From September 12th to 20th Rimini Fiera is hosting the 16th edition of the International Motorhome, Caravan, Camping and Open-air Vacation Show – being held simultaneously with the fifth edition of the “LUOGHI” (PLACES) show dedicated to new vacation tourists.
● Mondo Natura 2009: the expo showcase (page 2)
● The leaders of the motorhome and caravan sector and large automobile brands (page 2)
● Side events (page 3)
● The Luoghi (Places) show (page 4)
● Statements (page 4)
● Motorhomes and Caravans: APC-Anfia figures and the sector’s trends (page 5)
● Eco-incentives and deductions (page 5)
● The AC-Nielsen survey, motorhome owners’ identikit and the new “camper style” (page 6)
● Parking areas grow (page 6)
● A hundred events in the local area (page 7)
● A Show that’s increasingly online (page 8)
● Guide to the services at Mondo Natura (page 8)
● Rimini Fiera is environment-friendly, like Mondo Natura (page 9)
Rimini, 15th July 2009 - MONDO NATURA 2009, the 16th International Motorhome, Caravan, Camping and Outdoor Vacation Show, is being held from 12th to 20th September at Rimini Expo Centre.
The expo, the leader in Italy, is considered the driving force of this market and features excellent figures, such as that of its visitors, which reached 114,333at the last edition.It also had a great media impact: 474 journalists (an increase of 22.5%) were accredited in the press room.
Organized by RIMINI FIERAwith the sponsorship of APC-ANFIA (Motorcaravan Manufacturers Association), in collaboration with PROMOCAMP and with the support of ASSOCAMP, CONFEDERCAMPEGGIO, UNRAE, A.C.T.- ITALIA e UNIONE CLUB AMICI, the expo is held simultaneously with LUOGHI, the show for “new vacation” tourists”.
On show at the 16th MONDO NATURA, hundreds of companies, with almost 100,000 square metres of new products as far as the eye can see: motorhomes, caravans, pickups, small off-road vehicles, prefabricated homes, trailers, accessories and electronic components, tents, accessories, clothing and accessories for camping and trekking, bicycles, mountain bikes, canoes, instruments for outdoor vacations, tourist promotion, services, specialist and trade press.
At MONDO NATURA, FIAT and IVECO will present their ranges, chassis, mechanical components, multi-use vehicles and leisure vehicles, as well as initiatives staged to attract a large public, increasingly aware of open-air tourism.
As always, there will also be wide participation by leading companies in the tent and accessory sectors: to mention some, there will be Brunner,, Crippacampeggio, Con.ver, Dimatec Ten Haaft, Dometic, Ecosan, Euro-Accessoires, Gemini Technologies, IMQ, Mitrex, Narbonne Accessoires, Nca Service, Nova Outdoor, S.i.f.i, Simone Antonio,, Teleco, Thetford, Tr.em, Truma, Vecam, Webasto, Zifer.
MONDO NATURA's organizers are preparing a series of appointments sure to draw large crowds among the general public and trade members.
On the morning of the opening day, Saturday 12th, there will be the customary conference by Rimini Fieraand APC-ANFIA. Later, space will be dedicated to the prize-giving ceremony for the Open-Air Tourism Municipality contest. PleinAir magazine will organize a large dinner-show for PleinAir club members and - a new feature for 2009 - also open to trade members, on the evening of Saturday 12th September, in Hall B5. The expo will also host the presentation of the book “Il Manuale del camper” which the magazine staff, coordinated by editor Lucia Jannucci, has prepared for publisher Giunti Editore. It is a particularly suggestive book, full of information for all those wanting to discover the wonderful world of autocaravans.
Once again this year, L'Unione Club Amici is collaborating with Rimini Fiera, hosting some Municipalities that took part in the National "Municipal Friend of Travelling Tourism" Circuit; on Saturday 12th, it has organized the 21st national Chairman’s meeting.
Every day, Promocamp is organizing "the city of tents" (Hall D3), an expo layout animated by groups of Scouts from all over Italy and a photograph exhibition on the initiative by Rimini schools to promote and spread open-air tourism. Meetings are also planned with school children and local authorities regarding hospitality in local areas. On Saturday 19th (10.30am – Diotallevi Room), a conference to present the project of hospitality facilities for travelling tourism in the Veneto Po delta park.
