Town Of Lodi

Park Commission Meeting Minutes August 19, 2015

10. Call to order & Roll Call : Meeting called to order at 6:00pm By Peg Ford. Commission members present; Peg Ford, Amber Elsing, Denise Patterson, Nancy Mitchell, Dyan Kopitzke And Town of Lodi Chairman Tom Marx

11. Approve Minutes: Nancy motion to approve meeting minutes from July 22,2015. Denise 2nd the motion.

12. Review Agenda: Denise we should add repainting the park lines at Linda Circle and Michael Park

13. Review Of Parks:

Michael: Park soccer field looks great and all cleaned up. More people are using Tennis courts. Harmony Grove Fund to get new basketball nets and new tennis court nets. Fill in the pool with some more sand and idea a putting a garden inside the filled in sand area. Remove old dirt filled tires.

Okee Beach: New Parking lot. Motion was made to the town board.

Conservancy: Looks Great

Lewis Byrns: Waiting for spring to paint the dugouts. Will need new limestone, and the outfield should be rolled. Needs new chalk.

Wildenberg: Calling Meister about getting tress down. Dog Bags at entrance was brought up again to revisit after the park is cleaned up.

Summers: Looks Good. (Neighbors next to the park are building a boat house, they will be using the park land to get back by the house and lake. They are too restore in same or better condition when finished)

Linda Circle: Work on getting a bench or picnic table. Lines need to be repainted

Arbor Valley: Picture of a Town Park Rules Sign for April to order Kalscheur: Waiting to be surveyed. Getting trees trimmed, Buying Swings Webster: Working on a gazebo plan, look on getting a slide

14. Budget:

Limestone (Lewis) Slide (webster)

Garden (michael) Gazebo (webster) Paint for dugout (Lewis)

Picnic table (Linda Circle)

15. Okee Beach Parking: Motion was made to Town Board of Lodi that it get fixed. Town is working on it.

16. Town Park Survey: Will be starting the Week of August 24, 2015 8.Park Stewards: No changes to be made 9.Discuss/ Approve Purchase of Swings for Kalscheur

Denise motion to buy 3 belt seat swing with Chain for $105, Amber 2nd the motion ­

April to order by September 1, 2015. (chain in red if possible)

Denise motion to buy 1 bucket swing with chain for $255, Nancy 2nd the Motion ­ April to order by September 1, 2015 (chain in red if possible)

1. Discuss/Approve purchase of trash receptacles for Michael (1) and Lewis (2) Denise motion to buy 1 trash receptacle for Michael at $475 Each. Nancy 2nd the Motion ­ April to order by September 1, 2015

Denise motion to buy 1 trash receptacle for Lewis Park for down by the park Shelter for

$475 , Nancy 2nd the motion ­ April to order by September 1, 2015

Denise motion to buy 1 trash receptacle for Lewis park Baseball diamond at $475 each. Nancy 2nd the motion. ­ April to order by September 1, 2015

2. Other:

Nancy motion to purchase a Red bench at Lindia Circle. Dyan 2nd the motion ­ April to order by September 1, 2015

April to check the price of a slide

Denise motion to buy a slide for Webster park not going over price of $1500.00 and based on what the park members agrees on after seeing the slides. Nancy 2nd the motion

3. Next Meeting September 16, 2015 at 6:00pm

4. Adjournment : Nancy motion to adjourn meeting. Denise 2nd the motion