Date/Day / Location / Set Topics
July 16, 2016 / Saturday /
  • Annual Election of Officers
  • Annual Board Calendar

August 15, 2016 / Monday / RFMA
5301 Lowell Boulevard
Denver, Co 80201 /
  • Approval of revised budget for current fiscal year based on current enrollment numbers

September 19, 2016 / Monday / 1776 S. Jackson Street
Conference Room B
Denver, Co 80210 /
  • Review and acceptance of audited financial statements
  • Finalization of annual goals
  • School Report

October 17, 2016 / Monday / RFMA
5301 Lowell Boulevard
Denver, Co 80201 /
  • Unified Improvement Plan review and approval

November 28, 2016 /Monday [*] / 1776 S. Jackson Street
Conference Room B
Denver, Co 80210 /
  • Annual review of by-laws and policies
  • Annual board recruitment process begins based on identified needs

January 23, 2017 /Monday * / RFMA
5301 Lowell Boulevard
Denver, Co 80201 /
  • Annual board self-evaluation
  • Mid-year principal evaluation

February 21, 2017 / Tuesday * / 1776 S. Jackson Street
Conference Room B
Denver, Co 80210 /
  • School Report

March 20, 2017 / Monday / RFMA
5301 Lowell Boulevard
Denver, Co 80201 /
  • Review of draft budget for next fiscal year

April 17, 2017 / Monday / 1776 S. Jackson Street
Conference Room B
Denver, Co 80210 /
  • Renewal or termination of school leader contract for the next fiscal year
  • Annual board professional development / training

May 15, 2017 / Monday / RFMA
5301 Lowell Boulevard
Denver, Co 80201 /
  • Formal principal evaluation
  • Approval of budget for next fiscal year

June - TBD / TBD /
  • Strategic planning / retreat
  • Election of Officers
  • EOY School Report | Year-end results presentation by school leader—State assessment results (if available), iReady, other assessment results, year-end internal proficiency rates, academic indicators, alumni results & performance

[*] Out of pattern meeting day or time due to holidays