The candidate named below applied for a position with Kelly Educational Staffing and provided your name as a reference. We appreciate your assistance with verifying the information provided and assessing their qualifications.. Thank you.
Candidate Information
Candidate Name: /Employment Dates: / - /
Position/Job Title: / Salary/Pay Rate: $ PerJob Responsibilities:
Reference Information (Please enter the following information for the person completing this verification.)
Name: / Title: / Telephone No.:How are you acquainted with the candidate named above? Supervisory role Co-worker Other:
Signature: Date:
Reference Questions
How are you acquainted with the candidate?Supervisory role (Verify dates of candidate’s previous employment.)
Other (e.g., minister, doctor, teacher, lawyer)
Note: Friends are not acceptable references. The candidate must have worked with the reference or must know the reference on a professional basis.
When did you work with the candidate?
What were the candidate’s main job duties and responsibilities?
Why did the candidate leave your organization?
Were there any attendance problems? Yes No
If Yes, please explain:
Reference Questions (cont’d.)
Have you had the chance to watch the candidate interact with children? Yes NoIf Yes, were the interactions positive? Yes No
Why or why not?
Do you believe the candidate would be suitable to work at a school, in direct contact with children?
Yes No
Why or why not?
Would you have any reservations about the candidate in such a position? Yes No
If Yes, please explain:
What other comments would you like to add regarding the candidate?
Performance Assessment (On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the following aspects of the candidate’s performance.)
1 - Poor 2-Below Average 3 - Average 4-Above Average 5 - Excellent N/A - Not applicable
Task / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
Accepted and grew from professional criticism
Acted as an effective role model
Communicated verbally
Exhibited high expectations for self and others
Maintained accurate records
Solved problems
Worked with other staff
Worked with supervisors
Communicated with parents
Controlled and maintained discipline in a classroom
Got involved in extra-curricular activities
Used multiple teaching strategies
Worked with children
Overall rating of the candidate
If you could rehire this person, would you do so? Yes With Reservation No
If No or With Reservation, please explain:
2008 Kelly Services, Inc.e244 R8/08