December 3, 2012
Common Core Professional Development Day - Facilitators’ Guide
Overall Notes:
o The morning PD session is for 2.5 hours, including a 15 minute break. Schools may choose when they begin this session, but should be finished by 11:45 to accommodate lunch and afternoon activities. Lunch for all schools should be from 11:45-12:45.
o Using Formative Assessment to Support Struggling Students is planned for all certified instructional staff (teachers, administrators, counselors, and media coordinators).
o Quarterly Review of Self-Assessment/School Improvement Plan is planned for all staff (certified and classified), as all staff helped develop this plan.
o EC teachers (low incidence teachers and their teacher assistants only) will report to the Maintenance Conference Room from 8:30-3:30. These teachers received an email from Lynn Heath.
o The afternoon session will vary, depending on subject/grade:
o All high school math teachers and eighth grade Algebra teachers should be at the James Kenan High School Media Center by 1:15.
o High school CTE teachers will remain at their respective schools to work on assigned activity per Tarla Smith (NDJS high school teachers report to JKHS by 1:15).
o Middle school CTE teachers will meet at Charity Middle School and should report by 1:15.
o All EC teachers and teacher assistants not involved in the full-day EC workshop will report to Warsaw Middle School by 1:15.
o Media Coordinators will report to the EE Smith Training Lab by 1:15.
o All Art teachers will meet in the East Duplin High School Media Center at 1:15
o All ESLcertified staffwill meet at Warsaw Middle School at 1:15.
o Counselors, Nurses, and Social Workers will report to JSCC in Williams Bldg. Room 100 at 1:00.
o All other certified teachers (not mentioned above) will remain at their respective schools to work individually or within departments on the items outlined in theCommon Core Professional Development Day 3 Activitiesdocument.
o Schools will be responsible for submitting an absentee roster and attendance record form to Mr. Powers and for making up the morning PD for those that miss. For that reason, we recommend that you remind all personnel that this is a mandatory day and hold them accountable for that requirement.
o Extra-curricular activities should not begin before 4:30 on these days.
1. Using Formative Assessment to Support Struggling StudentsPowerPoint(75 min)
o PPT 2 Review learning targets 1 min Go over the steps of writing a learning target. Learning targets guide learning. They describe, in language that students understand, the lesson-sized chunk of information, skills, and reasoning processes that students will come to know deeply. The principal should see these posted in some form when they visit a classroom. Concern has been raised as to how this relates to Essential Questions which we have pushed for some time now. Essential questions are questions that probe for deeper meaning and set the stage for further questioning to foster the development of critical thinking skills and higher order learning. The target is the chunk of learning expected for the day. The essential questions help to bring in the higher order thinking through questioning.
o PPT 3 Review criteria for success 1 min The Criteria for Success helps the student know when I have hit my learning target. They are not means of determining grades for the student. Think of a target. The bull’s-eye, dead center is full mastery of what students aim for and what success looks like after the lesson. The outer rings represent the typical levels of understanding we expect to see as students move closer toward mastery-proficient, basic, or minimal.
o PPT 4 Impact of criteria for success on students 1min Go over these points of the importance of the criteria for success for students to be able to monitor their own learning.
o PPT 5 Pyramid of assessment 1 min Give a brief review of the various types of assessments.
o PPT 6 Activity categorize assessments 10 min Put teachers in groups of 4 and give them a copy of the Assessment Sheet and one Categorizing Sheet. They are to decide which column each assessment best fits under and write the name of the assessment in that column.
o PPT 7 Correct answers (discussion) 1 min Show the correct answers and discuss how this aligns with their choices.
o PPT 8 Read article Formative Assessment use 4 A’S protocol (share) 20 min Give each teacher a copy of the Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom article. Each group should select a facilitator and reporter. Give each teacher a copy of the 4 A’s Protocol. The group should follow the directions on the protocol to read and discuss the article. Call on some of the groups to share with the whole group.
o PPT 9 Handout Formative assessment strategies. Each group list 4 additional Formative Assessment strategies. (Share) 10 min Give each teacher a copy of the formative assessment and test item types. Have the group to review these and come up with 4 additional formative assessments methods to share with the whole group. Call on some of the groups to share.
o PPT 10 Collecting and Documenting Evidence (Handout) 2 min Discuss the importance of collecting and documenting the assessments evidence. Pass out a copy of the Strategies for Collecting and Documenting Evidence.
o PPT 11 Formative Assessment plan Handout of plan 2 min Discuss the importance of every teacher having a formative assessment plan for their lessons.
o PPT 12 Watch two videos on Collecting and Documenting evidence. Elementary example and High School example 8 min Show the two video clips on Collecting and Documenting Evidence. Directions for getting to the clips are on a separate sheet. Have a whole group discussion on how this was done in each video clip.
o Questions 2 min
2. Break (15 min)
3. Quarterly Review of Self-Assessment/School Improvement Plan (60 min)
o Using the submitted School Improvement Plan from your school, choose 4 strategies from the school goal sections. Note: Choose 4 specific strategies that are stretches for your school (i.e. do not choose Parent Report Card Pickups, Attendance Letters, etc.).
o Prior to Dec. 3, write each chosen strategy on chart paper (one strategy per chart). Beside each strategy, maybe on a separate piece of paper, draw the following:
Green Yellow Red
o Post and read each strategy to the staff. If needed, briefly describe each strategy to give all staff members a clear picture of what they are assessing. Tell the staff they will be determining the effectiveness of each strategy using the green, yellow, red T-Chart.