A.C.T. Italia Federazione (Association of Tourist Campers) will bring eight period motorhomes to the expo, enabling visitors to view the origins of open-air tourism. Pioneering bodywork, carefully built by artisans round engines and chassis that were prestigious or even known only to motorhome buffs, will enable to understand how the taste of adventure and travelling free from all restrictions is inborn in man.
The Ardito Desio association will present the photographic exhibition-report “Dal Cile all’Alaska” (From Chile to Alaska) by Giuseppe Rivalta and Dario Brignole.
The “Pocket Mondo Natura” model exhibition, organized by Camperpress, will turn the spotlight on about sixty scale models built from the sixties to the present day. Hall B1 will host “Camper with no barriers”, a demo area for recreational vehicles made to measure for the disabled.
On the evenings of Saturday 12th and Saturday 19th, the traditional campers’ Rustida is once again confirmed: succulent grilled fish, typical of the Rimini area, offered by Rimini Fiera to all visitors. Entertainment for the party on the 19th will consist in live music by 10HP Band, which plays all singer-songwriter Lucio Battisti’s repertoire.
The demo areas will host the outstanding Funky Sport Area: an area realized in collaboration with magazines Tutto Mountain Bike, Windsurf Italia, AC Autocaravan, the AMI Bike Association and Rimini Fiera. Numerous initiative for attendees of all ages will include themountain bike "baby school" with Ami Bike instructors, an artificial route recreating the natural difficulties normally found on mountain paths, performances by riders specialized in the various mountain bike disciplinesand, lastly, a wall equipped for sports climbing.
Then there will be no lack of conferences and meetings, such as those being prepared on the topic of mountain bikes as a mean of promoting local areas’ tourism.
Also worth highlighting, the large space MONDO NATURA reserves for kiddies every year. There are countless zones at their disposal: "Area Kid's Village" by Andrea Lucchetta, the ice skating rink set up by Euro Games, the Sommersault, Birbalandia and Golden Games areas with inflatable games, the small train connecting Rimini Fiera’s three entrances in an entertaining way... other initiatives, including some very important ones, are currently being finalised. On Sunday 13th September, Mondo Natura 2009 will host the RAI 3 kiddies’ television program "Melevisione", which will stage the show "Don’t dirty the fantaforest" with characters including Milo Cotogno, Fata Lina and Vermio Malgozzo. At the end, the young audience will be able to meet and chat with the park guards of the " Po Delta Park", whowill show how Italy’s natural beauties are protected and conserved. It’s sure to be an edition not to be missed!
In Hall B3, MONDO NATURA 2009 will host the fifth edition of the “LUOGHI” show, dedicated to “new vacation” tourists, revealing places, itineraries, the environment, traditions and flavours for all those tourists who love creating their routes independently, becoming their own travel agency, creating their own free itinerary, based on sensations, flavours and aromas going from place to place, and who come to Rimini for hints and ideas for exciting, truly personal itineraries full of exciting experiences and sensations.
Outstanding attractions include the Cerwood Adventure Park, the largest in Italy and located in the Tosco/Emiliano Apennine National Park, which will reproduce an indoor adventure park with practical routes for kiddies, who will be assisted by the park’s instructors.
LUOGHI participants include villages, hamlets, parks, mountain communities, nature reserves and theme routes, as well as regional and provincial governments, local tourist boards and “Roads of Flavours”. LUOGHI has the sponsorship of the ANESV AGIS (National Association of Travelling Show Owners and Permanent Italian Parks), ANCI (National Association of Italian Municipalities), Emilia Romagna Regional Government - Tourism Department, Italian Touring Club, FEDERPARCHI (Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserves), UNICEM (National Union of Mountain Community Municipalities), UNIONPARCHI (Union of Italian Recreation Parks) and UNPLI (National Union of Local Tourist Boards).
