Dear Family Campers,
We look forward to having you and your child(ren) participate in Camp Phoenix, Saturday, May 2 from 8:30am to 5:00 pm. Thiswill be a fun and worthwhile experience for your family.
For each family member attending, please complete the enclosed forms (Registration Forms and Medical History) and return it byApril 24, 2009. We must have all of these forms completely filled outfor your family to attend camp. A $10.00 deposit is required to assure your reservation and should be sent in with these forms. The deposit will be refunded to you when your family arrives at camp. A list of what your family should and should not bring to camp is also enclosed. Pleasebringpictures of your loved one to share during grief activities.
OnSaturday, May 2, please plan to arrive at KaryaePark(which is where CampPhoenix is held) by 8:30 p.m. Directions are enclosed for your convenience. This is a family event, so plan to attend with your child. The camp will end at 5:00 pm.
Please call the New HopeCounselingCenter at (704) 861-8405 or email me if you have any questions or need further information.
Adrian Thornburg, MA, LPC
CampPhoenix Coordinator
Camper’s Name: ______
Date of Birth: ______Age: ______T-shirt Size ______
School: ______Grade: ______
Referred by: Self, TV, Hospice Flyer, School Counselor, other______
*The participation of at least one parent or legal guardian at camp is required.
Parent/Guardian: ______
Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______
Cell: ______Email: ______
Do both parents live in the home? Yes No
If not, please provide the following contact information:
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Mailing Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______
Cell: ______Email: ______
Name & Relationship of deceased person to child ______
Was deceased a Gaston Hospice patient? Yes No Give name:______
Did camper live with the deceased? Yes No
Date of death: ______Age at death: ______
Type of Death: ( )Accident ( )Long term illness ( )Short term illness ( )Traumatic
Was camper present at death: Yes No
Since the Death, what changes have you seen? (Check items)
()School Problems ()Nightmares ()Friends (fighting/withdrawal)
()Increase in fears ()Expresses desire to die/kill self ()Emotional struggles
()Physical Symptoms (sleeping more/less, appetite, physical complaints) ()none
() Other symptoms ______
List other current stressors or significant losses for the child over the last 2 years
(ex: Divorce, loss of a pet, move, etc.) ______
Has your child/teen been in any support groups or counseling? ______If yes, please explain:
Additional Information, Interests or Special Abilities: ______
I grant permission for photographs/slide show, written evaluation comments, or interviews with my child to be used for educational purposes and/or to promote future camps. I release Gaston Hospice and the GastonCountyYMCA and its affiliates from any claim or liability for that use.
Yes No
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Children’s Medical Information
Primary Care Phyisican: ______
Phone number: ______
List any physical or mental concerns your child may have. ______
Are there any activities that should be restricted? ______
List any allergies that we should know about (ex: Food, Hay Fever, Insect Stings, Medications, Asthma, Latex, etc.):
Date of last immunizations: ______Tetanus: ______
I hereby give permission to camp personnel to release medical history information, to contact the primary care physician, and/or to provide or arrange related transportation for my child in case of emergency to the nearest medical facility. In the event I am unable to give permission or be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to camp personnel to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization for my child. I understand that no accident or medical insurance is provided and agree that I will be financially responsible for medical treatment received.
Signature of Parent or Guardian______
Date ______
I give my permission for my child, ______, to participate in the team building and ropes course activities as provided by the staff of the YMCA of GastonCounty while attending CampPhoenix atKaryeaPark YMCA Outdoor Facility.
I understand that the New HopeCounselingCenter for Grief and Loss, Gaston Hospice, Inc., Caromont Health, CampPhoenix, Gaston YMCA, camp staff/volunteers will not be held liable in case of personal accident and/or injury, illness, or property loss or damage.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date ______
Informed Consent for CampPhoenix
Gaston Hospice
*The goal for children attending CampPhoenixis to leave with a better understanding of what grief is and how to use their personal coping skills.
*CampPhoenixis a structured environment that will assist with grieving emotions that present themselves in children when a close family member dies. Although there will be fun, games, and music at the camp, there will also be counseling groupsstructured for campers to explore their own personal emotions and the grieving process. Most people chose counseling with hopes of feeling better. However, as with any powerful intervention, there are both benefits and risks associated with counseling. Risks might include experiencing uncomfortable feelings like sadness, anxiety, anger, guilt, or frustration. It is not uncommon for children/adolescents/adults to report feeling worse after the first few sessions. It is our goal to support the entire family as they sort through these feelings and guide them toward more self-direction in their life (an identified benefit of counseling).
