It is that time of year again! Registration for the 2017-2018dancing yearis now open.

If you know anyone that is interested in having their child/children begin taking Irish Dance, please send them my email or send me their contact information.

If your child is not returning to class, please let me know and I will delete your contact

information from my list.


1.Classes begin:

NE Philadelphia – St Dominic’s, Frankford Avenue

Thursday, September 7th

Chestnut Hill - PDT Studio (New Covenant Church Campus – 7500 Germantown Avenue)

Saturday, September 9th

Oreland, PA – Holy Martyrs Church Hall, Allison Road

Monday, September 18th(due to the Holy Martyrs Carnival)

2. Parents and younger siblings are asked not to stay in the room while class is in progress.

3. Parents may sit in on the first class of each month. At this class you can video tape the class and write the steps down. Steps taught in class are to be remembered; children should practice each night. It is very important for all students to stay with the rest of the class.

4. Pease purchase a copybook for your child so that they can write down and remember steps taught and any corrections they were given in class.

5. Regular class attendance is required. However, if your child misses a class he/she is welcome to make up classes at other locations. When you know that your child will miss a class, let me know and I can give you an alternative class location and time.

6. If classes are missed due to injuries, dancers are encouraged and expected to attend class but will not dance until a letter from a doctor is received clearing the dancer from his/her injury.

7. Please have your child use the bathroom before dance class begins. Using the bathroom during class takes away from class time. If it is an emergency, I will let them use the bathroom during class.

Class Schedule

The following is the class schedule

MondayHoly Martyrs Church, Oreland PA

Beginner/Beginner I5:30pm – 6:15pm

Beginner II/Adv Beginner6:00pm – 7:15pm

Adv Beginner I/Novice6:45pm – 8:00pm

ThursdaySt Dominic Church, NE Philadelphia

Beginner5:00pm – 5:45pm

Beginner I5:30pm – 6:45pm
Adv beginner/Novice/Prizewinner6:30pm – 7:45pm

Adult Class7:45pm – 8:45pm

SaturdayPDT Studio, Mt Airy

Novice/PW/Young Prelims10:30am – 11:45am

Championship11:45am – 1:30pm


All of the school’s correspondence is done via email and through the dancing school website and Facebook page. The website should be checked weekly for any updates and/or changes. All monthly newsletters and announcements are posted on the website. Some updates are also posed on our Facebook page -


Each child should have the proper shoes and clothing when coming to dance class. Jeans and sneakers are unacceptable. Shorts, skirts, or stretch pants are fine. I must be able to see their legs and they must be able to move their legs.

All students MUST have the proper shoes for class. They will not participate if they do not have their shoes. If this is your child’s second year of Irish dance lessons, the proper soft shoes arerequired. Contact/or try Fays shoes -

All students, after dancing for one year, should have the proper music to practice with. There are many musicians on iTunes or go to Fays Ask me before purchasing any music.

Girl’s hair should be up and off their face. If your daughter’s hair is long enough it should be in a pony tail, pig tails or bun – and securely held. If it is too short for either of those styles then a headband should be worn.

There will be no gum chewing.

Do not let you child wear big jewelry to class, it is a distraction to your child and to others as well.

School Functions

The dancing school participates in two parades – the Montgomery County St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The parades are not mandatory, but if the children come to parade practice they are required to walk in both parades.

Tuition for 2017/2018

Tuition for students enrolled in the Coyle School will be $495 for one child and $795 for families – two or more children.

A non-refundable $15.00, per student, registration fee is to be included with the registration form.

Dancing class year is the same as your child’s academic school year – September to June.

Tuition is non-refundable, nor is credit given for missed classes.

If your child does not return to class in January 2018 you will be responsible for ½ of the remaining tuition.

Returned checks will be subject to a $25 return check fee.

All late payments will incur a $30 late fee.

Payment Option

There are two payments that are due the first class of the following months. If your budget requires you to make bi-monthly (or monthly) payments, please contact me and arrangements can be made.


One ChildTwo or More

$295.00 $495.00


One ChildTwo or More

$200.00 $300.00

Dancers can attend extra classes – at any location - at the class time that is appropriate for their level. Ask your teacher and you will be told which class would be the best for your dancer(s) to attend.

Extra Class fee - $10.00. If you would like an extra class, just ask and I’ll let you know which class would be good as an extra class

Returned checks will be subject to a $25 return check fee.

All late payments will incur a $30 late fee.

Payments may be mailed directly to:

Coyle School of Irish Dance,

1617 Dogwood Road

Flourtown, PA 19031

Registration Guidelines

1. I understand that being offered a payment plan is a courtesy extended to me and that I am responsible for all payment from September 2017 through and including June 2018, whether my student attends class or not.

2. By signing the registration form you acknowledge and accept that Irish Dance is a physical activity that involves risk of injuries such as, but not limited to, sprains, breaks, muscle pulls, blistering, etc. Your signature on the registration form releases the Coyle School of Irish Dance, it’s teachers and associates from any ad all loss, injury, accident, or liability resulting from injury that is caused by Irish Dancing through dance lessons, shows, etc.

3. I further state that my child/children are in good health and are not restricted from any physical activities such as dance, etc.

4. Registration can also be completed online via the Coyle School website – go to the home page, under “Chapters/Schedules” click on “SEPA – Phila Area” click on the BLUE “Register Here”Or go the “Chapters/Schedule” and when the drop down menu shows, scroll to “Registration”, then click on “Teacher, Eileen Henry”. It will take you right to the registration page. Registration is not complete until registration fee is received - send check via US Mail or PayPal (you will be directed to PayPal after registering online). Registration form and fee needs to be sent before the first class in September.

Coyle School of Irish Dance Registration Form

Family Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______

Address: ______


Phone: (home):______(Emergency) ______

E-mail address: ______

Name: ______Birth Date: ______

Name: ______Birth Date: ______

Name: ______Birth Date: ______

Name: ______Birth Date: ______

Location which you are registering for (circle one):

St Dominic Church, NE Philadelphia PDT Studio, Mt Airy Holy Martyrs Church, Oreland

Amount enclosed_____ @$15.00 =______

Payment Option (Circle One): One payment Two payments Bi-Monthly/Monthly (as per Eileen)

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Has your child ever had Irish dance lessons before: Yes No

If yes, what was the name of the school/teacher: ______

**A one time $25 transfer fee may be required if previous teacher holds their certification with any Irish Dance commission.

***Class confirmation will NOT be sent. By sending in your registration form and fee you do agree to these terms and the policies of the Coyle School of Irish Dance***

Coyle School of Irish Dance

1617 Dogwood Road

Flourtown, PA 19031