Title: OHS Purchasing Guidance / No: DEE ESWB 25-3-3
Authorised by: Manager ESWB
Issue Date: March 2011
Last Reviewed:October 2013
Next Review Date:October 2015 / Page Number: 1 of 4
The table below contains information and guidance that may be useful in considering the risks associated with the purchase of goods with OHS implications prior to introducing the item into the workplace.
Item / OHS Considerations / Further GuidanceChemicals:
Science labs,
Maintenance shed,
Technology areas,
Cleaning chemicals etc. /
- Have the users of the chemical/s been consulted with to ensure its suitability?
- Have the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) been obtained or reviewed?
- According to the MSDS, what are the hazards associated with using the chemicals?
- Is a Safe Work Procedure (SWP) required for the use of the chemical/s?
- Will users require training and instruction in the safe use of the chemical/s? (e.g. SWP)
- Will the item create fumes/vapours that need to be controlled?
- Will the users require instructions to use the chemical/s safely?
- Is PPE required for the use of the chemical/s?
- Does the workplace have suitable storage facilities for the chemical/s? (e.g. flammable goods cabinets)
AS 1940The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids
AS 3780The storage and handling of corrosive substances
AS/NZS 4452 The storage and handling of toxic substances
AS/NZS 4681 The storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous goods and articles
DEECD OHSMS Chemical Management Procedure and associated documents
Electrical Equipment:
Science and Technology areas, classrooms etc. /
- Have users of the equipment been consulted with to ensure its suitability?
- Are instruction manuals and/or information about safe use available?
- Will the users require instructions to use item/s safely?
- Can the supplier provide written confirmation that the item has been electrically tested and tagged? (If applicable)
- What are the hazards of using the equipment? (E.g. fume vapours, dust, noise, heat/cold)
- Will the equipment require periodic inspection and maintenance (other than testing and tagging)?
- Is a Safe Work Procedure (SWP) available on the OHSMS website?
- Will users require training and instruction in the SWP for the correct use of the equipment?
- Is Personal Protective Equipment required for the use of equipment?
- Will the location of the item impede pedestrian traffic?
- How will the equipment be maintained and by whom?
- Does the item need to be added to the Electrical Equipment Register?
AS/NZS 3100Approval and test specification – General requirements for electrical equipment
AS/NZS 3350.1 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – General requirements
AS/NZS 3760 In service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment
AS/NZS 60950Information technology equipment – safety – General requirements
DEECD OHSMS Electrical Equipment Procedure and associated documents
Workstations, office chairs, desk equipment etc. /
- Have item/s been designed with ergonomic considerations and include information on what the ergonomic benefits are?
- Is the item available for a trial period?
- Have users of the equipment been consulted to ensure its suitability and that it is fit for all purposed?
- Does the furniture suit a wide range of users?
- Are instruction manuals and/or information about safe use available?
- Will the users require instructions to use item/s to their full potential?
- If the item is adjustable, can this be completed quickly and easily?
- How will electrical/data cables be positioned relative to seating an pedestrian traffic movement?
- Will the location of the item impede pedestrian traffic?
- Is the furniture for an injured worker? If so, it is recommended that advice is sought from the OHS Advisory Service on 1300 074 715.
AS 3590 Screen based workstations
AS/NZS 4438 Height Adjustable Swivel Chairs
AS/NZS 4442 Office desks
AS/NZS 4688 Furniture – fixed height chairs
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Hearing protection, safety glasses, gloves etc. /
- Have the users of the equipment been consulted with to ensure its suitability?
- Is the PPE designed in accordance with Australian Standards and marked accordingly?
- Is the PPE correct for the application?
- Will the PPE be able to be stored and easily maintained?
- Is there signage to indicate the location of PPE?
- Are instruction manuals and/or information about safe use available?
- Will users of the PPE require training and instruction for the correct use of the PPE?
- Will one size fit all and how many will you need?
- Does the use of the PPE need to be recorded in the OHS Risk Register?
- Will the PPE require inspection and maintenance?
- Does the equipment need to be added to the Workplace Inspection Checklists?
AS/NZS 1067 Sunglasses and Fashion Spectacles;
AS/NZS1337Personal eye protection - Eye and face protectors for occupational applications
AS/NZS 1715 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protection equipment
AS/NZS 2210Safety, protective and occupational footwear – Guide to selection, care and use
AS/NZS2161 Occupational protective gloves Set
Playground Equipment: /
- Have item/s been designed with ergonomic considerations and include information on what the ergonomic design benefits are?
- Have fall zone considerations been taken into account (e.g. soft fall, rubber etc.)?
- What are the hazards of using the equipment (e.g. slip, trip, fall etc.)?
- Do any elevated surfaces have guardrails to prevent falls?
- Are there any hooks, protruding bold ends, sharp points or edges to the equipment?
- Will it get slippery when wet or have appropriate grip?
- Is it appropriately sealed and/or treated to prevent rust and ageing?
- Will the equipment be resistance to graffiti and vandalism?
- Is the item available for a trial period?
- Have the school community been consulted with to ensure its suitability and that it’s fit for purpose?
- Does the equipment suit a wide range of users?
- Are instruction manuals are/or information about safe use available?
- Does the equipment need to be added to the Workplace Inspection Checklist?
AS/NZS 4486 Playgrounds and playground equipment – Development, installation, inspection, maintenance and operation
AS 4685 Playground Equipment
Sporting Equipment: /
- Have users of the equipment been consulted with to ensure its suitability?
- Are instruction manuals and/or information about safe use available?
- Will the users require instructions to use item/s safely?
- Will one size fit all and how many will you need?
- What are the hazards of using the equipment?
- Does the workplace have suitable storage for the equipment?
- How will the equipment be transported for use/storage (consider manual handling)?
- Will the equipment required periodic inspection and maintenance?
- Is PPE required for the use the equipment (e.g. padding, gloves, helmet etc.)?
- Does the equipment need to be added to the Workplace Inspection Checklists?
AS 4066 Eye protectors for racquet sports
HB 246 Guidelines for managing risk in sport and recreation organizations
Technology and Maintenance Equipment:
Ride on mowers
Hand held power tools etc. /
- Have users of the equipment been consulted with to ensure its suitability?
- Are instruction manuals and/or information about safe use available?
- Can the supplier provide written confirmation that the item has been electrically tested? (is applicable)
- What are the hazards of using the equipment?
- Will the equipment require periodic inspection and maintenance?
- Is a Safe Work Procedure (SWP) available on OHSMS website?
- Is PPE required for the use of the equipment?
- Will users require training and instruction in the SWP of the correct use of the equipment?
- How will the equipment be maintained and by whom?
- Will the location of the item impede pedestrian traffic?
- Will the item create fumes/vapours, dust, noise, heat/cold?
- Does the item need to be added to the Electrical Equipment Register?
AS 4289 Oxygen and acetylene gas reticulation systems
AS 4603Flashback arresters - Safety devices for use with fuel gases and oxygen or compressed air
AS 4024 Safety of machinery
AS1473 Wood processing machinery
AS/NZS 3160 Approval and test specification – Hand held portable electrical tools
AS/NZS 60745 Hand held motor operated electric tools - Safety
AS/NZS 2438 Drills and reamers – Specifications for twist drills
DEECD OHSMS Plant and Equipment SWP