Tender for Construction of Office and Residential Complex with Associated Facilities at HP Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai, Tender No. CE : 214 / Annexure – A
(to Addendum -1)


1.0 Coating Bars with Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coat :

The FBEC coating shall be done confirming to I.S. Code 13620:1993with additional stipulations as under.

1.1 The Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating shall be carried out by anauthorised FBE coating agency approved by Owner.

1.2 Patch-up materials shall be procured in sealed containers withcertificates from coating agency for supply of such patch-up materials.

1.3 The tender rate for FBE coating shall include using PVC coated G.I.Binding Wires of 18G.

2.0 Tests for FBE Coating on Reinforcing Bars

2.1 The contractor shall produce certificate from the FBE coating agencythat the quality of powder epoxy material and other components ofFBEC conform to I.S. 13620:1993. Such certificates shall accompanyeach delivery challan of coated bars while leaving the plant. Thecontractor may also carry out such tests at plant jointly or separately ofthe coating agency to confirm use of proper quality of coating material.

2.2 The coated reinforcement bars shall be tested at plant by thecontractor. Test reports shall be jointly signed by authorized representatives of contractor and the coating agency. The tests oncoated bars shall be as per I.S. for the following tests:

(a) Thickness

(b) Continuity

(c) Adhesion

The frequency of tests shall be for the thickness of coating minimumtwo bars of each size from each production shifts.

Random tests shall be made for continuity of coating.

2.3 Inspite of above tests and test certificates produced by the contractorand coating agency, the Department/Owner reserves the rights to carryout independent tests atcoatingplantforcrosschecking.Thecontractor’sagreementwithcoatingagencyshallinclude the provisions for Department’s/Owner’s cross checking andthat if thecoatingqualityisnotapprovedby the Department/Owner the decision oftheDepartment/Owner to reject or repair the coating shall be final andbinding onall parties.

2.4 Thickness of Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating shall be 200 to 250microns.

2.5 Holidays in coating shall not be more than two holidays per linear foot(six holidays per meter) of coated bar.

3.0 Handling

3.1 The coated bars shall be carefully handled in order not to drop them,not to rubthemon hard surface or against another coated bar whileconveying, stacking,placing orstacking of fabricated bars and that forthis purpose, wooden packingbatons shall beused at spacing of notmore than 60 cms.The coated bars shall be tiedto makebundles with PVCbindingmaterial to avoid damages to coating.

3.2The coated bars shall be stacked with separation gap between groundand bars with wooden batons between rows of bars or bundles of suchtied bars.Such wooden or padded contact shall be at spacing of notmore than 60 cms.

3.3 The cut ends of bars shall be touched up with special touch upmaterials ofspecifications as provided by coating agency. There shallbe minimum time gap torepair the cut ends and damaged portions withtouch up materials and that failure todo so may cause completerejection of the coated bars. The cut ends anddamagedportions shallbe touched up with repair patch-up material within fourhours time gap.All damages to coating in handling etc. shall be repairedirrespective oftheir size. This stipulation supersedes provision of I.S. Code.

3.4 No payment will be made for coated bars which are not used in thework and that ifthey were paid either on account of coating of therejectable part of bars ordoing extra fabrication etc., the amount paidwill be recovered from contractor. Thecontractor will be paid for thesame quantity of steel bars used in the workandpaidunder relevantitem.

3.5While bending the bars, the pins of workbenches shall be provided withPVC orplasticsleeves. It is preferable that contractor install barbending machinessuitablefor FBE coated bars and that each bendingoperation is done in a time ofnot less than90 secs.

3.6 The coated steel shall not be directly exposed to sun rays and rainsand shall be protected with opaque polythene sheets or such otherapproved materials.

3.7 While doing concreting, the workmen or trolleys shall not directly moveon coated bars but can move on wooden planks placed on the bars bycontractor.

3.8 Inspite of all test certificates, if the coated bars are roughly handled bycontractoreither during transport, fabrication, stacking, placing andconcreting etc. orhandled insuch a manner as to damage the coatingfor area or portion more thanreasonable, theEngineer-in-charge orDepartment/Owner reserve the right toreject the FBE coatedbars andthat if rejected then such rejected bars shall beremoved by contractorfromwork site within three days. The decision of Engineer-in-chargewillbefinalastoreject the bars with damage coating or toallowrepairing the coating, or to get it recoated entirely at contractor’s cost.

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