6th September 2017
Dear Parents,
The following clubs will start next week Monday 11th September:-
Year 5/6 Football Year 3/4 Football (Chelsea FC)Year 5/6 Netball Year 1/2 Football/4Sports
Year 6 CheerleadingYear 5/6 Challenge Club (by invitation only)
KS2 ChoirKS2 OrchestraYear 2-6 Recorders Year 6 Drama Club KS2 Study Club
Rainbow Reading Club (all ages)
Please see the timetable overleaf of extra-curricular clubs beginning this term. Please note a separate letter was sent out last term for the Multi-Sports Club for Years 3 – 6.
A separate letter will be sent home at a later date regarding the Year 6 drama club.
Karate will continue on Mondayspaid directly to Mat Broomfield. Please note that all enquiries and bookings must be made directly through the Sensai, Mat Broomfield, and not through the school. Mat’s contact details are: 01268 415110
Any child wishing to participate in a football club MUST have football boots and shin pads. They will not be permitted to take part without these on health and safety grounds. Due to the availability of our new all-weather surface, please ensure that childrenalso bring along trainers for these sessions.
- Year 3/4 football will be run by Chelsea FC. The flyer for this club will be e-mailed to you directly via Schoolcomms and must be paid directly to Chelsea F.C.
- Year 1/2 football will be run by 4Sports and is £24 for 6 weeks and must be paid directly to 4Sports–information will be sent out by letter via the classroom.
Please note that, in order to attend Orchestra, you must have been playing your instrument for at least 6 months.
Most clubs are limited on numbers but teachers will aim to rotate places for all those children interested. Please remember that clubs are offered by teachers on a voluntary basis and thatpoor behaviour will not be tolerated which may result in exclusion from future sessions.
Please be aware that poor weather conditions may result in outdoor clubs being cancelled if we have an unfavourable forecast. In this case, the school office will contact parents via Schoolcomms by lunchtime. If an after-school club needs to be cancelled for any other reason, we will aim to inform parents (via Schoolcomms) and children the day before or earlier.
Please complete a permission slip for each club that your child would like to attend and return it to their class teacher. You do not need to return a form for those clubs marked ‘drop in’
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Sallie Falvey (Inclusion Manager)
Clubs Timetable – Autumn Term 2017
Day / Club / Run by / TimeMonday / Karate
Football (Yrs 3/4)
Football – Boys and Girls (Yrs 5/6)
Cheerleading (Year 6 only)
Netball (Yrs 5/6) / Mat Broomfield
(01268) 415110
Chelsea FC
Mr Smith
Miss Hamilton
Miss Thorburn/Mrs Kelly / 3.15 - 4.30
3.15 - 4.15
3.15 - 4.15
3.15 - 4.15
3.15 - 4.15
Tuesday / Study Club
(drop-in – no need to book!)
Football/Multisports Club Yrs 1/2
Multi-Sports Club (Yrs 5/6) / Miss Willsher
4Sports / 1.15-1.45
3.15 - 4.15
3.15 - 4.15
Wednesday / Multi-Sports Club (Yrs 5/6)
Choir (Yrs 3-6)
Rainbow Reading Club
(Years 1-6 *) / 4Sports
Mrs Falvey
Mrs Friend / 3.15 - 4.15
3.15 - 4.15
3.15 - 4.15
Thursday / Recorders – Beginners (Yrs 2-6)
Challenge Club (Yrs 5/6)
(invitation only)
Multi-Sports Club (Yrs 3/4)
Drama (Yr 6) / Mrs Falvey
Mrs Braithwaite/Mr Eastwell
Miss Crews/Miss Gill / 1.15 - 1.45
1.15 - 1.45
3.15 - 4.15
3.15 - 4.15
Friday / Rainbow Reading Club
(Years 1-6 *)
Orchestra(Yrs 3-6)
(min. 6 mths experience required)
Multi-Sports Club (Yrs 3/4) / Mrs Friend
Mrs Falvey
4Sports / 1.15 - 1.45
3.15 - 4.15
3.15 - 4.15
*Rainbow Reading Club will be open to Reception children once they have settled into school.
Name…………………………………………………………………. Class…………………….
Club ……………………………………………………………………………..
I hereby give permission for my child to attend the above club.
Please make every effort to ensure your child is collected promptly at the end of each after school session.
Signed Date
Name…………………………………………………………………. Class…………………….
Club ……………………………………………………………………………..
I hereby give permission for my child to attend the above club.
Please make every effort to ensure your child is collected promptly at the end of each after school session.
Signed Date
Name…………………………………………………………………. Class…………………….
Club ……………………………………………………………………………..
I hereby give permission for my child to attend the above club.
Please make every effort to ensure your child is collected promptly at the end of each after school session.
Signed Date
Name…………………………………………………………………. Class…………………….
Club ……………………………………………………………………………..
I hereby give permission for my child to attend the above club.
Please make every effort to ensure your child is collected promptly at the end of each after school session.
Signed Date
Name…………………………………………………………………. Class…………………….
Club ……………………………………………………………………………..
I hereby give permission for my child to attend the above club.
Please make every effort to ensure your child is collected promptly at the end of each after school session.
Signed Date