
Shannon's Sampling Theorem:

Consider a spectral representation of signal :

Let be bandlimited, and denote the largest F for which , as Fmax.

Theorem: Given Fmax for analog signal , if the sampling frequency Fs is such that:

then can be exactly reconstructed from its sample values using:



If the conditions for Shannon’s sampling theorem are violated, then aliasing occurs for all signal components whose frequencies are greater than Fs / 2.

Restate the sampling theorem condition in terms of samples per cycle:

How many samples must be taken within one cycle of the highest frequency component of a signal in order to reconstruct that signal from its samples?

There must be more than 2 samples per cycle.

Sinc function interpolation (ideal low-pass filtering) can be used to compute the exact value of every point between the discrete samples:

Anti-aliasing filter - Typically a low-pass filter is applied to the analog signal before sampling to limit the spectral energy that gets aliased back into the signal spectrum.

Reconstruction filter - A signal can be reconstructed perfectly from its samples through convolution with a Sinc function or filtering with an ideal low-pass filter.

The Analog Interface Circuit (AIC) Chip

  • connects to the serial port on the C31
  • contains an ADC and a DAC
  • contains a switched-capacitor anti-aliasing input filter
  • contains a reconstruction output filter
  • contains two inputs and one output
  • contains a 14-bit ADC and DAC
  • programmable sampling rates with a maximum of 20 kHz for maximum performance
  • programmable input and out put filters

(The DSK uses the TLC32040 AIC and the EVM uses the TLC32044)

AIC Control

The AIC is controlled through the data transmit register. The two LSBs are used for communication functions. When the two LSBs are zeros, normal transmission occurs, and when they are ones, secondary communication takes place. Secondary communication initializes and controls the AIC, allowing one secondary transmission before switching back.

Master Clock Frequency

MCLK = CLKIN/8 = (50 MHz/8) = 6.25 MHz

Switched Capacity Filter Clock


Relationship between SCF and filter cutoffs

SCF(required) 288 kHz

------= ------

Fc(desired) 3.6 kHz

Sampling Freqency

Fs = MCLK/(2xTAxTB) (3.3)


Find proper settings and control words for Fs = 11025 Hz (desired)

Let the cutoff frequency of the input anti-aliasing filter be 4,961 Hz (in general make it 90% of Fs/2).

SCF(required) 288 kHz X (4,961)

------= ------= 396.9 kHz

3.6 kHz

TA = MCLK/(2xSCF) = 6.25 MHz/(2x396.9 kHz) = 7.87 ~= 8 = (00100)b

TB = MCLK/(2xTAxFs) = 6.25 MHz/(2x8x11,025) = 35.43 ~= 35 = (100011)b

The actual SCF is:

SCF = 6.25 MHz/(2xTA) = 390.62 kHz

The actual cutoff frequency or input filter bandwidth is shifted accordingly, or

Fc = 4,961(New SCF/Set SCF) = 4,961(390.62 kHz/396.9 kHz) = 4,882 Hz

The actual sampling frequency is then:

Fs = 6.25 MHz/(2xTAxTB) = 6.25 MHz/(2x8x35) = 11,161 Hz

Bit locations for the control register, and setting TA = RA, with 5 bits for TA, 6 bits for TB, and x for don't care,

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ==> 0810h

x x | TA | x x | RA |

Similarly, with TB = RB,

0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 ==> 468Eh

x | TB | x | RB |

Utility program AICCALC included with the DSK software tools computes these automatically.


.start ".text",0x809900 ;starting address for text

.start ".data",0x809C00 ;starting address for data

.include "AICCOM31.ASM" ;AIC communication routines

.data ;data section

AICSEC .word 162Ch,1h,4892h,67h ;Fs = 8 kHz

.text ;text section

.entry BEGIN ;start of code

BEGIN LDP AICSEC ;init to data page 128


LOOP CALL AICIO_P ;R6 = input, R7 = output

LDI R6,R7 ;output R7=new input in R6

BR LOOP ;loop continuously

.end ;end


.data ;assemble into data section

PBASE .word 808000h ;peripheral base address

SETSP .word 0E970300h ;serial port set-up data

ATABLE .word AICSEC ;SP0 AIC init table address

.text ;assemble into text section


PUSH AR1 ;save AR1

PUSH R0 ;save R0

PUSH R1 ;save R1

LDI @PBASE,AR0 ;AR0 -> 808000h

LDI 1,R0 ;timer CLK=H1/2*(AIC master CLK)

