Los Lagos II Homeowner’s Association No. 1
Meeting Minutes—January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016 Minutes
Los Lagos II Homeowners Association No. 1
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
Directors Present: Steve Gissendanner—President, Steve Brooks—Vice-President, Dale Edington—Treasurer, Kathy Yager—Secretary, and Wayne Jones—Architectural Committee Chair.
Directors Absent: None
Also Present: Dan Morrow—Manager
Owners/Visitors Present: Ardith Richards (64A), Mert Troyer (50A), Bette & Gerry Hauber (60C), Larry & Joanne Bartnik (56C), Jack Iversen (24A), Frank Livermont (60A), JoAnn Saculla (67C), Rosie Weston (48A), Carla Woolington (23B), Jan Sabraski (64B), MaryJo & Ron Moore (32B), Joan Gribben (45A), John Hartley & Crys Pennington (32A), Judy Jones (49B), Judy & Charlie Finck (67A), Joanne Seip (69B), Nick Crawford and Connie Vergine (67B), Joanne Mill (54A), Noreen and Paul Bartram (77B), Merle & Diane Bakker (50B), Brenda Tate (70C), Ken & Jane Jackson (34A) Paula Slater (25C), Barry & Pat Rae (25D), Diane Bishop (61D), Ann & Roger Will (TH 6), Paul Ives (TH 8),Ardis Peitz (40A), Verlin & Eileen Ellingson (27A), Doug & Mary Abbamonte (25B), Jim Durham (52B), Larry & Carolyn Nield (76B), Edie & Bill Olson (49C), Irmgard and Jack Snellgrove (37A), and Andrea and William Klootwyk (63C).
1. Call to Order.
President S. Gissendanner called to order the regular meeting of the Board, held at 100 Park Avenue, Lake Havasu City, at 7:05 p.m.
2. Introduction of New Owners. S. Gissendanner introduced Barry & Pat Rae (25D), Merle & Diane Bakker (50B), and Larry & Carolyn Nield (76B).
3. Review Meeting Minutes.
S. Gissendanner asked for approval of the December 10, 2015, meeting minutes. A motion was made by D. Edington to accept the meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by W. Jones and passed unanimously.
3. Review Financials—Treasurer’s Report for December, 2015.
Our year-end budget was just about even, but we were not able to do in excess of $20,000 in new roofs because of unexpected expenses last summer including three fire hydrants and a water regulator. We are over income this year because of the transfer fees from 16 new owners. Plumbing was the largest item over budget this year, but the water bill has been reduced from last year at $127,000 to $116,396. A motion was made by W. Jones to accept the December, 2015, financials as presented. The motion was seconded K. Yager by and passed unanimously.
4. Manager’s Report.
D. Morrow summarized projects from December 11 through January 20, 2016. Included are numerous roofs being patched after the rains, fertilizing grass, repairing line breaks, and handling resident requests. Dan commented that the people who volunteered to do the rec. area ceiling and painting are doing a beautiful job. S. Gissendanner added numerous other projects Dan and Tony have been working on and thanked them for the great job they are doing.
5. Board Committee Reports.
a. Architecture—W. Jones reported four new architectural requests were received from December 11- January 21.
Item / Unit/Owner / Request / Approved / Status1 / Wilhelmi- 65A & 65B
Goodel- 64C
Richards- 64A / Convert grass area between buildings 64 & 65 to pavers. / Approved
05/15 / Completed
2 / Heglund-74A / Replace windows / Approved 10/15 / Open not started
3 / Vergine-67B / Replace front door / Approved 10/15 / Completed
4 / Jones-58C / Install Pavers in front of patio / Approved 11/15 / Open
5 / Pennington-32A / Install Rock area and remove sprinklers directly next to condo / Approved 11/15 / Open
6 / Woolington-23C / Install block wall/patio / Approved 11/15 / Completed
7 / Seip-69B / Replace front and screen doors / Approved 12/15 / Completed
8 / Malkiewicz-68A / Replace patio concrete / Approved 12/15 / Completed
9 / The TwoD’s, LLC-48A- / Rocking common area—water conservation / Approved 12/15 / Completed
10 / Sabraski—64B / Add Security screen to front door
11 / McGuire—47A / Replace windows and slider
12 / Klootwyk—63C / Replace windows
13 / Malkiewicz-68A / Install 24” wall in place of previous wall
K. Yager made a motion to approve items 10-13, D. Edington seconded. Architectural requests approved.
b. Tenant Registration. K. Yager reported that she has been visiting with Circle Captains and they are busy welcoming new owners and renters and checking Tenant Registration forms. She also asked the Circle Captains for assistance in saving postage by passing out ballots and annual meeting information to homeowners in the complex.
c. Social Committee. J. Jones reminded everyone to check your circle bulletin board for new announcements and the monthly calendar. You can also find extra calendars in the realtor’s box on the big bulletin board by the tennis court. Bocci, Brats, and Beer is Wednesday, January 27, at 3 p.m. New Los Lagos tee-shirts and caps can be ordered at the event. The First potluck is Wednesday, February 3 at 4:30 p.m., with dinner at 5:15 p.m. Coffee at pool is Saturday, February 6 and watch for Walking Tacos in February.
d. Recreation Area Committee. R. Weston and Ann Will reported. Rosie reviewed the improvements being done to the rec area ceiling and Ann and Rosie recognized the people helping with repairs. They include Nick Crawford, Roger Will, Diane Bishop, John Hartley, Crys Pennington, Ardis and Lenny Peitz, Don and Brenda Carlson, and Mary Sue and Bob Friest. Ann also asked for volunteers to help paint in the rec. area on Friday after pickle ball and Saturday from 10 a.m.to 2 p.m.
