
"In recent times the energy landscape in Barbados has changed significantly and we expect even greater changes in the coming years.

At The Barbados Light & Power Co. Ltd. (BL&P), we are preparing for our next phase of generation replacement and expansion. We are seeking to do this in a way that will help to achieve the best energy solution for Barbados.

We have decided to embark on an Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Process process to help us determine the optiumoptimum plan to meet customers' short and long-term electricity requirements. This plan will focus on how energy and services can be reliably provided at the least possible cost to customers."

about About the IRP

So what exactly is an IRP
» A long-term expansion plan (20 to 30 years)
» Considers all resources
Electricity generating technologies
Energy efficiency or other measures
which modify consumer demand
» Identifies the 'optimum' electricity expansion plan to meet future national electrictyelectricity requirements in an affordable and reliable manner.

  • FAQ,S


IRP Stakeholders Awareness Meeting Held

An Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) stakeholders Stakeholders Awareness Meeting was held on July 10th 2012.

Click here to access the presentation notes.

Click here for our IRP brochure

Click here for IRP Terms of Reference


Stakeholders Awareness SessionMeeting

Documents and Presentations Related related to the Stakeholder Awareness SessionMeeting
On July 10, 2012, an awareness session meeting was held to inform individuals about the IRP process and how they could participate.

Public Invitation to Stakeholder Awareness MeetingSession

Agenda for Stakeholder Awareness Session

Stakeholder Awareness Presentation

What is the timeframe for submission of the Integrated Resource Plan to the regulator (Fair Trading Commission)?

The target date for submission of the IRP to the FTC is December 2012.

What role is the FTC playing in the IRP process?

° We have shared the Terms of Reference for the IRP with the FTC and are keeping them informed throughout the process.
° The Commission's role in this process is to analyze and make a determination on the appropriateness of the submitted plan.

How will participants' input be used?

° All comments, suggestions and concerns raised by participants will be recorded in a log and responses will be provided to the issues raised. Where appropriate, these will be taken into account in the study. All issues raised and the responses will be included as part of the final report.

How can interested persons participate?

»Interested persons can volunteer to be either an active participant or an Observer.
° Active participant - receive all information related to the development of the IRP; attend all technical conferences; and contribute to the development of the IRP
° Observer - receive updates and information during the development of the IRP and provide written comments where you think appropriate

How will participants' input be used?

° All comments, suggestions and concerns raised by participants will be recorded in a log and responses will be provided to the issues raised. Where appropriate, these will be taken into account in the study. All issues raised and the responses will be included as part of the final report.

What will this study do for the price of electricity?

° The study is seeking to find the best solution for Barbados and it is expected that the resulting plan will be the best one for Barbados, taking into account the available resources and all of the costs and benefits.
° Historically, BL&P has always approached capital expansion on a least cost basis. However, significant fluctuations in world prices of fuel have often masked the efficiency gains of the introduction of new plant and as a result customers may not always recognise the true benefits of these new plant installations.
° The IRP will allow customers and other stakeholders the opportunity to participate in a meaningful way in the decision making process that affects the price they ultimately have to pay for electricity.

What are the plans for financing?

° On completion of the IRP, financial forecasts will be prepared for the approved expansion plan and potential lenders will be invited to submit financing proposals.

Were projections done on our present and / or future load to approximately 2020?

° This is currently in progress. The development of electricity sales and demand forecast scenarios is an integral part of the IRP process. The forecasts will be BL&P's best estimate of future demand for electricity given the impact of customer, demographic, weather and economic factors. Forecasts will be prepared to provide a range of possible high-growth and low-growth load scenarios due to economic uncertainty and weather variability.

Why has BL&P taken so long to get into renewables?

° BL&P has been monitoring renewables for some time. From a centralized perspective wind has been a cost effective technology but it has taken a long time for approval to proceed with the wind project at Lamberts and we are still in discussions with the land owner to finalise arrangements for the use of the land.
° We have been monitoring other technologies and our own solar initiative started over 10 years ago with our first grid tied photovoltaic system being installed at the Seawell Generating Station.
° Two years ago, we started a pilot programme for customer owned PV solar systems to interconnect into our system.
° As the price of PV systems continue to fall and Government is providing incentives to encourage their installation, they are becoming more cost effective for customers to install on their homes. While it may not be appropriate for BL&P to compete directly with other private sector companies to install these on customers’ homes, our parent Company LPH, is working on this option.

What is BL&P's position on renewables?

° Renewables will play an increasingly important role in the energy mix for Barbados in the future and we will continue to work with Government and our customers to find the right energy solutions that will work in the interest of all Barbadians.

key Key dates

July 18th - 2012

Registration of interest by parties desirous of participating

Late July - 2012

Technical conference Conference on Assumptions and Themes

Mid August - 2012

Deadline for written comments and concerns on Assumptions and Themes

August/September - 2012

Modeling and analysis of data and preparation of draft report

September - 2012

Response to Comments comments and Concerns concerns raised on Assumptions and Themes

October - 2012

Technical Conference on results and Draft Report

December - 2012

Submission of 2012 IRP to Regulator


» Best Practices Guide:
Integrated Resource Planning For Electricity

» U. S. Energy Information Administration:
Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Electricity Generation Plants - November 2010

» Department of Energy and Climate Change - Review of the generation costs and deployment potential of renewable electricity technologies in the UK - October 2010

contact Contact

System Planning & Performance Department

The Barbados Light & Power Co. Ltd.

PO Box 142

Bridgetown, St. Michael BB11000


Tel: (246) 626-4481

Fax: (246) 626-4488


System Planning & Performance Department
The Barbados Light and Power Co. Ltd.
PBX: (246) 626-4481
Fax: (246) 626-4488

other Other

Your thoughts and comments are important to us and anyone is welcome to join in the IRP process at any time. You may attend the stakeholders’ meetings when advertised or email us at

You may also contact us by letter, telephone or fax:

You can make known your thoughts and views on the Integrated Resource Planning process by attending any of stakeholder, sending an email to and/or contacting any of the following by phone, email, letter or FAX.

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