LAUCD General Membership Meeting
March 17, 2014
First Floor Conference Room
Present:Amy Studer, Karleen Darr, David Michalski, Juri Stratford, Bruce Abbott, Phoebe Ayers, Carol LaRussa, Laura Soito, Raquel Abad, Adam Siegel, Dan Goldstein, Jared Campbell, MacKenzie Smith, Matt Conner, Ruth Gustafson, Rachael Smith, Deanna Johnson, Cory Craig, Gail Yokote, Xiaoli Li, Helen Henry, Lisa Spagnolo, Melissa Browne (minutes), Sandy Vella
1. Meeting called to order
The meeting was called to order at 10:05am.
2. Approval of Minutes
The December 2013 minutes were approved.
3. Announcements
The SLA Sierra Nevada Chapter is sponsoring a workshop on accessing census data through American Factfinder on Monday, March 24th from 1-5pm in the LIL.
4. Report from UL(MacKenzie)
Campus Updates
- The campus has filled the deanships in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (Helene Dillard) and the College of Medicine (Julie Freischlag). Both deans are very busy at the moment, but MacKenzie may be able to arrange a time for them to visit and meet library staff over the summer.
- There are three candidates for the position of Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Dean of Undergraduate Studies. The final two candidates scheduled to interview this week are Carolyn de la Peña and Ralph Aldredge.
- The recruitment for the campus Chief Information Officer (CIO) is moving ahead. Hopefully this position will be filled by summer.
- Jesse Ann Owens, Dean of the Division of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies in the College of Letters and Science, is stepping down. A timeline for a permanent replacement has not been set. The position of Dean of the Division of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences is also open; Alexandra Navrotsky is serving in the interim.
- Patrice Koehl (Department of Computer Science) has been named director of the campus’ new Data Science Initiative (DSI). The directorship is a 50%, 2 year appointment. The DSI will bebased on the 3rd floor of Shields Library, in the space formerly occupied by IGA. It will be expensive to modify the space to meet the needs of data science activities. The Initiative is starting small and will grow organically.
Library Updates
- Bill Garrity, Deputy University Librarian (DUL) has arrived in Davis and will be in the library next week. MacKenzie will relocate her office to the 2nd floor (Nelle Branch Room) and Bill will move into MacKenzie’s office space in Administration.
- The position advertisement for the new Director of Online Platforms will be posted next month.
Project Updates
- A subgroup of SAG3 has been tasked by the Council of University Librarians (CoUL) with exploring the feasibility of a shared, system-wide ILS. The rationale behind the project is that a common infrastructure is needed to meet the recommendations included in the Next Generation Technical Services initiative and the NGTS Management Team Final Report. An outside consultant will be hired to assist with a 3 month feasibility study –multiple perspectives will be included, e.g. Public Services, Technical Services, Systems. Currently, about half of the UC Libraries are interested in investigating ILS options (UCD is working with a 2 year timeline).
- CoUL has also been discussing the Regional Library Facilities in Los Angeles and Richmond. The SRLF is full and the NRLF is nearing capacity. The RLFs are very expensive to maintain. Options include expanding the existing facilities or partnering with the CSUs or other third parties to share storage.
- The Open Access project funded by the Mellon Foundation is ongoing. The results from
this grant may help inform the future of the collections budget.
- Can you provide additional details about the short-term options for the RLFs?
- CoUL is actively exploring partnerships with the CSUs and other existing
facilities as a next step, and there are expansion plans for both sites that can be
costed out.
- Is there discussion about de-duping the present holdings at the RLFs?
- Yes, this is happening, especially with serials.Comment from Xiaoli: UC could request a report from OCLC that would provide details about monographs.
- How many employees are involved in the Data Services Initiative?
- Initially, just an Academic Coordinator and the Director (50% appointment). The Director will be looking at staffing needs during the coming year.
- How is the DSI being funded?
- By the Provost. MacKenzie will be working with the Director to develop a sustainable business model. The DSI must be self-sufficient within 2 years.
- How will the library interact with the DSI?
- This remains to be worked out. The assumption is that the DSI will serve in a coordinating role. It is important for the library to understand what the demand on campus is for Big Data support.
5. Report from LAUC(Matt)
The LAUC Assembly Programis scheduled for 10am-3pm on April 23, 2014. It will be held at the Buehler Alumni Center. The schedule includes:
- Business Meeting (10am-11am)
- Panel on redesign at UC libraries and the role of LAUC (11-12noon)
- Representatives from UCB, UCSD and UCD will share details about their experiences
- Panel of new ULs and their vision for change (1-2pm)
- MacKenzie, Lorelei Tanji (UCI) and Denise Stephens (UCSB) will participate.
- Panel on promoting library services to faculty (2-3pm)
- This panel will include 5 presentations.
A lot of preparation has gone into developing an engaging program. All LAUC-D members are encouraged to attend. An online registration form will be available soon.
