Proposal for CIS 2308 Web Application
Submit electronically to Blackboard Discussion board by Monday, 9/6/2010
Background on you – Please fill this out (edit this document)
1. Jonathan Morton - Senior
2. I have taken 1053, 1068, 1166, 2107, 2166, 2168, 3207, 3211. I am currently taking 3223
3. I am proficient in Adobe Photoshop
4. When I was younger I used to have a website, but it was all done in HTML.
5. I hope to learn about the new developments in web design and have the ability to design a modern website
CIS 2308 Web Application Project Requirements – For your information.
1. Your web application shall access a database that has 2 or 3 related tables (not counting the user table that will hold username, password and privilege level). Make sure to include all the normal data types somewhere in your database design: character, integer, date, currency.
· Here’s an example of two related tables: Student (name, TUID, … Major), Department (name, abbreviation, …, chairman). The tables are related because the student’s major “points to” a Department.
2. At least one of the database tables shall have an auto-number primary key and at least one of the tables shall have a primary key that is not auto-number.
· To meet the auto-number primary key requirement (mentioned above), the Department table’s primary key could be Department Abbreviation and the Student table’s primary key could be auto-number (an automatically generated, meaningless, sequential number).
3. Your web application shall contain the following static pages:
· a home page,
· a page where user can email to request more info, and
· at least 2-3 additional static pages (informational).
4. For easy web site maintenance,
a) All pages of your web application shall reference the same (CSS) style sheet to provide a consistent look and feel. The look and feel shall be consistent with the overall goals of the web application. For example, if your site is about children’s toys, it might be appropriate to use many bold primary colors and cartoon images, but if you site is a news site, that look and feel would not be appropriate.
b) Your web application shall have a single navigation bar (links to all pages of the application) that is dynamically incorporated into all pages. The navigation bar shall have a small image that is consistent with the web application goals.
5. Your web application shall include at least 3-4 relevant and neatly laid out images. These images shall have enough detail to render nicely but not so much as to render slowly. (The more detail in an image, the larger the image’s file size.)
6. Your web application shall contain dynamic pages that provide the following functionality:
· Shows users data (from more than one table), based on user entered selection criteria.
· Allows users to list, add, edit, and delete records from both DB tables (two separate pages).
· Allows an administrator to list all users, add a new user, reset a password, and delete a user.
· Allows users to log on and (once logged on) change their own password.
7. Even though the focus of this course is programming (not beauty, not marketing), your web application must convey a feeling of authenticity. Since our web applications will be small (and therefore might look novice), you can add links to “under construction” pages. If you are spending too much time getting your web application to look more professional, please ask for help. I do not want students to fall behind and miss out on the more important concepts while they struggle with making a poorly designed web application look better.
Your Web Application Proposal – Please fill this out (making sure you meet the requirements above)
1. The main function of the website would be for finding recipes.
2. The homepage would explain the main feature of the website, the user’s myFrid. myFrid will be database that contains the food the user has listed. This information will be used to display recipes in the recipe database that the user. The main page will also feature a link to where users can browse all recipes and post their own. myList will be the users shopping list. Items added to the shopping list will be automatically taken off of their myFrid as this will indicate the user is out of the item.
3. The database currently looks like this
4. myFrid will be where the user will be able to edit their list of food. myList will be where the user will be able to edit their grocery list. I will have a browse that takes the user to the recipe database. I will also have a link labeled upload that will allow the user to upload their own recipes.
5. I’ll be aiming for a more hip look as the website will be targeted toward younger users who don’t know much about cooking and would be more inclined to maintain a digital database of their food.
Some images I will be using will be the main logo
The fridge logo will be prevalent throughout the site
An example of what an item on the navigation bar will look like