STI R0,*+AR0(28h) ;timer period reg(TCLK0=6.25 MHZ)

LDI 03C1h,R0 ;init timer global register

STI R0,*+AR0(20h) ;reset timer

LDI 62h,IOF ;AIC reset = 0

LDI @ATABLE,AR1 ;AR1 -> AIC init data

RPTS 99 ;repeat next instr 100 times

NOP ;keep IOF low for a while

LDI 131h,R0 ;X & R port control register data

STI R0,*+AR0(42h) ;FSX/DX/CLKX=SP operational pins

STI R0,*+AR0(43h) ;FSR/DR/CLKR=SP operational pins

LDI @SETSP,R0 ;RESET->SP:16 bits,ext clks,std mode

STI R0,*+AR0(40h) ;FSX=output&INT enable SP global reg

LDI 0,R0 ;R0 = 0

STI R0,*+AR0(48h) ;clear serial port XMIT register

OR 06h,IOF ;bring AIC out of reset

LDI 03h,RC ;RC=3 to transmit 4 values

RPTB SECEND ;repeat 4 data transmit of sec com

CALL TWAIT ;wait for data transmit

LDI 03h,R0 ;value for secondary XMIT request

STI R0,*+AR0(48h) ;secondary XMIT request to AIC

CALL TWAIT ;wait for data transmit

LDI *AR1++(1),R0 ;AR1 -> next AIC init data

SECEND STI R0,*+AR0(48h) ;DTR = current AIC data

POP R1 ;restore R1

POP R0 ;restore R0

POP AR1 ;restore AR1

POP AR0 ;restore AR0

RETS ;return from subroutine


CALL AICSET ;call AICSET routine

LDI 0h,IF ;clear IF register

OR 10h,IE ;enable EXINT0 CPU interrupt

OR 2000h,ST ;global interrupt enable

RETS ;return from subroutine



PUSH R0 ;save R0

LDI @PBASE,AR0 ;AR0 -> 0808000h

TW1 LDI *+AR0(40h),R0 ;R0=content of SP global control reg

AND 02h,R0 ;see if transmit buffer is ready

BZ TW1 ;if not ready, try again

POP R0 ;restore R0

POP AR0 ;restore AR0

RETS ;return from subroutine


AICIO_I LDI R7,R6 ;copy output to modify for AIC

LSH 2,R6 ;two LSB must=0 for primary AIC comm

IO PUSH AR0 ;save AR0

LDI @PBASE,AR0 ;AR0 -> 0808000h

STI R6,*+AR0(48h) ;DTR = next data for AIC D/A

LDI *+AR0(4Ch),R6 ;R6 = DRR data from AIC A/D

LSH 16,R6 ;left shift for sign extension

ASH -18,R6 ;right shift keeping sign

POP AR0 ;restore AR0

RETS ;return from subroutine


AICIO_P CALL TWAIT ;wait for data to be transferred

CALL AICIO_I ;call AIC transfer routine

RETS ;return from subroutine

SW_IO PUSH AR0 ;save AR0

LDI @PBASE,AR0 ;AR0 -> 0808000h

LDI R7,R6 ;copy output to modify for AIC

LSH 2,R6 ;prepare for secondary AIC com

OR 03h,R6 ;set two LSB for secondary com

CALL TWAIT ;wait for data to be transferred

CALL IO ;call AIC transfer routine

CALL TWAIT ;wait for data to be transferred

STI R1,*+AR0(48h) ;DTR = next data for AIC control

POP AR0 ;restore AR0

RETS ;return from subroutine


IOPRI PUSH R1 ;save R1

LDI 063h,R1 ;load secondary com data into R1

CALL SW_IO ;call IO routine to switch inputs

POP R1 ;restore R1

RETS ;return from subroutine

IOAUX PUSH R1 ;save R1

LDI 073h,R1 ;load secondary com data into R1

CALL SW_IO ;call IO routine to switch inputs

POP R1 ;restore R1

RETS ;return from subroutine