To ensure that our students have an alternative mode of travel due to there being no shuttle bus service to the main exchange in Hamilton, along with maintaining the bus properly including roadworthiness and registration.
BUS: Toyota Hiace (2011) 12 seater mini bus
The School has a 12 seater bus for use in transporting students and staff to and from the school, extra curricula activities, excursions, camps and sporting events and other school related activities.
- To ensure that students travelling to and from our school by the George Street Primary School bus do so safely, and in a manner consistent with Department of Education and Early Childhood Development policies and regulations
- Only drivers who hold a full licence will be permitted to drive the bus
- To ensure any bus issues are dealt with effectively and efficiently
- The bus must be maintained to an appropriate standard of safety and cleanliness such that it reflects well on the school at all times
Maintaining a safe and roadworthy bus is the responsibility of the school. This policy outlines measures that need to be implemented to ensure the safety of all staff and students. It is the responsibility of the Principal to ensure that these guidelines are followed and practised by all. Management, staff, families each have a role in the effective use of the school bus.
- Recognise that the bus is to be utilised first and foremost by the school
- Allow select feeder kindergartens to use the bus providing that it is not being used by the school, however the school has complete authority over its usage or not
- Provide support to staff to ensure they feel confident in using the bus
- Ensure there is a system in place to book the bus through the school office
- Ensure that the bus is maintained and serviced as per the requirements of the make and model
- Ensure there is room to house the bus off the street, including cleaning facilities
- Arrange insurance cover for the bus and its drivers is kept up to date
- Ensure that the bus is kept clean and seat belts checked regularly for any damage
- The Principal is responsible for the school bus and ensuring all guidelines and policy is followed.
- The School will ensure the registration, insurance, maintenance and general upkeep of the bus is maintained. All staff driving the bus MUST provide a copy of their licence to the General Office prior to taking the bus out. This must be filed in the staff documents folder.
- Any driver of the bus MUS be screened for Working with Children check prior to driving the bus (copy placed in working with children check folder.
- All drivers be provided with driver orientation of the bus
- All drivers must report any incidents or actions occurring during their driving of the bus
Booking /Keys
- The School bus may only be used for school based activities and events
- All bookings are to be made through the office and written into the book
- Keys will be kept in the back office and placed back after use
- The keys MUST NOT be accessed unless the bus is booked and staff signed out
- The driver MUST on completion of the journey return the keys to the back office
- Use of the school bus other than for approved school events or activities must not occur without prior approval of the Principal
- The bus if borrowed by other kindergartens approved by the Principal must return the bus with a full tank of fuel
Drivers of the bus
- Drivers to have approval to drive the bus from the school Principal and have a current (FULL) license to drive
- In the event of a license being suspended or cancelled or otherwise endorsed, the school must be advised before the driver has access to the bus
- Any driver must have completed a driver orientation conducted by the Principal /or delegate including being handed a copy of this policy
- Complete a pre-departure check of the bus and its condition after each journey
- Return the bus at the agreed time and date along with place
- Drivers must ensure the bus is locked and keys returned to office
- Ensure the bus is parked correctly and off the road
- Report all breakdowns, incidences, accidents to the Principal
- Any traffic infringements are the responsibility of the driver and must be paid by the driver
- Report any known medical problems of the driver or passengers
- Any driver MUST have a zero alcohol reading when driving the vehicle
- Any driver will not be affected by any medication or other substance when driving the bus
- The driver will accept responsibility of the passengers behaviour or conduct while driving the bus
- Before and after taking the bus out on an event or activity the driver must complete a full check of the bus and also after taking the vehicle out on any excursions or activity
- Record any damage, scratches or marks /seat damage in the log book and also report such damage to the Principal within 24 hours
- Ensure all passengers are directed to clean any rubbish up from the floor
- Ensure no food or drink is taken on the bus
- At the conclusion of each journey ensure the fuel tank indicates there is a full tank and /ornotify a designated person who has a School Card to fill the bus with PETROL.
Housing of the Bus
The school bus will be house overnight (during school week) at the entrance to the front office, however on weekends it may be housed off-site in a secure locked location at Ian Jennings Paint & Panel at 22 Fenton St if required. All drivers are to undergo an orientation of the bus by becoming familiar with relevant procedures for parking and reversing the bus.
Insurance(Insured with NTI JV CGU 50% & Vero 50%)
- The bus must be insured at all times
- The insurance must be full comprehensive and include public liability
- Bus insurance premium will be included in the School’s annual budget
Non-School Staff Drivers
Complete a USE of Vehicle Agreement /Application Form (See Attached)
Rules for all Passengers
All passengers that are the daily bus run MUST have signed the agreement form (Please see attachment)
RULES for Passengers
- No food or drink to be consumed on the bus
- No smoking
- All rubbish must be removed and bus cleaned after each use
- No misbehaviour on the bus. Anyone on the bus are under the direction of the designated driver
George Street Primary School
Use of Vehicle Agreement /Application for non-school drivers
This application /agreement is to be completed and signed by the driver in conjunction with the attached conditions of use of school bus requirements.
NAME of ORGANISATION or KINDER / Address of organisationPerson making the booking / Date of request
Telephone number / Mobile
Driver’s License No (Please provide a copy)
Expiry date: / Working with Children’s Check (copy)
Driver’s mobile / Destination
Date of bus use / Date of bus return
Time of pick up / Time of return
Purpose of trip / Number of children travelling
Comments: / Policy sited and conditions of use sited
Daytime telephone number of driver / Driver signature:
BUS TRAVEL Conditions of use
This private bus service to families of George Street Primary School is a privilege and not a right, therefore conditions of this service are in place for the comfort and safety of everyone participating in this service.
Parents will be ready for the bus TOOT and see their child to the bus
Parents will be at home and waiting for the bus (TOOT) at the end of the school day
(PLEASE NOTE:) Any child not met by a parent /legal guardian when the bus arrives home will be taken back to school and alternative pick-up will need to be arranged, also this may place your child’s placement on the bus at risk.
Children will place bags under their seat and wear their seatbelt at all times (no seat belts off until bus has stopped at school /home)
No food or drink on the bus
Noise levels to be kept down
No misbehaving (If 3 warnings given and parents contacted with no change in behaviour children may /will be asked to seek alternate travel
Any damage to the bus will be paid for by the parent of that child
Cost of the bus service to be paid in advance on MONDAYS regardless of whether your child is at school (a seat has been reserved )
$10.00 per child per week
$15.00 for 2 children
$20.00 for 3 children
If you are expecting another adult to meet your child from the bus, then please inform the school of this as soon as possible.
Please sign below and return to the school prior to the bus service operating.
I wish for my child /children______
to be transported to and from school (GEORGE STREET PRIMARY) daily and agree to payment and terms and conditions of this bus use.