstandards. Deficiencyof vitamins and metabolic diseasesofcarnivorous fur animals.
- Diseases and control of thenewbornfoxes and mink. Salmonellosis, colibacillosis, staphylococcosis, astrovirosis.
- Diseasesof the nervous system of mink andfoxes. Differential diagnosis ofdistemper, Aujeszky's disease and foxes encephalitis.
- Diseases of thereproductive systemof foxes. Leptospirosis, pseudomonasand parvovirusinfections.
- Diagnosisand control of mycoses of foxes and ectoparasitic diseases.
- Diagnosis and control botulism.
- Autopsy of foxes
- Differential diagnosis ofdiseases ofmink: Aleutian Diseases Virus, Mink Enteritis Virus, Epizootic Enteritis Virus, Encephalopathy, Astrovirus.
- Diagnosis and control ofhaemorrhagic septicemia, campylobacteriosis of mink.
- Autopsy of mink
- Prophylaxison thefarmfoxes
- Visiting farm mink Prophylaxis on thefarm mink
- Non infectious diseases such asheatstroke
- Aleutian Disease Virus controlprogramon the farm mink.Sampling andlaboratory testing.
- Treatment offarmminkin the 4seasons of the year-feeding,breeding, rearing, acquisition of hides.
- Anatomy and physiology ofthe rabbit.
- Legal aspects forthe organization of welfare farm ofrabbits andchinchillas.
- Breedingchinchillasin Polandand worldwide.Nutrition, Veterinarysupervision. Causes ofcullingfemales, the influence of the degree of relationshiptoherdhealth.
- Visiting farm of chinchillas
- Welfare of rabbit,veterinarysupervision.
- Visiting farm of rabbit
- Immobilization and the clinical examination ofthe rabbit, blood collection.
- Diseases ofrabbits, myxomatosis, rabbithaemorrhagic disease, pasteurellosis, coccidiosis, tapeworms. Injections,i.v. and s.c.
- Tularemia (rabbit fever), a diseasesubjectto registration.
- The most commondisease inpetrabbits
- Rabbits anesthesiology
- Surgeryin the rabbit: ovariohysterectomia, laparotomy.
- Autopsy ofrabbits
- Preventionof rabbit. Veterinarysupervisionof thefarm.
- Anatomyand physiology of thenutria. Selected issues aspectsofbreeding andpathology ofnutria.
- Veterinary supervision ofslaughtered rabbitandnutria
- Anatomy and physiology ofchinchillas.Breedingchinchillason the farm
- Treatment on chinchillas
- Laboratory diagnosismycosis, parasites in rabbits, chinchillas, foxes, mink.
- Terms ofbreedingchinchillasat home
- Diseases ofchinchillas and preventionofbreedingchinchillas
- Health problems of ferret.
- Surgeryinferret
- Vaccination offerretagainst rabies.
- The useof information systems infarmmanagementanddisease control.
- Zoonoses
Piśmiennictwo podstawowe
- Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Gliński Z., Kostro K. Podstawy hodowli lisów i norek. Profilaktyka i zwalczanie chorób futerkowych. Wyd. PWRiL Warszawa, 2002
- Siemionek J.: Choroby mięsożernych zwierząt futerkowych oraz podstawy chowu .Wyd. UWM Olsztyn. 2001.
- Praca zbiorowa pod redakcja Kostro K., Gliński K. Choroby królików. Podstawy chowu. PWRiL, Warszawa 2004.
- Okerman L.: Choroby królików domowych. Wyd. SIMA WLW Warszawa 1999.
- Grudzień W. Choroby szynszyli. Wyd. Wszechnica Edukacyjna i Wydawnicza Verbum. Rypin 2012.
Piśmiennictwo uzupełniające
- Kuźniewicz J. , Filistowicz A.: Chów i hodowla zwierząt futerkowych. Wyd. AR Wrocław 1999.
- Grudzień W. Chów szynszyli. Krok po kroku. Wyd. Wszechnica Edukacyjna i Wydawnicza Verbum. Rypin 2013.
- Barabasz B.: Szynszyle -hodowla i użytkowanie. Wyd. PWRiL Warszawa 2001.
- Barabasz B., Bieniek J.: Króliki. Towarowa produkcja mięsna. Wyd. PWRiL 2007.
- Barabasz B.: Jenoty. Chów i hodowla. Wyd. PWN, Warszawa 2007.
- Jarosz S.:. Hodowla zwierząt futerkowych. Wyd. PWN , Warszawa 1993.
- Knorr F., Wenzel D. Choroby królików. PWRiL, Warszawa 1988.