Explain the green, yellow, and red as follows:
Green = Keep going as is and we have the evidence to prove it
Yellow = Keep going or slow down with adjustments
Red = Serious attention needed to get this strategy on track
o Ask the staff to consider these guiding questions (Post questions on SMART board if possible):
1. Are these strategies being implemented effectively? (That is…. Are we getting the results that we intended?)
2. What evidence do we have that suggests these strategies are effective, needs minor adjustments, or needs serious attention?
o Give the staff 5-10 minutes to discuss these strategies/questions at their tables. Stress the importance of having evidence for whatever determination they have for each strategy.
o Give the staff 5-10 minutes to make a mark in the selected column of the T-Chart for each strategy. Each staff member should make a mark for each strategy based on their determination of the strategy’s effectiveness.
o When all staff members have made their mark in the column of their choice, the principal should quickly assess how their staff views current progress with each of the four strategies (i.e. most say the strategy is going well, most say the strategy needs serious attention, or most say the strategy needs minor adjustments.)
o Principal should lead a discussion for each strategy with the following guiding questions (Recommendation… ask someone to document the results of the conversation for all to see and for a record of things to adjust after the meeting):
1. What evidence suggests this strategy is effective, needs minor adjustments, or needs serious attention? (This should be real evidence, not feelings.)
2. If a strategy needs minor or major adjustments, ask….. What do we need to do to make this strategy successful? (consider desired evidence, timelines, and person(s) responsible)
o Note: If the staff determines a strategy needs minor or major adjustments, we strongly encourage you to make the necessary adjustments in your SIP and clearly communicate that to all stakeholders.
Lunch (11:45-12:45)
Curriculum Resources Implementation/Professional Development (12:45-4:00)
The guide below is for all teachers staying at their home schools, except high school CTE teachers:
Most of today’s afternoon activities will be held at your home schools. Teachers have asked for time to process and incorporate the many resources that have been provided to them. We hope this outline of activities with step by step instructions will be helpful to that end. Although these are resources that you may have seen before, they are continually being updated and need to be revisited often. Please take ample time and pay close attention to view these sites. Add comments and/or resources regularly so that they may be revised and improved over time with your valuable input. These activities are designed to be collaborative, therefore, plan to work in your grade level or course specific groups. However, everyone should bring a laptop if possible or have access to a desktop to individually navigate the sites and add resources.
· Duplin County Schools CC/ES Curriculum Resources Site
- Pacing Guides and Curriculum Guides
o Under the Staff tab on Duplin County School’s homepage, click on Teacher Toolbox.
o Click on the icon that says DCS CC/ES Standards – this will take you to our Google resource site.
o Find and click the LiveBinders tab.
o Click on the link to redirect you to
o In the upper right hand corner, type Duplin in the “Search for” box and use the dropdown menu on the second box and select Shelves.
o Find the pacing guide and curriculum guides for your grade level and/or content area.
o Check where you are in relation to the DCS pacing guides. What, if any, adjustments do you need to make to stay on pace?
o Revisit the curriculum guides for your grade level and/or content area for help in understanding and planning upcoming standards.
o Post comments for any revisions you see that are needed. Follow the directions for posting comments as noted in the binder.
- DPI WikiCentral
o Next, go back to the Duplin Resource Site. Find and click the General Resources tab.
o Click the first link for DPI WikiCentral.
o Click the icon on the top row that says NCDPI Wiki.
o This will take you to a page that lists all the content area wikis that DPI has created and continually updates.
o Take some time to see what is there under each content area that you teach.
ü For example, on the Math Wiki, you will find Elementary Resources, Middle School Resources, and High School Resources. Elementary and Middle grades teachers will find a link to their grade level to discover Major Works of the Grade - which standards are major and which standards are supporting – and Lessons for Learning – detailed activities by objective – and other sample units and assessment information. High School teachers will also find Major Works of the Course, Course Sequencing Information, and more.
ü On the English Language Arts Wiki, there is a LiveBinders link on the left that has resources for teachers of all grade levels in regards to Academic Vocabulary, Text Complexity, Text-Dependent Questions, Informational Text and more.
ü On the Science Wiki, K-5 teachers will see a link to resources. 6-8 and High School teachers will see a link for literacy integration. There is also an Accountability link to find EOG/EOC/Common Exam information.
ü On the Social Studies Wiki, Elementary, Middle, and High School teachers will find Sample Units, Assessment Info, Course Sequencing Info, Archived Webinars and more.
ü There are also Wiki pages for Healthful Living, English Language Development, Information and Technology, Arts, World Languages, and Counseling.
- Grade Level and/or Content Area
o Next, go back to the Duplin Resource Site. Find and click the tab across the top that fits your grade level and/or content area.
o You will find that the resources have been organized into folders by standard/objective/unit. Hopefully, this will make this site easier to use – whether looking for resources or adding them.
o Add at least one resource to this site under each area that you teach. Remember that websites are good, but you can also add files of actual lessons, handouts, and PowerPoints, etc. that you have created. (PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR UPLOADED FILE(S))
§ In your content area, click Add File and/or Add Link,
§ Click the check box R beside the newly added file or web link
§ Click Move to button and select the desired folder location, or
§ Select New folder, name the folder, and click the Save button.
o Because there will not be any Common Core Days next year, we need to learn to share our resources electronically.
· Other activities for the afternoon
o Create and schedule your first or next common assessment with the group that will administer it. Grades 3-8 and select high school courses have just had ClassScape training to use as a common assessment tool. Other courses and/or grade levels are also required to do common assessments that will be teacher created. Inform your principal when your first or next common assessment will take place.
o Update your data notebooks if needed. Updated 2012-2013 requirements can be found on the Race to the Top webpage under Data Analysis.
o Plan for the upcoming weeks. Remember to include and label CIF strategies in your lessons.