6. Old Business
LAUC-D By-laws changes/Suggested new policies for reporting travel activity (Jared)
Background:Over the last several years there have been many changes to professional activities and travel request procedures that have streamlined the process. As a result, most of the tasks that used to be carried out by the Former Professional Activities Committee or (more recently) the Professional Activities Registrar have been discontinued. This Registrar position has evolved into a largely pro-forma review role now that there is no need to collect and review paper request forms, send out the call for end-of-year funding requests, or calculate the distribution of unspent funds.Additionally, the Librarian MOU states that the Librarians are free to make decisions on what professional activities they pursue, calling into question what exactly is being reviewed by Registrar.
RPAC presented 3 recommendations:
- Beginning with the 2014/2015 academic year, Professional Activities requests will no longer require the "signature" of the Professional Activities Registrar.The form will be routed directly to the Librarian's supervisor and then to Library Administration. Motion to accept. Seconded.Passed.
2. The positions of the Professional Activities Registrar and Registrar-elect will be
converted into regular RPAC members. Motion to accept. Seconded. Passed.
3.RPAC will continue to monitor the distribution of Professional Activities/Travel
funds using reports from Library Administration and presenting analyzed statistics in the committee's annual report. The PAC section of this report should, at the minimum, include the following for both Represented and Non-Represented Librarians:Individual yearly PAC allocation; Total PAC funds Available; Total PAC Funds spent; Year End/Carry over balance; The number of Librarians Funded. Motion to accept. Seconded. Passed.
Questions and Discussion Points:
- It is important to be transparent about funding. It would be informative and to our collective benefit to know what individuals are doing for professional activities.
- An aggregate list might be preferable to specifying the names of individuals due to privacy concerns.
- In the past, LAUC-D organized voluntary conference round-ups, to encourage individuals to share details about conference programs they presented/attended.
- It might be informative to aggregate data such as how many UCD librarians participate in particular conferences.
- Is information about professional development funding publicly available?
- Yes, the amount of PAC funding is available on the LAUC-D website and it is also included in reports.
- Would this bylaws change be effective in time for the coming election? It would involve a title change but the number of RPAC members would remain the same.
Action item: Matt will follow up with the LAUC Parliamentarian, Dean Rowan about this issue and report back to the membership.
7. New Business
Plans for Professional Development (Matt)
Information and Updates:
- MacKenzie contributed an extra $5000 for professional development.
- PIC is working on a report that includes details about professional development.
- LAUC-B recently issued a professional development survey to its members. The results of the survey were used to argue for an increase in professional development funding ($300 more per librarian, per year).
- Matt is serving as chair of the LAUC statewide Research and Professional Development Committee. RPD has received a small number of applications this year and has distributed $12,000 in funding. There are two funding calls and there is a $3,000 cap on requests for this year. Presentation/mini-grants are limited to $500.
There will be continued discussion on professional development issues.
8. Committee Reports
- PEARLS Ad Hoc (Dan)
This is the first significant revision to PEARLS in about a decade. The Committee is using several principles to guide its work:
1. The revision must comply with the new union contract.
2. The revision should be fair to librarians.
3. The documentation should be streamlined as much as possible.
Once the Committee’s proposal is ready, they will distribute the documentation to all LAUC-D members and schedule a meeting to address questions. Voting will take place online. The documentation must be routed to Library Administration and the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs for final approval – LAUC-D’s role is strictly advisory. It would be ideal if the revisions were in place in time for the next review cycle.
- LAUCD Standing Committees
- CAPA (David)
Thanks to Sandy Vella for her service as chair of CAPA. David has assumed the chairship and Juri Stratford has been appointed interim vice-chair. The committee has 1-2 more packets to review. They will also begin work on their annual report.
- Research and Professional Development (Jared)
One local application has been submitted so far.
- Professional Issues (Deanna)
PIC has been in contact with other UCs about professional development.
- Nominations and Elections (Mary – written communication)
The process of developing a slate has begun and the committee is meeting next week - please consider where you might like to volunteer.Committee members are Mary Wood, Elisabeth McKechnie, and Kathy Lin.
- Program (Rachael)
The Chocolate lecture and tasting last Friday was very informative and highlighted holdings from Special Collections. The next program will focus on working with international students and has tentatively been scheduled for early April. The last program of the year is still being planned and will be about beer.
- LAUC Assembly Ad Hoc (Karleen)
The planning for local arrangements is in good shape. The Assembly website is being coordinated by Jeremy Spencer and the online registration form will be available soon. The Committee will be asking for volunteers to staff the registration desk and provide local transportation to/from the Amtrak station downtown. Based on attendance at past assemblies, there will likely be around 50 attendees.
Would LAUC members be interested in a remote participation option?
Action item: Matt will raise the possibility of remote participation with Nick Robinson, LAUC President.
- Redesign Ad Hoc (Matt)
The Committee coordinated 6 meetings. Details from the discussions are posted on the ORPSC page on the staff wiki.
- LAUC Committees
- Committee on Professional Governance (Melissa)
The committee is working on revisions to the statewide LAUC Bylaws. So far, CPG has not received any bylaws revisions from LAUC divisions.
- Committee on Research and Professional Development (Matt)
The RPD will fund $12,000 worth of grants through the LAUC President’s fund. $32,000 will be available next fall.
- Committee on Diversity (Laura)
The Committee is following up on last year’s report and sharing information among campuses.
- Nominations and Elections (Matt for Bob)
Open positions include the Vice-President/President Elect and Secretary.
9. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.