*Client information is confidential in regards to other agencies or persons. However, North Carolina state law requires exceptions to this rule in the case of: a) suspected child abuse, b) suspected elder abuse, c) suspected domestic violence, d) stated intention to injure another person, e) imminent danger of harming oneself, f) subpoena from a court of law. In these situations, the appropriate agency or persons will be notified.
Symptoms to Look for After Camp
Sleep disturbancesFatigue (related to grief work)
AnxietySadnessVerbal attacks
CryingExtreme QuietnessNightmares
What to Do?
Continue with open communication with child.
Let the child know that you are prepared to talk with them when they are ready.
Don’t force the child to talk before he/she is ready.
Call the counselors at Gaston Hospice with any concerns. We are available to any child or family who attends camp by calling 704-861-8405.
I have read the above and understand the goals, benefits, and risks of CampPhoenix.
Parent Signature Date
Witness Signature Date
Parent Copy
Informed Consent for CampPhoenix
Gaston Hospice
*The goal for children attending CampPhoenixis to leave with a better understanding of what grief is and how to use their personal coping skills.
*CampPhoenixis a structured environment that will assist with grieving emotions that present themselves in children when a close family member dies. Although there will be fun, games, and music at the camp, there will also be counseling groupsstructured for campers to explore their own personal emotions and the grieving process. Most people chose counseling with hopes of feeling better. However, as with any powerful intervention, there are both benefits and risks associated with counseling. Risks might include experiencing uncomfortable feelings like sadness, anxiety, anger, guilt, or frustration. It is not uncommon for children/adolescents/adults to report feeling worse after the first few sessions. It is our goal to support the entire family as they sort through these feelings and guide them toward more self-direction in their life (an identified benefit of counseling).
*Client information is confidential in regards to other agencies or persons. However, North Carolina state law requires exceptions to this rule in the case of: a) suspected child abuse, b) suspected elder abuse, c) suspected domestic violence, d) stated intention to injure another person, e) imminent danger of harming oneself, f) subpoena from a court of law. In these situations, the appropriate agency or persons will be notified.
Symptoms to Look for After Camp
Sleep disturbancesFatigue (related to grief work)
AnxietySadnessVerbal attacks
CryingExtreme QuietnessNightmares
What to Do?
Continue with open communication with child.
Let the child know that you are prepared to talk with them when they are ready.
Don’t force the child to talk before he/she is ready.
Call the counselors at Gaston Hospice with any concerns. We are available to any child or family who attends camp by calling 704-861-8405.
CampPhoenix Adult Registration
Name: ______
T-shirt Size: ______
Address: ______City/State______Zip______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______
Email: ______
Name and Relationship of deceased loved one:______
If spouse, please circle: Married Separated Divorced
Other significant losses in your life: ______
Changes I have seen in myself since the death:
Who is a part of your current support system? ______
Are you currently involved in a grief support program? YES NO
If yes, name of program and where it is held: ______
What do you expect to get from this camp experience? ______
My greatest concern is ______
I grant permission for photographs/slide show written evaluation comments, or interviews of me to be used for educational purposes and/or promote future camps. Furthermore, I release the Gaston Hospice and the GastonCountyYMCAfrom any claim or liability for that use.
Signature Date
Adult Medical Information
Name: ______
First Last
DOB: ______Age: ______
List any physical concerns you may have. ______
Are there any activities that should be restricted? ______
Any health problems, allergies, medications: ______
Name: ______Phone: ______
Relationship: ______
Secondary party to notify in case we cannot reach the person listed above:
Name: ______Phone: ______
Relationship: ______
Primary Physician: ______Phone: ______
Name of Practice: ______
I hereby give permission to the camp medical personnel to release medical history information, to contact the primary care physician, and/or to provide or arrange related transportation in case of emergency to the nearest medical facility. I hereby give permission to the camp medical personnel to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization for me. I understand that no accident or medical insurance is provided and agree that I will be financially responsible for medical treatment received.
Signature ______Date ______
Directions to KaryeaPark
YMCA Outdoor FamilyCenter
Gastonia, NC
Location: 4227 South Linwood Rd., Gastonia, NC28052.
From Downtown Gastonia, take Franklin Blvd-US 74 to South Linwood Road approximately 5 miles. The OutdoorCenter will be on your left before Camp Rotary Road.
You can MapQuest this at using your home address.
What to Bring to Camp
Tennis Shoes must be worn at camp at all times.
(You may want to bring an extra pair)
Dress for the weather/Rain Gear
Pictures of deceased love one for a project that can be cut, taped
or glued
Camera (optional)
Picnic Basket of food to feed
your family for Lunch