Board Minutes

May 13, 2013

The regular meeting of the Wakefield Board of Education was convened in open and public session on Monday, May 13, at 7:00p.m. at the Wakefield Community Schools, 802 Highland Street, Wakefield, NE. It was moved from the boardroom to the media center due to lack of room for the number of visitors.

President Lunz informed the group of the Open Meetings Act posted on the east wall of the media center and accessible to all members of the public as required by law. All board members had received notice of the meeting and the meeting notice had been published/posted in a timely manner prior to the meeting date.

Roll was called with the following members present: Victor, Rose, Lehmkuhl, Nicholson, Bebee, and Lunz. Others present were Superintendent Bejot, Elementary Principal Wulf, Secondary Principal Heitz, Recording Secretary Marcia Kratke, Alice Johnson and fifteen other patrons.

Motion by Rose, seconded by Nicholson to approve the agenda as presented. President Lunz stated the motion and the result of a roll call vote: Yes: Victor, Rose, Lehmkuhl, Nicholson, Bebee and Lunz. No: None; Motion carried.

Awards and Special Recognition:

Sydney Rose, Anthony Gustafson and Josh Dolph qualified for the state track meet in Omaha onMay 17 and 18. Staff members running in the Lincoln 1/ 2 marathon last weekend included Jaime Manz, Lynette Haisch, Deb Garwood, Pam VanderVeen, Brian Johnson, Sarah Rusk, Carlene Bodlak and Pam Peters.

Recognition of Visitors:

Alice Johnson voiced her concerns over the proposed moving of the bell east of the school to the front entrance, the removal of the tree and the FACS program. Alan Johnson and Carol Willers also voiced their support for leaving the bell where it is now. John Torczon voiced his concern over the front entrance project rather than finishing the track, replacing the bus barn, new central office area and other areas.

Elementary Principal Report

Mr. Wulf reported that students had finished up their NeSA testing in Reading, Math and Science. All data will be shared on the students’ progress at upcoming board meetings. Friday will be our last day of school beginning with the Main Street Mile at 8:15a.m. and Awards Assembly at 10:00a.m Sara Schlickbernd, Megan Nixon and Mr. Wulf joined Mr. Heitz, Sarah Rusk and Zoe VanderWeil at the NETA Conference attending various presentations dealing with technology usage in the classroom. This group was asked to join the Learning Web and present at the NETA conference next year in LaVista. Upcoming enrollment projections are showing a gain of around 10 students for next year in the elementary. The federal migrant grant provided Mr. Wulf, Mrs. Kaufman, Deb Garwood, Jan Simmons, and Ofelia Calleros the opportunity to attend the National Migrant Conference where they attended multiple sessions on integrating our migrant students and providing appropriate instruction for all students.

Secondary Principal Report

Mr. Heitz and Mrs. Rusk gave a presentation on our first year in our 1:1 initiative with iPads at the NETA Conference. 7th and 9th grade orientation took place on April 29 with over 80% of parents attending. Both Honors Assemblies took place during the school day on May 7 and 8 which is a change from being in the evening. Total attendance was better during the day then in the evening. During the Jr. High Honor Assembly, Kent Poulfer,from MPM farms was presented a plaque for their generous contributions in support of the Jr. High Athletics program they give each year. Enrollment for 2013-14 is projected to remain about the same as this year in the secondary level. Seniors last day is May 15 and the last day for K-11 is May 17 with a 2:00 dismissal.

Superintendent Report

Our School Wellness Team is reviewing our plan and setting goals toward reaching the Bronze level of participation for school wellness. The plan examines nutrition, physical activity, and school wellness policies to meet state and federal requirements. We have begun preliminary discussions on examining our ESL program and how we want it to look in the future. Rex and Mr. Bejot met with representatives from H & R Construction and the Construction Administrator from Carlson, West, Povondra Architects to discuss final pre-construction plans. Minor adjustments were made resulting in a savings to the school. Paulson Construction will begin the fence replacement around the trash receptacles on May 14. Board opportunities in June will be the School Law Seminar and Open Meetings Act Seminar.

Board Committees:

Policy: Will meet in June after the legislature session ends.

Bldg/Grounds/Transportation: Met with the city on the football field agreement. Summer project lists and costs were discussed and will be acted upon later in the meeting.

Curriculum/Technology: Met with the social studies curriculum committee to decide on curriculum which would meet state and district standards. Replacement of teachers’ laptops was on the computer rotation to be purchased this year. Teachers will be given the option of a new Apple or an HP computer.

Strategic Planning: Board Retreat will be held on August 17 from 8-12 at the school.

Action Items:

Motion by Nicholson, seconded by Bebee to approve the consent agenda as presented. Lunz stated the motion and the result of a roll call vote: Yes: Victor, Nicholson, Rose, Lehmkuhl, Bebee and Lunz; No: None; Motion carried. Bills were paid as follows: General: $246.253.35; Lunch: $17,880.41; Payroll: $178,002.29; Bond: $2,450.00; Employee Benefit: $250.80; QCPUF: $1,350.00; and Special Bldg: $3,795.00

Motion by Bebee, seconded by Lehmkuhl to hire Lori Harding as high school counselor for 2013-2014. President Lunz stated the motion and the result of a roll call vote: Yes: Nicholson, Rose, Lehmkuhl, Bebee, Lunz and Victor; No: None; Motion carried.

Motion by Bebee, seconded by Lehmkuhl to hire Marissa Wallace as the vocational business instructor for 2013-14 academic year. President Lunz stated the motion and the result of a roll call vote: Yes: Rose, Lehmkuhl, Bebee, Lunz, Victor and Nicholson; No: None; Motion carried.

Motion by Bebee, seconded by Victor to approve the revised football field agreement and set the annual rental fee at $2,500.00. President Lunz stated the motion and the result of a roll call vote: Lehmkuhl, Bebee, Lunz, Victor, Nicholson and Rose; No: None; Motion carried.

Mr. Bejot presented the social studies curriculum for K-12 as recommended by the curriculum committee. The series aligns with state standards and offers leveled literacy reading materials, e-books, teacher resources and DVD series.

Motion by Victor, seconded by Nicholson to approve the textbook adoption for the social studies curriculum not to exceeds $41,328. President Lunz stated the motion and the result of a roll call vote: Yes: Bebee, Lunz, Victor, Nicholson, Rose and Lehmkuhl; No: None; Motion carried.

Bids were reviewed for the computer replacement. Nicholson suggested to the group that the district purchase an additional 4GB of memory for the Apple computers so they will have the same memory for the future as the HP.

Motion by Nicholson, seconded by Rose to purchase laptop replacements for the staff with additional 4GB of memory for the Apple computers not to exceed $49,900. President Lunz stated the motion and the result of a roll call vote: Yes: Lunz, Victor, Nicholson, Rose, Lehmkuhl, and Bebee; No: None; Motion carried.

Mr. Bejot presented the summer work project list with projected costs.

Motion by Bebee, seconded by Lehmkuhl to approve the summer project estimates as recommended by the Building and Grounds Committee. President Lunz stated the motion and the result of a roll call vote: Yes: Victor, Nicholson, Rose, Lehmkuhl and Bebee and Lunz; No: None; Motion carried.

Next regular meeting dates were set for the summer as follows– June 10: 7:00p.m.; July 15 at 7:00p.m.; and August 13 at 7:00p.m.

There being no further business President Lunz adjourned the meeting at 9:15p.m

Lori Nicholson, SecretaryMarcia Kratke, Recording Secretary