e. Tree and Shrub Committee. A. Richards reported that work days for cleanup in Circles 6 and 7 and Montana Vista will be scheduled within the next couple weeks. Watch the signs on the circle bulletin boards for dates and times. She also stated if there is anything around your unit that you don’t want touched, please make her aware or put a tag on the plant indicating not to remove or trim.
f. Historian. Frank Livermont introduced himself and explained he keeps the records including architectural/meeting minutes/other historical information for the association and asked that if you have any questions to run it through the Board members to see if it is right or wrong. You can go down anytime and look at the records to find out what you would like to know and Frank will accommodate you. He explained the records are overwhelming and we have had over 300 changes to outsides of the buildings. No changes were allowed when he first moved to the complex over 30 years ago. Boards have softened over the years allowing owners to make more changes. He wants owners to remember the association owns all the land around our condos and all we own is the airspace inside our condo.
6. Old Business.
a. Update: Unit 35A. Dale Edington reported this unit was sold on the Mohave County Courthouse at 11 a.m. on January 20, 2016, for $65,001.
7. New Business.
a. Lighting in Circle 7. For safety reasons carport lighting has been updated to similar lighting we now have in Circles 1 and 2.
b. Accounting Contract 2016. D. Edington reported our association accounting contract with Barbara O’Connor has no changes or fee increases for 2016. D. Edington made a motion to accept the contract as written. K. Yager seconded, motion passed unanimously.
c. Fee increase notice from Mahoney Group for Association Insurance. D. Edington reported we have received two quotes for this year. We will accept the Quote 1, Eagle West, which includes liability coverage for volunteers. The total is approximately $34,000 for the year. D. Edington made a motion that we inform the Mahoney Group we accept the premium. Audience questions and discussion followed. S. Gissendanner invited all owners to view the policy on our website. K. Yager seconded, and motion passed.
d. Candidates for 2016 Board of Directors. S. Gissendanner reported that we have two positions open this term. S. Gissendanner will not run for reelection, but K. Yager will. Other candidates for the two positions include Connie Vergine and Brenda Tate who were present at the Board meeting and introduced to all. Joanelle Kerekes is also running but was not able to attend the meeting. Voting and annual meeting information will be delivered or mailed next week.
e. Ground feeding birds/animals. S. Gissendanner reported we have had an issue in the complex with ground feeding birds and attracting pigeons. We have witnesses to what has been happening and have contacted the county. The county will deal with the problem by issuing a warning, which, if not resolved, could result in court action and a fine. The Board will post the Mohave County Ordinance 98-3 on all bulletin boards. This ordinance prohibits ground feeding (bread, bird seeds, etc.) but hanging bird feeders are allowed.
f. Bldg. 37 Laundry Room. D. Edington showed pictures of the laundry room in Bldg. 37. Several days ago Board members viewed the filthy washer and clothes and debris on the floor. Today a Board member cleaned the entire laundry room and put a sign up asking users to clean up after use. This is a shared laundry room and the problem has been ongoing. Previous warnings have been issued. Discussion followed. In view of the fact that the person involved has had numerous warnings, motion was made, seconded and approved to fine in accordance with the fine policy in effect.
g. Newsletter Changes. S. Gissendanner thanked J. Saculla for the many years she has put together our quarterly newsletter. She is stepping down from the responsibility to pursue travel and other activities. The crowd thanked Joanne for her outstanding work and dedication.
8. Communication.
a. Violations and Communication. 27A and B sent a letter requesting replacement of the present sidewalk in front of their condos, which slopes and is very narrow and has become a safety issue. The Board has a verbal bid for approximately $1,500 to remove and replace the sidewalk. S. Gissendanner made a motion to spend up to $2,000 for replacement of this sidewalk. Discussion followed. D. Edington seconded and motion passed.
b. Pickle Ball Gathering: The Board approved a pickle ball gathering to be held in the pool area on Sunday, January 31.
c. Meeting Information. At our February meeting no regular business will be conducted. The purpose of this meeting is election of officers and to review accomplishments and discuss goals for next year. The Annual Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, February 18, 2016, at the Board of Realtors meeting room. The next scheduled business meeting: will be 7 p.m. Thursday, March 10, 2016 at the Aquatic Center.
Discussion was held regarding the annual meeting and S. Gissendanner’s goal for updating the CC&Rs. It is strongly suggested that Association CC&Rs be updated every ten years. A committee of homeowners is being formed right now to assist with the process.
9. Homeowner Input.
a. An owner expressed insurance concerns because of old trees with roots infringing on plumbing and causing damage to property. The Board should be watching for root problems and determine if trees should be removed.
b. A full-time resident asked if something could be done to alleviate the hot pool handles in the summer months and thanked the Rec. committee for the new chairs and tables. The Board will find a solution to the hot pool handles.
c. We have had several complaints regarding the new gate openers not opening wide enough to get wheelchairs into the pool area. The Board will look for options to fix the problem.
d. Homeowners have issues about smoking around the pool area. A committee will be formed to discuss the issues and Joanne Sacula, as a full-time resident and smoker, will volunteer to assist in finding a compromise. Carla Woolington also volunteered.
e. The Columonde Chorus will be performing for Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 12 in the courtyard between Bldgs. 64 & 65. The time will be posted on Circle bulletin boards. All are invited to attend. Bring a chair.
11. Adjournment. S. Gissendanner entertained a motion to adjourn, D. Edington seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
K. Yager, Secretary