This information will made available to the public on the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) Website.

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Date filled out:

A) Project Information Please use complete phrases/ sentences. Fields will expand as necessary as you type.
1. Project Title: Humbug and Charles Creeks Restoration Project
2. Project Purpose – Problem / Goals ("why" the project): reduce erosion from gully walls, restore water retention
function of the meadow, improve water quality, and habitat.
3. Project Abstract (brief description of project): Pond and plug 2200 feet of gully, and fill another 700 feet with debris
5. Which SWRCB program is funding this project? Please put an "X" by the one that applies.
Prop 13 x EPA 319h grant
B) Project Contact:
Name: Leslie Mink / Job Title: Watershed Coordinator
Organization: Feather River CRM / Webpage Address:
Address: PO Box 3880 Quincy, CA 95971
Phone: 530-283-3739 / Fax number: 530-283-5465
C. Project Time Frame: Refers to the implementation period of project.
From: April 2003 / To: November 2003
D) Participant Information: Name all agencies/groups involved with project. : Plumas County Dept. Public
Works; Plumas National Forest, Regional Water Quality Control Board; landowner.
E) Location: (lat/longs, watershed, etc.) Middle Fork Feather River tributary
1. Size of Project (include units): 2900linear ft
feet / 2. Counties included in project: Plumas

F) Biography of Group: :

/ Formed in 1985 to address water quality and erosion. Implemented over 40 projects since. 21 signatories.

G) Biography of Project: :

Landowner approached CRM for assistance, after purchasing the land from years of over-grazing. Headcuts are moving upstream rapidly. / J) Nutrient and Sediment Load Reduction Projection: nutrients difficult to project; project will restore approx. 10,000 cubic yards of material that has eroded over probably ten years.
H) Short-term Goals: : / Implementation of the gully elimination project
I) Long-term Goals: : / Restoration of vegetation and ecosystem after ground disturbance