Beyond INTECH Application

Name: ______School: ______

Email Address: ______Phone Number: ______

Grade Level: ______Subject: ______

Birthday and last 4 digits of your social security number (Ex. ______

  1. How many Windows XP or Windows 7 computers do you currently have in your classroom? ______
  1. How many students do you teacher per hour/day? ______
  1. Check all that apply:

_____ Itinerate/Homebound_____ Butler Building

_____ Roaming/Floating Teacher_____ Lab

_____ End of the Year Hire_____Internet Access in Classroom

_____ Interactive Whiteboard _____ Permanent Position

______Type of Board (Ex. Promethean, Smart, Mimeo, etc.)

  1. Only one class (July 22-26, 2013) will be offered for the Summer 2012 semester.

Accompanying this application MUST be:

  • A copy of your INTECH and INTECH Plus certificate.
  • 3 different examples of student products from 3 different students utilizing 3 different programs. 2 of the projects must reflect INTECH training and 1 must reflect INTECH Plus training. (Label each with title of software used)
  • A typed letter of application (1 page only, size 12 font) which MUST INCLUDE, but is not limited to:
  • How you use technology in your classroom for student achievement
  • What you wish to gain from Beyond INTECH
  • Why you should be chosen as a participant
  • If you would have $5000 to spend on technology in your classroom, what would you purchase
  • How would each of these items benefit your students
  • How would student achievement increase as a result of these items
  • List all technology currently in your classroom
  • Six websites you currently use in your classroom.
  • Elementary school teachers must submit one math, one reading, one language arts, one science, one social studies, and one teacher tools website.
  • Middle and high school teachers must submit one teacher tools website and five content related websites.

This application must be received by the Instructional Technology Department before 4:00 PM Friday, May 10, 2013. Incomplete applications or applications received after the due date will not be considered.