Minutes of the Regular Park Board Meeting
Board of Park Commissioners
Western Springs Park District
Village Hall- 740 Hillgrove Ave
February 9, 2016 – 7:00 pm
President Knake called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
President Knake led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioners Present
W. Knake, C. Dallavo, A. Velliotis, D. Burton, N. Chen, M. Krull, N. Zeitler
STAFF PRESENT John Robinson, Executive Director.
OTHERS PRESENT Tracy Alden, Director of Recreation; Rob Ekroth, Park District Attorney; Brad Walse, Resident; Jim Larson, Resident.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 12, 2016 were presented with one amendment.
Comr. Dallavo moved, seconded by Comr. Chen to approve the amended Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 12, 2016. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0.
Citizens to be Heard
Brad Walse inquired about the status of the Western Springs Park District Integrated Pest Management Plan.
Jim Larson reintroduced the 1997 Master Plan that was put together during his tenure on the Western Springs Park District Board. He would like to work with the Park District to make sure safety signs are put by the Parks to reduce speeding in these areas.
Park Use Applications
Village Trustee – Tracy Alden
Tracy Alden reported that the Village Board of Trustees meeting was February 8. There was a report on the proposed development at Burlington and Wolf. Ground breaking will happen late Spring/Summer. There will be 28 condos, 3700 sq feet of common space and 56 parking spaces of which 10-14 will be public/staff spots. There was discussion about putting a traffic sign on Garden and Oak but no decision was made. Water/Sewer/Street reports were given. It was also reported that there is no lead in the water.
Recreation Department - Tracy Alden
Director Tracy Alden reported that the Recreation Commission’s next meeting will be March 7, 2016. The Recreation Department is working on the Summer Book, various leagues/programs and schedules as well as concerts in the parks.
Treasurer/Budget - Angelo Velliotis
Treasurer Velliotis reported the Park District’s End of Month Balance is approximately $646,091.00. He reported that the water bill was a big payout and moving forward would like to be billed on a quarterly basis. Tax Revenue will be coming late February early March. Comr. Dallavo moved, seconded by Comr. Burton to approve the Park Districts Monthly Budget. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0.
Unfinished Business
5 Year Capital Improvement Plan Workshop
Keven Graham from Planning Resources Inc presented a workshop to the Board of Commissioners. This presentation recapped the online comments from residents as well as summarized Planning Resources assessment of the parks. Questions were asked of the Board related to their opinion of the parks, improvements and priority of work needing to be completed. A timeline was discussed and after the meeting Planning Resources Inc. will input the Boards comments into their report.
New Business
Forest Hills Black Top Bids
Staff recommends to construct a half court (50’x56’) basketball court with baskets and striping on the west side of Forest Hills Park, adjacent to the school, with the construction being done by the lowest qualified bidder Evan and Sons, West Chicago with a cost not to exceed $48,605. This cost would be split evenly with School District 101 and Western Springs Park District. Motion to approve by Comr. Dallavo, seconded by Comr. Zeitler on voice vote motion was approved 7-0.
Approval of Purchases
Matters from Executive Director
-Executive Director Robinson reported that the IAPD/IPRA conference went well and thanked those who were able to make the awards luncheon and vendor show. 4,288 people visited this conference.
-At the March meeting we will have a public hearing related to the 2007 Bond repayment.
-Executive Director Robinson asked that Commissioners complete the questionnaire packet for Sikich LLP, the Park Districts Auditor for placement into the binder for June 2016.
-April 15, 2016 the fencing around the renovated fields at Spring Rock Park will be taken down.
-Comr. Burton will be working with Executive Director Robinson on the Grand Opening of the Spring Rock Park Field Renovation Project.
Matters from Commissioners
Comr. Dallavo praised Executive Director Robinson for his work with the IAPD/IPRA conference. Comr. Knake concurred and reminded the Board of the 2016 Objectives that Executive Director Robinson needs to meet and is very happy with the job he has done thus far.
Comr. Zeitler moved, seconded by Comr. Velliotis to adjourn the regular board meeting session at 8:46 pm. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Kartzmark, Park Board Secretary