Rimini Fiera general manager Piero Venturelli explains, “Travelling holidays are a rediscovery of a type of tourism that is deeply rooted in the real values of vacations. MONDO NATURA has always been this sector’s hub and becomes even more so now, in a period of global difficulty, when this sector can really become a driving force for a revival of the entire tourist trade. With this in mind, this year Rimini Fiera intends concretely working alongside trade members. For this reason, it decided to launch a stimulating rewarding exhibiting rate policy aimed at satisfying companies’ requirements. This great commitment intends emphasizing how we are all part of the same system and that now we must pull together more than ever before. This is the only way we’ll be able to give body to an increasingly felt requirement on behalf of end users, our visitors: that of vacations during which it is possible to once again find the creative capacity that frees tourists from ready-made formats and stimulates their thirst for knowledge.”
APC-ANFIAchairman Stefano Campanelli comments, “For 2009, we have once again renewed our partnership with MONDO NATURA because, in a complicated difficult setting like the current situation, we believe it’s important to give the market a strong sign of confidence. APC-ANFIA firmly believes in the reactive capacity, the trade’s strength and the teamwork that can best be expressed precisely thanks to the Rimini Fiera exhibition, which is definitely the first and most important driving element to give the entire sector vigour and lymph, by means of coordinated action by manufacturers and exhibition organizers. We also greatly appreciate the tangible support that the show’s organizers have decided to ensure exhibitors in a very particular period for the market. A sign of great attention and decisive dynamism, which we are convinced will dispel any doubts.”
The expo’s project manager Angela Bellavista says, “By hosting recreation vehicles - from motorhomes to caravans - MONDO NATURA favours their aims of economic growth, but also tunes in to their real meaning as a method of travel that is really and deeply free in the widest, most positive sense of the term. During the expo days it will therefore be possible not only to discover the opportunities created by exhibiting firms, but also those of the local area which – there is no need to remind anybody - has always had a great vocation for tourism. Rimini is the capital of endless types of tourism, including that of open-air vacationers.”
{0>L´anno 2008 chiude a quota 11.854 autocaravan, con una riduzione delle immatricolazioni sul mercato italiano pari al -21,2% rispetto all´anno precedente.<}100{>2008 ended with 11,854 autocaravans, with a 21.2% drop in registrations on the Italian market compared to the previous year.<0}{0>Un decremento che si accentua nel 2° semestre dello scorso anno che, a detta di APC-ANFIA, è conseguenza degli effetti della crisi che hanno coinvolto e continuano ad affliggere la gran parte dei distretti produttivi italiani, con particolare riferimento ai beni durevoli e al settore automotive, contraddistinti da dinamiche simili al mercato autocaravan.<}90{>A decrease that was more noticeable in the second half of last year and that, according to APC-ANFIA, is a result of the effects of the crisis that has hit and continues to trouble the majority of Italy’s manufacturing sectors, with particular reference to durable goods and the motor vehicle industry, featuring dynamics similar to the autocaravan market.<0}{0>Una battuta d´arresto che, sebbene imputabile al quadro economico in atto, va contestualizzata in un trend di crescita nazionale duraturo (iniziato nel 1997 e proseguito quasi ininterrottamente fino al 2007), andando a considerare non solo gli effetti di breve termine, ma anche la tenuta sul medio-lungo periodo e l´attrattività che questo segmento turistico dimostra nei confronti della clientela domestica.<}95{>A drop which, even if it can be blamed on the economic situation under way, must be considered in the context of a long-lasting national growth trend (which began in 1997 and continued almost non-stop until 2007), considering not only short-term effects, but also considering its hold over a mid to long term period and this tourism sector’s attraction for domestic clients.<0}{0>In Italia, infatti, secondo le ricerche condotte da ACNielsen per conto di APC-ANFIA, sono 1.700.000 gli italiani che hanno già provato il viaggio in camper e dichiarano di voler ripetere l´esperienza nei prossimi anni.<}95{>In fact, according to surveys carried out by ACNielsen for APC-ANFIA, 1,700,000 Italians have already experimented a journey in a motorhome and state that they would like to repeat the experience in coming years.<0}
