Trip To The Primary Schools

April 19th, 20th, and 21st 2017

Why are we going to Elma, Marilla, and Wales Primary Schools?

1.)To teach elementary students topics in science.

2.)To show that science can be fun.

What are you going to receive from the trip?

1.)A sense of accomplishment, knowing you influenced hundreds of children for the rest of their lives.

2.)A deeper understanding of your particular physics topic.

3.)24 % on the third quarter grade.

Important Dates to Remember

Feb 10th1st Draft of Lesson Plan2 % of 3rd Quarter

Feb 17th2nd Draft of Lesson Plan2% of 3rd Quarter

March 1st Final Draft of Lesson Plan10 % of 3rd Quarter

March 10thGroup Lesson Plan2 % of 3rd Quarter

March 21stTeach Your Lesson in Class8 % of 3rd QuarterGalileo & Einstein

March 22ndTeach Your Lesson in Class8 % of 3rd QuarterNewton

April 19thThe Trip-Newton and Einstein go to Marilla

April 20thThe Trip-Galileo and Einstein go to Wales

April 21stThe Trip-Galileo and Newton go to Elma

April 24thImprovements/commentary2% of 4th Quarter

Lesson plan:

Type your lesson plan so that you can go back and make modifications.

The lesson plan must include the following, but is not limited to:

Objective:What can your students do after the lesson?

Materials:Think inexpensive.

Remember, each kid takes something home with them.

Procedure:What activities?

Room setup.

How will you keep the students engaged?

What are different people in the group doing during the lesson?

Is vocabulary defined/explained for the children?

Anticipatory set. How are you going to motivate the students?

Estimated time each activity takes.

You need to have a flow chart of what is happening?

Assessment:How will you know the students have learned the material?

Hint: This ties in with the objective.

25 points will be deducted for every week that the final lesson plan is late.

Teach Your Lesson in Class:

You will have about 10 minutes to shine.

Show me, and the rest of the class, what you are doing the day of the event.

All materials are ready to go at this point. Some items do not have to be used during the presentation due to their nature, but they must be present.

I must approve exceptions one week prior to your presentation.

______/30Materials. The materials/demonstration are visually

pleasing/exciting, and show evidence of effort.

______/20Engaging. The lesson is exciting and has created a

positive environment for learning.

______/20Evidence of preparation. Every student understands and

successfully fulfills their roles. The lesson “flows.”

______/20The lesson successfully addresses the objective.

______/10Evaluations, listing strengths and weaknesses, of the other groupsare ready for class discussion.

These notes will be exchanged between the groups.


The Analysis needs to be a 2-3 page, single spaced, typed paper(size 14 font) that brings a conclusion to our trip to the Primary Schools.

Your paper will be 25 points off for each week late.

Your analysis must include the following, but is not limited to:

Did your group use the improvements suggested in class? If not, why?

Describe what your group did their lesson on.

How did you contribute to your group?

What problem solving and hands on applications occurred?

Describe the physics that your group used.

Discuss your having to write a lesson plan.

What went well, and why? What did not go well, and why?

What could you do, along the same lines, to improve on this?

What did you receive from this project? What did the kids receive?