Year 3 Homework Grid – Summer 2

Throughout the term, your child needs to complete two tasks from the English column, 2 from the Maths column and two from the Other column.

A piece of digital learning needs to be completed each week.

The log in details for mathsframe are; user name: school and password: harrington1

English / Maths / Other / Digital Learning
A)Charlie is given the chocolate factory at the end of the story.
Write your own short story of what happens next, when Charlie is in charge! / D)You are going to be shape investigator.
Search around your house for examples of 3-D shapes. Draw the shape, label the shape and give the properties of the shape on the worksheet. / / Recognise the Roman Numerals and knock them down with the pick-axe. (IPad friendly). OnlyRoman Numerals from 1 to 12 needed. You must log onto the site, to play the game. Don’t forget to log your learning on your grid.
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Pick one of the time games to explore. (IPad friendly). You may need to log onto the site, to play the game.Don’t forget to log your learning on your grid.
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B)Create your own chocolate factory!
Design your factory, label the different features of your factory, and use adjectives/similes to describe the different sections of your factory. / E) Complete the Maths Basic Skills Questions.
Try as many questions as possible.
Use written and mental strategies to answer the questions. / H)Using our learning about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, design your own chocolate bar!
Use the worksheet to help you plan and design your chocolate bar. / Dance Mat Typing activity. Work through the levels to complete the typing activity. Listen carefully to the instructions that are given by the character. Don’t forget to log your learning on your grid.
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Complete the quiz to test your knowledge about The Romans. Write down 3 of the questions and their answers in your homework book. Don’t forget to log your learning on your grid.
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C)Research Roald Dahl and his life.
Present your research as a fact file, an information booklet, a PowerPoint Presentation or another way of your choice. / F)Complete the maths question sheet.
Try as many questions as possible.
Use written and mental strategies to answer the questions. / I) Research where chocolate comes from and how it is produced. Create an information poster, with as much detail as you can, about the production of chocolate. / Look at the different quizzes which link to some of Roald Dahl’s books. Complete the different quizzes. Don’t forget to log your learning on your grid.
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Look around the house and find the different dangers that can exist in our houses. How could each room be made safer? Discuss your ideas with an adult. Don’t forget to log your learning on your grid.
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