{0>Il parco circolante autocaravan al 31/12/2008 raggiunge le 240.000 unità.<}100{>The number of motorhomes in circulation as of 31/12/2008 was 240,000 units.<0}{0>La flessione registrata in ambito nazionale si riscontra anche sul mercato europeo, seppur con tassi di decremento inferiori.<}100{>The decrease reported at national level is also to be found on the European market, even if with a lower percentage drop.<0}
{0>Secondo la European Caravan Federation (ECF), nel 2008 le immatricolazioni di veicoli ricreazionali motorizzati si attestano a 85.775 unità, segnando un decremento del 5,7% rispetto al 2007, mentre le caravan, con un calo più significativo (- 8,5% rispetto al 2007), scendono a quota 191.250 unità.<}100{>According to the European Caravan Federation (ECF), in 2008 the registrations of recreational motor vehicles totalled 85,775 units, a drop of 5.7% compared to 2007, whereas caravans, with a more significant drop (8.5% compared to 2007), fell to 191,250 units.<0}{0>Se raffrontiamo invece gli andamenti dei due segmenti caravanning in Italia, si conferma anche nel 2008 la predominanza del camper sulla caravan, con un immatricolato autocaravan oltre 4 volte superiore rispetto alle registrazioni di caravan.<}100{>If on the other hand we compare the trends of the two caravanning sectors in Italy, in 2008 there was also a prevalence of motorhomes over caravans, with autocaravan registrations totalling over four times those of caravans.<0}
{0>il mercato caravan mantiene un andamento decrescente nell´ultimo quinquennio, con una chiusura del 2008 a quota 2.550 unità e un calo del 12,2% rispetto al 2007. Infine, guardando alle performance dei leader del mercato europeo nel segmento autocaravan durante l´anno 2008, l´Italia si posiziona al 3° posto preceduta dalla Germania al 2° posto (20.920 immatricolazioni), dalla Francia al 1° posto (21.769), seguita dal Regno Unito al 4° posto (10.099) e, con un netto distacco, dai Paesi Bassi al 5° posto (1.088 unità).<}95{>The caravan market has continued its downward trend over the last five years, ending 2008 at 2,550 units with a drop of 12.2% compared to 2007. Lastly, looking at the performance of the leaders of the European market in the autocaravan sector during 2008, Italy came in third, behind Germany in second place (20,920 registrations) and France in first place (21,769), followed by the United Kingdom in fourth place (10,099) and, lagging far behind, the Netherlands came fifth (with 1,088 units).<0}
{0>Una buona notizia per il settore è arrivata dalla riconferma degli ecoincentivi per gli autocaravan nel decreto legge 5/2009, all´interno delle disposizioni previste per i veicoli commerciali.<}0{>Good news for the sector has come from the reconfirmation of the eco-incentives for autocaravans in Italian decree law 5/2009, in the provisions foreseen for commercial vehicles.<0}
{0>Ammonta a 2.500 euro il bonus dedicato ai veicoli del turismo itinerante, per la sostituzione di mezzi Euro 0, Euro 1 ed Euro 2 (immatricolati entro il 31 dicembre 1999) con nuovi autocaravan Euro 4 ed Euro 5.<}100{>There is a bonus of 2,500 euros dedicated to vehicles for travelling tourism, for the replacement of the following vehicles: Euro 0, Euro 1, Euro 2 (registered before 31st December 1999) with new Euro 4 and Euro 5 class motorhomes.<0}
{0>Secondo APC-ANFIA, gli ecoincentivi al mercato sono un gesto concreto di attenzione nei confronti del turismo itinerante, in un momento non facile per l´economia dei distretti industriali locali.<}98{>According to the APC-ANFIA, the eco-incentives for the market are a concrete sign of attention for travelling tourism, in a period that is not easy for the economy of local industrial areas.<0}{0>Ricordiamo che la realtà produttiva dell´autocaravan, affermatasi nella Val d´Elsa, a cavallo tra le province di Siena e Firenze, ma con stabilimenti dislocati anche in Lazio e in Lombardia, vanta una forza lavoro di oltre 5.000 unità.<}94{>It must be remembered that the motorhome manufacturing trade, established in the Val d’Elsa area, mainly located between the provinces of Siena and Florence, but with factories also located in Latium and Lombardy, has a workforce of over 5,000.<0}
{0>Da non dimenticare che agevolazioni sull´acquisto di autocaravan sono previste anche per i disabili.<}98{>It must also be remembered that facilitations for the purchase of autocaravans are also foreseen for the disabled.<0}{0>Nei casi contemplati dalla legge si applica la detrazione IRPEF del 19%.<}100{>In the cases taken into consideration by the law, there is a 19% detraction of IRPEF.<0}